Cute Christmas Present for Boyfriend?
For one anniversary, I gave my husband some type of recipe for love jar. I bought the jar online and I could add little trinkets. But its easy to just make your own! A mason jar cutely decorated, loving quotes or sentiments added and its done. I found a few...
Be an Encourager
That reminds me of the movie Patch Adams and his experiment of trying to make people smile. And my own experience. I was just going about my business, being my normal self as a cashier one day many years ago and helped an older woman. After I was done with...
Link: Play Online Games That Donate To Charities
Great idea to post! I already partake on The Animal Rescue Site, but for all you animal lovers, theres a great site (and sister site) that Mimi, a young girl, created that you can click daily to contribute kibble to dogs and cats. And you also learn fun trivia...
Use Shampoo As Body Wash
I havent thought of using this shampoo as body wash, but I do use it as a shaving cream in the shower. Works beautifully and so much cheaper than what youd buy in the can. My legs are always soft after I use it. Great tip!
Hair Conditioner for Shaving Your Legs
This is a wonderful tip! I have been doing this for years after I had seen the tip in a teenager magazine. Its cheap and it works great! I also have no problems using it under my arms.
Use Popcorn as Packing Material
Oh, this brings back memories of an old job... One lady came in to mail her package and used popcorn, but dont make her mistake -- dont use the buttered variety! As she was stuffing the envelope, it became all buttery and she ended up mailing it that way. Gross...
Save Wear on Your Shredder
Thats an awesome idea! Thanks! After we moved, I unpacked my office and used my new shredder -- a LOT. And did it get tired! Thanks again for the tip!
Mock Ice Cream Sandwich
This sounds lovely! To the point of adding different flavors, how about adding juice from strawberries? Sounds delish!
Dog Food Brand Recommendations?
I thought we were feeding our first dog good, healthy food, but when we went to adopt our second dog, I found out from the rescue group that the food wasnt quality. When you feed a quality food, the dog will poop less, and their vet visits will be cheaper because...
Fruit Bread
I have maybe a dumb question. Is that baking soda the recipe calls for or really just any kind of soda, like soda pop? Thanks. Editors Note: Im sure its baking soda.
Recommendations for a Steam Mop?
I also bought a Shark Steam mop, mine from Bon-Ton. I honestly didnt look at any other mops. I had seen the infomercial a long time ago for this mop, but didnt want to spend the money on it. Then two coworkers each bought one and they had me sold for sure. Its...
Keeping a House With Pets Clean?
We have a dog that doesnt shed and another who does. I got the Furminator ( as a gift for the dog that sheds. Check out the website. If your dogs are small, maybe you could purchase the smallest one. This deshedding tool...
Buying a Secondhand Laptop?
Ive heard that mini laptops, called netbooks, are like the new wave of laptops, but they are less expensive, smaller, have not as big operating systems, but are perfect for certain groups of people who dont need as much. Ive seen netbooks listed for around...
Is My Son a Vegetarian?
I can relate to your son in the way he will eat poultry and a burger from McDonalds but not one made at home. I also (and have for years) picked the meat out of spaghetti sauce. I agree it could be a texture issue he has. While Im not a vegetarian to the full...
Apple Cider for Acid Reflux?
Yes, I have. I am a technician in a pharmacy and one of my coworkers had the same problem of reflux. When she told us shed read online that this worked and she was trying it, we all thought she was crazy. But she claimed it actually worked. She also was not...
Breeding a Shih Tzu?
Like the other posters before me, I am also against this because of the reasons previously mentioned. But if you are still considering breeding, I urge you to read this article first:
Using AAA When Keys Are Locked In the Car?
Ive had to call AAA twice to unlock my car, which does have power windows. Both times I was in different cities, so different contracted companies came out and neither mentioned to me about any possible damage. And no damage occured.