PreCycling: Saving Money While Reducing Waste
I have a co-worker who is long-time e-Bay seller. I shred all my junk mail for him as he is able to use it for cushioning in the packages he mails out to e-Bay buyers! Recycling lives!!!
Bringing Up Young Boys To Become Responsible Husbands And Fathers
Excellent..I have emailed your comments to my daughter...she has my two grandsons: Walter, age 7 & Sam, age 5.
Bringing Up Young Boys To Become Responsible Husbands And Fathers
Thanks for the reminder on Dr. Dobsons book: Bringing Up Boys. I recall hearing about it on the Christian radio station I listen to regularly. At the time, I thought it would be an excellent gift for Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Christmas...thanks again for reminding...
A Guide to Non-Toxic Cleaning
Can you use the concentrated bottled lemon juice or does it need to be a fresh lemon?
Mustard Stain on Shirt?
Will the glycerine solution work on a sweater that has already been laundred and let hang dry?
Representing Colors Biblically?
Jelly Bean Prayer ( RED is for the blood He gave. GREEN is for the grass He made. YELLOW is for the Sun so bright. ORANGE is for the edge of night. BLACK is for the sins we made. WHITE is for the grace He gave...
Ideas for Making My Own Shirts?
A friend and I recently decorated a t-shirt for my 5 year Granddaughter. I purchased large plastic cookies cutters (.50 cents each). Through trial and error, we discovered we could mark on the cookie cutter itself several times with a No. 2 pencil, press it...
Put Toilet Paper in a Tissue Box
Id like to give this a try! I also like the tip on buyer the larger boxes and folding...In the past, I have used my discarded tissue boxes for used dryer sheets and lint from my dryer. When its full, toss it.....
Compare Prices When Buying a Mattress
I compared prices and I bought a new mattress from Sams Wholesale Club: top quality brand-name for the best price.
Use Caution With Online Marketing Research Groups
I am currently researching those opportunities to complete surveys on-line. I discovered this website: which indicates 248 out of 268 sites are scams. They only recommend three sites and each one does cost a fee to join. Are you...