Cleaning a Toothbrush Used for Cleaning?
After rinsing off , I put in my dishwasher where the silverware goes separately.
Cleaning a Smelly Freezer?
leave baking soda in several small containers sit in the fridge overnight with door closed & next day also wipe all interior surface with diluted baking soda with water, dry. Kitty litter may help as it its known to absorb odors.
Cleaning a Smelly Freezer?
I have used warm water mixed with baking soda , then rinse & dry. 1 quart of water/1 tablespoon baking soda. I also clean the entire inside with this mixture, great for cleaning & removing odors.
Removing Grape Juice From Dentures?
Try a few drops of bleach or peroxide ina denture size cup mixed with water & soak. Works well for me.
Keeping Pests Out Of The Pantry
Ive used dry bay leaves in my kitchen cupboards for years & it works ! I take the leaves from the container & just throw them in whole.