Glass Top Range Cleaner?
Magic erase and occasionally I use soft scrub-but Im careful not to scrub too hard.
What Breed Is Our Dog?
Was he mixed with smooth coated border collie? Now in the pet stores and online you can find Doggy DNA kits to find out what breed you have, if all else fails. By the way- very cute baby you got there!
Removing Paint and Grout from a Bathtub?
Razorblade: scrape it off, like you are going underneath. It will come off, but do not use corners or you could scratch. I used this when I used to clean apartments.
Covering Windows With Plastic to Reduce Heating Bills?
You could get a tube of window caulk and make sure to seal around the window insides that may be leaking. Also, you could use old quilts (if you dont have them a thrift shop like goodwill or salvation army would), cut them up to the size of the window and you...
Getting Rid of Fleas in the Car?
Safe method.. Pour 1 gallon of water in plastic container. Add 1/4 cup of vinegar. Mix well. Spray it in the car. Leave the doors/windows open till dried out.
Frugal "Nameless" Dinner
This is kinda like Cincinnati Chili. Its usually made without the beans and spiced up like chili.