What to Do With Ceramic Molds?
If you dont want to go to the bother of trying to sell them you can just leave them outside for them to be rained on and such. They are just made of Plaster of Paris and will eventualy disintegrate in the wather.
Identifying a Small Black Biting Bug?
Sounds like bed bugs. They are fairly easy to get. You could have stayed at an hotel or someplace that had them or even been near someone else who has them. They would get into clothes and also suitcases if you happened to stay somewhere that had them.
Baked Potato Peels
This sounds really great. Cant wait to try it the only thing I would add is to remember to wash the potatoes before peeling.
Pamper the Mom, Too?
Like everyone else I think its a great idea. You could give it to her personally , or you could even place the item around her neck as she opens your gift. And yes, be sure to take a picture. It will be a wonderful keepsake for your sister and her child.
Help With Sweaty Palms?
If you feel this is a problem I would take my child to the doctor, either a pediatrician or a dermatologist. In the mean time try using an antiperspirant. one that doesnt have a deodorant. One brand name would be Certin-Dri. I dont think there is a deodorant...
What is This?
That is a tower to put up an antenna for Ham radios or for C.B. radios. I grew up with several of these. They had clubs so that C.B.ers could keep in touch with each other. That way everyone could listen in on conversations and didnt tie up phone lines. Everyone...
Tape Residue on Mirrored Wall?
I use just plain alcohol with a cotton ball or tissue to remove tape residue from many things it works well on scissors too.
Jobs Working with the Elderly?
You could start out by contacting your school distrist. Most have a community services department. and they have opportunities to work with seniors. You could also contact your local senior center.
What Kind of Eggs Are These?
From your discription, it sounds like they might be poached. I used to make these for my husband when he was sick, You get the water to a simmer put your egg in the water and when the yolk and white are to the consistancy you like remove from the water and...
Plumerias - The Hawaiian Lei Flower
We are able to buy cuttings for these lovely flowers every year at the Minnesota State Fair. My husband was able to buy a plant one year and it is still doing well, I have tried the cuttings several times and they dont seem to make it past a few leaves growing...
Lestoil to Remove Gum
I used to use Lestoil to remove grease stains from clothing, Boy did that work great, I lived in the south (Memphis, Tn) when I did this. I now live In Minnesota and cannot find the product. Can anyone help me?