Line Wastebasket with Plastic Wrap
I do the same but so many areas are trying to ban the plastic bags. I think they should ban the people that dont dispose of them properly! :-)
Growing Honeysuckle As Standard
Very interesting! I love to learn stuff like this. I have a honeysuckle bine and just took the growing habit for granted. Now Ill be more aware and look a bit more closely at other vines...thanks.
Cardboard Tube Wreath
Your wreath is just darling! Im going to try it myself, although I am not very good at crafting. Your directions make it look easy and are very clear, thanks for the pictures.
Dealing With Telemarketers
I LOVE nomorobo! It works great and I especially appreciate it at election time.
What Is This Houseplant?
Yes, that is a coleus. I love them, they come in so many differrent color combinations. Usually the flowers are just picked off as they are not significant, the beautiful leaves are the main attraction. Many people can snip off a stem ( or several )and put...
Eliminating Underarm Odor?
I have Arm & Hammer in my medicine cabinet right now and also Degree. I bought them while they were on sale to try them. I wont buy A&H again because it doesnt work well for me either. I am much happier with Degree, and will buy it again. Try a different brand...
Effects Of Pollen Transfer Between...
This year, for the first time in my life, I planted cucumbers in containers next to the containers in which I planted watermelons. To me, this says they have never planted them next to each other before.
What Is This Houseplant? (Golden Pothos)
It is actually a golden pothos, and its very good for purifying indoor air.
Adding an Electrical Plug to Outdoor Light Fixture?
I use a light socket adapter. It screws into the light socket and then accepts two prong light strings. Look in the electrical aisle of a hardware store. About $4.00.
Adding an Electrical Plug to Outdoor Light Fixture?
Youre welcome, Marlena! Thriftyfun is such a good place to get tips from other members.
Hot Glue Basket Bowl
This is so fantastic! Im going to make one. I bet different shape containers would work too. Thank you for the great idea :-)
Homemade Marmalade
That sounds sooo good! And it is something I could actually do ;-) Im definitely going to do this. Thank you
Repairing Cat Scratched Couch
I too wondered what was going to change for Mario when he started tearing up the beautiful job you did. People suggesting water sprays or loud noises to discourage Mario probably have never had a cat. Cats are smart and wait until you are not around to do what...
Smoke Detector Won't Stop Chirping?
My alarm has been chirping lately too and I noticed low temperature sets it off. If I turn the heater on, the alarm goes quiet until the next morning when the temperature again gets low.
Squirrels Digging in Flower Pots?
I wonder if a couple layers of rocks would help. The rocks, about the size of quarters, would let water through to water the plants but wouldnt be great for burying the peanuts. Of course, this would be for plants that are already growing, not for seedlings...
Best Litter for Controlling Cat Urine Odor?
Ive started using stall pellets.....they are wood chips compressed into pellets and have many different brand names. I get them at a farm/feed store, they may be elsewhere as well. They start out as pellets but as the kitty uses the litter box, the pellets...
What Are These Houseplants? (Kalanchoe)
Im pretty sure the pink one is a gloxinia. There are many different types, some with larger blooms, some with double and some with single blooms.
Look Like a Million for $2.50
What a great story! Im so happy for you. It pays to think ahead, doesnt it! I hope you have a wonderful time at the party.
Veggie Monsters
These little guys are sooo cute! You are really creative. Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas.
Substitute Pumpkin For Eggs in Baking
Maybe freeze the remaining pumpkin in 1/4 cup portions to use in the next recipe that pumpkin would be a suitable egg substitute.
Toilet Paper Roll Fall Lantern
That is SO cute. Very Fall and woodsy, my favorites. I see there are now brighter battery candles and I will get some to make little lanterns for myself. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration.
Cleaning Polyester Work Shirts?
If you are replying to likekinds, it specifcally stated NON-chlorine bleach. I think most of us know not to combine ammonia and chlorine bleach by now but perhaps your comment was just to inform others.
Coiled Rag Bowl
Just beautiful! I love the colors you chose and the flower just sets it off perfectly.
Stepmother Gives Me Used Gifts Every Christmas?
I saw this same question recently on Carolyn Hax or Dear Abby or one of those sites. I think though it was the mother in law in that case giving the bent broach. Are you going from site to site to get sympathy or what?
Do Different Vegetables "Cross"?
Dinah, all vegetables are not fruits, for example carrots, and cabbage. Only vegetables that contain seeds are fruits, like tomatoes and cucumbers and green peppers.
Easter Lily Droopy and Leaves Brown?
Lilies are bulbs and once they bloom, they die back every year. That is probably what is happening. Daffodills do the same. You can dig up the bulbs and store them to plant again in the fall or leave them and they will come up next Spring.
Domesticating A Wild Flower
It looks to me like a Dianthus... or common name of Pinks. I have several that are red/white varigated flowers, some just all red. They come in many colors, sort of like a mini-carnation. Very nice bloomer and hardy so you could be right that they are from...
Growing Annuals in Containers?
As for the idea of using yogurt containers, do you mean the quart container? I dont think the individual containers would be big enough. Even using the quart containers, only one/two plants per container I would think would be the limit, so they have room to...
Sheets as Shade Cloth
I think this is a great idea. Ive been thinking of doing something similar for a window facing west that just gets too much sun in the summer. Ill get a few yards of inexpensive muslin so the neighbors wont have to look at patterned sheets. For your purpose...
Paper-Covered Clothespins
So pretty! I use clothes pins here and there and never thought of making them pretty as well as useful. Thanks for the great idea :-)
Use Floss Threader to Thread Your Needle
This is a great idea, thank you! Im using those little metal/wire things now...not very good at all. I even have some of these floss threaders so will be trying one soon. Im going to put one in my sewing basket right now before I forget.
Choosing a Paint Color?
I think I would like a light, warm olive green. With the beautiful view out the windows of the trees, Id continue the green inside but a warmer shade. With a few olive accents like tea towels, tea kettle, I think the gray counters would be ok.
House Training a Rescue Dog?
How would you like to be stuck in a crate? Pets are not toys that you can just put away in a box when you are tired of playing with them. I commend you for having the compassion to adopt the poor dog but maybe a different home would be best if you can not let...
Save Electricity with LED Bulbs
Joan, you are thinking of CFLs. THEY are the bulbs with the mercury. LEDs do not have mercury.
Growing Wax/Fibrous Begonias In Winter
I love these little plants too. In fact I have a frost killed one in my garage right now (January) and will cut it back and bring it in to see if it will come back. Thanks for the great info.
Repairing a Lampshade?
Can you simply remove the inside plastic and save the outside? If not, there are many wonderful fixes for lampshades. Google lampshade repair.
Tomato Plant Not Setting Fruit?
It may be due to the heat. Some heritage tomato plants are fussier than others.
What is This Plant?
It is Senna obtusifolia, called sickle pod. Major pest in agriculture, considered one of worst weeds.
Rubbing Alcohol as Eyeglass Cleaner
I use 1/2 water, 1/2 vinegar to clean mine and the coatings seem fine.
Use Ice Scraper for Cleaning
I had to laugh about getting distracted on the computer! It happens to me all the time. I think I will only be two minutes and it ends up 30 ;-) Glad it turned out ok and I like your tip about the scaper for cleaning.
Using the Last of the Clorox 2
I add water to the empty bottle, swish it around and measure out double the amount I usually use, due to it being diluted. I can sometimes add a bit more water, and get even another load of clothes clean.
Easy and Secure Password Management
Ill check out the website you mentioned. With all the security breaches now days, I think it would be worthwhile. Some of my websites I may not need or use the automated passwords but for my bank account, credit card account, Amazon account and some others...
Getting Rid of Black Medic Weed?
Isnt that stuff awful! It can really take over. If you use something like a granular Weed and Feed, it will fertilize the grass and kill the broadleaf weeds in the lawn. There are also sprays that will only kill weeds, not the lawn. Find them in a garden center...
Dental Floss to Thread Sewing Needles
I think she means the dental floss threaders can also be used to thread sewing needles. You can buy floss threaders where you buy dental floss, it is used to get dental floss under dental bridges. Ive tried it but most of my sewing needles have a small eye...
Water Stain on Oak Table?
Did you see all the other posts on the same issue? Lots of good ideas. Using toothpaste (not gel) mixed with baking soda sounds like it might work, or maybe the magic eraser. Both should be quite abrasive and then try the mayo or a furniture oil/cleaner like...
Foul Smell in the House?
How awful. I dont have a suggestion or even a guess of what it could be but you sure have my sympathy.
Treating a Rash in Skin Folds?
I have two suggestions, one that redhatterb has already mentioned. I have found that A&D ointment (for diaper rash) is good for many minor skin problems, from rashes to scratches. I am in my 60s but just discovered it a few years ago and now always have a tube...
Repairing a Sisal Wrapped Cat...
Thanks for this great tip.... and the step by step instructions. Im going to try it. I bought one of those cardboard scratching pads and even put a bit of catnip on it, but my kitty prefers his posts.
Getting Rid of Tiny Biting Black Bugs?
I feel so sorry for you, having those bugs. Maybe they are mites? Ive read that thorough vacuuming of carpet, drapes, mattress and washing all bedding in hot water should get rid of them, but you may have to do the whole process a few times to get them all...
No-Sew Fleece Scarf
The fleece at the store was 60 wide, she used an eight inch strip of that 60 material, which made the scarf 60 inches long and 8 inches wide.
Tie Blankets
I tried to post some pictures from the web but couldnt get it to work so here is a link to a how-to page.
Getting Rid of Spiders?
I dont care how beneficial spiders are, they scare me silly. Ive been find huge ones in my home in the past year and have been sleeping with the light on. Im thinking of trying a bug bomb.
Shower Drain Clogged?
I had a similar problem, finally called the plumber. There were tree roots getting into the sewer line, he cleared them out.
Wedding Centerpiece With a Live Fish?
I agree with Louise B. The fish is a living creature. Are you just going to toss it after the wedding? Not nice.
Stopping My Couch Cushions From Sliding
hry420 said she had tried matting, it didnt work. Instead of giving up, she found something that does work for her. Good job!
Poem: "A Night Without the Internet"
Sandi, great poem! I love it. I, too, feel bereft without my computer. Good for you, leaving Comcast. I dont have your fortitude but wish I did. Maybe one more raise in the rates will convince me to try another option ;-)
Potted Plants Beautify Your Home Entry
Really pretty and colorful! It would be a pleasure to come home to this.
Shampoo for Oily Hair?
I agree with Pepper. I dissolve baking soda with hot water and add it to a bottle of shampoo that is partially used, so there is room to add the soda solution. Usually about 2 tablespoons of soda with 1/4 cup of water works for me. I shake the bottle of shampoo...
Nature in a Jar
Very nice! I have some little things that Id like to display and your idea would work beautifully. Thanks!
Removing Cigarette Odor from Books
What a great tip! Im going to try it. I just had a book from the library that I was really looking forward to reading but it was so stinky that I was gagging the whole time. Next time that happens, I will run for the blow dryer!
Dryer Sheets Contain Toxic Chemicals
I recently saw a tip using dryer sheets.... using them on a wet dog to make it smell good. Made me angry to think people are doing this. So many tips are not safe to use.
Shopping for Kraft Olive Pimento Cheese Spread?
I cant find it either. Lynda in 2011 was looking for it too. Maybe they discontinued it. I tried the link but got nowhere. Could be that I need another cup of coffee, though, to wake up. ;-)
Tea Light Snowman
So cute! I have a couple extra tea lights, Im going to make snowmen. Thank you for the great idea ;-)
Bleach Stain on Colored Formica Countertop?
Bleach does not leave a stain, it removes color. Possibly applying some kind of stain or dye could restore a bit of color?
Use Staple Remover to Add Keys to Ring
Thank you! Ive always hated to try to pry apart the key ring. I tried using different items like a nail file but the staple remover looks like it will really work.
Blondie No-Bake Cookies
It isnt very informative when ingredients are given as one bag or one can. Most recipes give best results with specific amounts, as in cups or ounces.
Sending a Fax By Computer?
You no longer need a printer to send a fax. Here is a link to some info. There are other sites about faxing from your computer, just google them.
Coca-Cola Cake
This is the standard recipe for Coca cola cake, although there are other versions of the frosting.
Cheap Doggie Poop Bags
I just happened to find these bags too. They are great. I use them when I scoop the litter box and for wet garbage in the kitchen. I dont have a disposal, drat! Thanks for reminding me. I am going to get about a half dozen more boxes today while they are still...
Treating Poison Ivy?
I use hot water. I got it on my hands one year and found a site on the web that recommended hot water to ease the itch. I hold my hand under the faucet, running hot water, (not burning hot, of course). The hot water releases the histamines that cause the itching...
Getting Rid of Fleas?
Your pet didnt ask to have fleas, it was probably as upset to have them as you were. Pets are not toys, to be shoved in a crate when you are tired of them or gotten rid of when they get fleas. All in all, it was probably a good thing you no longer have the...
Making Dry Shampoo from Baby Powder and Baking Soda?
At the top of the Thrifty Fun page is an orange bar. Click on Browse. From there you have lots of options. Search Thrifty Fun for past tips or comments on Thrifty fun. They even have helpful tips of how to phrase your search words. Try dry shampoo with the...
Pot People (The Path Garden)
Just darling! I might have to try my hand, but I know they wont be as cute as yours.
Remedies for Heel Pain?
Not everyone can afford to go to the doctor. I had heel pain and at that time, I had medical insurance so could go. I no longer have that luxury. Heel pain MAY be heel spurs but could very well be plantar fasciitis. Mine was. Doing simple exercises took care...