Using a Back Scratcher to Retrieve Dropped Items
I do this too Peggy. It is great to reach the spices that are to high too. My mom puts double sided tape on the end to reach tricky items as well. God bless. Trish in CT
Get Every Bit Out Of The Lotion Bottle
Great solution to an aggravating problem. I figured out how to get the last bits from tubes, like Eileen said. But the thick plastic bottles are another story. I usually resort to putting it upside down & tapping it hard on the counter, this works pretty well...
Save Electricity By Installing Indoor Solar...
Wow, that is a great idea, baxter. I have a three season room where this application might be appropriate. God Bless, Trish in CT PS: One night when the power went out my son came home & grabbed one of the solar garden stakes to find his way in. Though not...
Basil Salad Dressing
I have lots of fresh basil in the garden, cant wait to try this! Thanks & God Bless. Trish in CT
My Hair is Getting Darker in the Sun?
I have three sisters with blonde hair. I have noticed over the years that they have darkened to a deeper blonde & in one case a medium brunette. I think its kind of the norm for blonde hair to darken as you age. My mom, on the other hand has developed a combination...
How to Grow Marigolds
I love Marigolds! They give you a lot of bang for the little time & effort you have to put into them. I love them so much that my 13 year old beagle is named Marigold. God Bless. Trish in CT
Photo: Watching Fireworks
Wow, what a great picture! With the brightness from the fireworks it looks like a daytime shot. Thanks for sharing. God Bless. Trish in CT
Crisco Shortening and Honey Make a Great Lip Balm
Love this idea! Cant wait to try it out tonight. God Bless. Trish in CT
Sunscreen Reapplication at Day Camps
Wow, I am SO sorry to hear this happened to your children. My son worked for our towns beach camp for several years. And it was the camps policy not to allow the counselors reapply sunscreen, it was in their contract. Parents were to send sunscreen with the...
Use A T-shirt As A Pillow Case
Great tip! Thanks for sharing, I have been in this pickle a couple of times & wish I knew. God Bless. Trish in CT
How Do I Stop Taking Prescription Sleep Medications Safely?
Just make sure the pills you are taking are not time release; time release pills should neerv be cut. Always check with your doctor before changing (increasing/decreasing) your meds. God Bless. Trish in CT
Pool Noodles As Safety Bumpers
Wow, now that was using your noodle! (Pun intended:) I love to see how people re-purpose items & this is a great usage. Thanks for sharing. God Bless. Trish in CT
Caring for Acrylic Nails?
For the past several months I have been getting a shellac manicure. Its more affordable than acrylic, but more expensive than a regular manicure & lasts two to three weeks. I would still wear gloves with or without a manicure. You really want to protect your...
Shopping for XL and XXL Storage Bags?
Have you tried the over sized bags from ziploc? I recently used them for a car trip & they were great! Very strong & stuff-able, however they are not vacuum sealed so do not shrink. They also have flexible totes. Not sure how much they cost, I got two boxes...
Shopping for XL and XXL Storage Bags?
I forgot to mention that I have tried many brands of the vacuum seal type bags you are talking about. They tear easily & the zippers are just impossible & I have yet to go it the attic to find one still un-inflated. God Bless. Trish in CT
WD-40 For Lawn Mower
30 or more years ago when my husband volunteered to mow my moms lawn, he had a similar problem. When he asked for a can of WD-40, she produced a can of PAM vegetable spray & it saved the day. It may not have been appropriate for continual use but it sure worked...
Emergency Container for Carsick Kids
When my oldest son was a child he could not look at a moving car (or plane or without losing his lunch. I kept a square bucket from an old dehumidifier in the car for years. It was flat bottomed & the square shape kept it from moving around too...
Line Baking Pans With Aluminum Foil
I do this too, Nina. I really pride myself on being thrifty & not wasting. BUT, this has always been my wasteful little secret. lol. Not being a fan of scrubbing pans myself, so I line all the baking sheets with foil when using BQ sauce or other sticky ingredients...
Cucumber and Watermelon Salad
Sounds delicious & refreshing! With the exception of the cilantro, it has all my favorite ingredients that are on hand. Thanks for sharing. God Bless. Trish in CT
Small Tile for Message Board
This is very sweet, what I wonderful way to get your I Love You(s) in for the day. God Bless. Trish in CT
Makeshift Kitchen Shelf
Great idea! Especially for someone in an rented place that does not want to invest a large amount of money on another persons property. God Bless. Trish in CT
Getting the Last of the Butter From Tub
What a good idea! Thanks for sharing, I hate to waste even the tiniest bit of anything! lol God Bless. Trish in CT
My Frugal Life: Composting Indoors
Thanks so much for sharing, Jill. I have often contemplated starting a worm bin, but the ewww factor has always kept it at bay.I have seen offers on FreeCycle in my area for start up worms, I think this is something i will try this fall. Thanks & God Bless...
Laundry Basket For Car Clutter
I have been using laundry baskets in this manner for years. And you are right, they are handy receptacles for most anything from groceries to recycling. Nobody is surprised NOT to see laundry when I bring the basket in. lol God Bless Trish in CT
Fixing up a Viewless Window
Great idea & great job! Thanks for sharing the photos it makes it so much more easy than trying to imagine it. God Bless Trish in CT
Removing Stains From Toilet Bowl
Wow, Elaine, I never thought to suck all the water out! I dont have a shop vac, but I do use a mop type toilet bowl cleaner which I plunge & it gets down pretty low. (
Organic Solutions for Powdery Mildew
Thanks for the great info. Powdery mildew is an enemy I fight with every growing season. From flowers, to vines, to vegetables. God Bless Trish in CT
Spray Bottle With Diluted Dish Soap
What a great idea! I love frugal tips! Thanks for sharing. God Bless, Trish in CT
Reuse Mylar Balloons as Gift Wrapping
Great idea! They usually get ditched when they deflate, now they wont! God Bless. Trish in CT
Make Stickers Out of Free Address Labels
I do the same thing. I also have used them for the tape on gift packages & as the tape to hold labels on in the freezer or pantry containers. I have more unwanted address labels that I could use in a life time.
Denture Tablets for Toilet Cleaning
When cleaning out my moms bathroom cabinet I came across an old packet of denture tabs. Rather than toss them I popped two in the toilet & was pleasantly surprised how well they worked even in cold water. Now I use them all the time between cleanings & they...
Recapper for 2-Liter Plastic Bottles?
Not sure if this is what you are talking about. I saw them at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Hope this helps. God Bless. Trish in CT
Getting the Last Drop Out of Body Wash and Other Containers?
Hi, Betty. I would start by gathering all the containers & letting them sit for a bit, cap side down in the kitchen sink. Then using a funnel in one bottle sit each bottle on top for 20 -30 mins, just let gravity do the work. You will be surprised just how...
Cleaning Ziptop Plastic Bags
Wow, never thought to put them in the washer. I have been washing and reusing Ziploc bags for years. I just wash and rinse them in the sink with the dishes. I have a small line on my screen porch and hang them to dry there. I find if I turn them inside out...
Use a Pot as Hose Hanger
Yeah, it looks crazy! Crazy awesome! Love the idea thanks for sharing. God Bless. Trish in CT
Chill Counter Before Rolling Out Cookie Dough
Great tip! Thank you, fossil1955. I am the worlds worst cookie baker! lol I dont think I have ever had a batch come out good. I would appreciate any other tips, I like to bake from scratch, but usually stick to breads, pies & muffins. God Bless, Trish in CT
Dryer Sheet Air Freshener
@KraftyKaren This is a great idea & I used to do something similar with my canister vacuum cleaner until I discovered how bad these products are for my familys health & the environment. (Not to mention the headaches perfumes cause me). Personally, I do not...
Make a Wind Chime with Old Beads and...
Love this! Thanks for sharing the pic to bring it all together in my mind. God Bless, Trish in CT
Reuse Zipper Pouches
Great recommendation, Becca. I use them for everything you mentioned & then some. When my kids were small they were perfect for all the parts to games, legos, little people, etc Also great for holding craft items, you can see what is what at a glance. I have...
Uses for Fan Parts
Excellent reuse of an item, nekocat! Thanks so much for sharing. God Bless Trish in CT
Reuse Salt Pour Spout With Canning Jars
What an excellent idea! Thanks so much for sharing with us! Generally, I put the box of salt directly into a canning jar as I do with a lot of products. I like to see at a glance what I have & how much. This will make dispensing items so much easier. Now, I...
Saving Money on Baking Soda
Great idea! I usually use a Parmesan container but I find that the holes tend to clog. Cant wait to get a couple of empty creamers from my moms recycling bin. God Bless. Trish in CT
A Garbage Bag Dispenser
Great idea, thanks for sharing & including a pic, it helps a lot. God Bless. Trish in CT
Use Baggie Instead of Funnel
Great idea & I love your reuse of storage container. God Bless. Trish in CT
Tape Manual to Back of Appliance
Great tip! Thanks for sharing. I am sure most us know that you did not mean for us to cover any vents, etc. Thanks for sharing. God Bless. Trish in CT
Use Cloth Napkins Instead Of Paper
Linex~ You will find the more you use them you will wonder how you ever did without?! I have been paper product free (except for TP) in my home for over 25 years. Some of my cloth napkins that I still use are from the beginning. lol I have about four dozen...
Organizing Jewelry With Ice Cube Trays
What a great idea, NatashaLee. I have been using the large Sunday through Saturday pill holders for a long time. But, this method seems so much easier, you can see everything at a glance. Thanks for sharing. God Bless Trish in CT
Use The Other Side Of Swiffer Pads
You can also shake them outside & then toss them in the wash. I have not bought new swiffer pads in years. As far as wet pads, I use old tube socks, cut lengthwise, tuck them in the holes terry side out. They work great & can be washed & used again as well...
Paper Towel Tube for Tong Storage
Great idea! Both of the tongs I have have locking mechanisms but they never seem to stay tight enough and when I put them in the utensil crock, they always catch on everything. I am sure I have room in my draw for a paper towel tube, and they may both fit in...
Reuse T-shirts for Hand Rags
I do this as well & love it. The way I look at it, is you would have just thrown the raggy things away anyway. This way they get one more life before they are tossed. The rags I use for general cleaning get tossed in the wash with the towels and get reused...
Save Toiletries When Staying at Hotels
If you do not have any small soaps for company, you can do what I do. We do not share bar soap in our house, so when I have company who will only be here one or two days, I slice a slab off of a new bar for them to use. This way I can throw it our when they...
Uses for Recycled Zip Lock Bags
I reuse mine also, but usually for food :-) A half of a pepper or onion, stay well in them. But, not I will think of other uses :-) Thanks for the tips. Gods Blessings Trish in CT
Use the Sun to Whiten Linens
I hang clothes all year round & am a big fan of it. I wonder why the winter sun is best for bleaching? Many times I have come across a mildewed towel & hung it in the sun. Nine times out of 10 the mildew was gone by the time I brought it in. Then i just washed...
Color Coordinated Totes for Storing Holiday Items
Great idea for finding things at a glance. Trish in CT
Use Bread Ties to Secure Christmas Lights
I was just thinking of posting the same thing! lol I use them to hold on the red wooden bead garland that I use instead of tinsel, works great. Merry Christmas! Trish in CT
Instant Reproduction Artist
Wow, what an awesome idea. I can pretend that I am talented! Lol. God Bless. Trish in CT
Canning Jars for Blending
I have seen this on line a few times. But, I always wonder, dosent everything fall out when you are putting the jar on or removing the jar? Or do you turn the blender & jar over before removing? Thanks for the help. Trish in CT
Use Fabric Paint to Create Non-slip Surfaces
Great idea. I will be using this for my mom, she slips a lot. It could be put on almost anything, like the back of the remote for instance, to keep it from sliding off the bed. God Bless Trish in CT
Use Stickers to Change Greeting Cards
Great idea & VERY thrifty! Thanks for sharing. God Bless Trish in CT
Use Your Oven Rack for Perfect Bread Slices
What a clever tip! Thanks so much for sharing. I am known in my home to have a crooked will be a great help. Gods Blessings. Trish in CT
Dehydrate Extra Summer Squash
Wow, what a great way to use all the extra squash I have in the yard. Thanks for the tip! I love ThriftyFun! God Bless Trish in CT
Control Soap Dispensing Amount With a Rubber Band
What en excellent tip! I am forever trying to half pump & always get more than I need. Thanks so much for sharing this simple yet effective idea. Gods Blessings to you Trish in CT
Reusable Cotton Menstrual Pads
Great post, Chayil. I have been using homemade menstrual/incontinence pads for about a year now. And would never want to go back to paper pads again. I only wish I had discovered this 20 years ago! I made mine from flannel & they are so comfortable. I am only...
Cereal Bags to Store Ham
Another great idea for cereal bags, thank you. I save all mine too. Some are big enough to put a small casserole in, the possibilities are endless. I love being thrifty! God Bless Trish in CT
Holiday Decorations for Your Table
Wow, Susan, what a GREAT idea. I cannot wait to try it for children & adults alike. God Bless. Trish in CT
Recycle a Spiral Christmas Tree as a Trellis
Great idea! One of ours pooped out this year, now I know what to do with it. Thanks & God Bless, Trish in CT
Thrifty Liquid Dishwashing Soap Dispenser
It looks so much better than the detergent bottle on the sink, doesnt it? I also have a pretty pump for hand lotion near by so I can moisturize after doing the dishes. God Bless Trish in CT
Maytag Neptune Stopped Spinning?
I had the same machine...nothing but trouble. I spent more on repairs, I wish I had just dumped it after the first repair. Out first Maytag was 18 years old before we replaced it. When we bought the Neptune the salesperson said dont expect more than 10 years...
Cloth Invasion: Use Fabric instead of Paper
I have been using cloth exclusively napkins for about 21 years now. Hankies for about six, rags for paper towels for about two years now. I am so thrilled with the lack of waste. I save threadbare rags to cleanup yucky messes like cat barf & just throw them...
Recycled Can for Filling Freezer Bags
My mom always says, Necessity is the mother of invention. And this is proof of it :-) Thank God my mom taught me how to think out of the box like this. Thanks for the tip! I can sure use this when filling my vacuum sealer bags. Have a great day! Trish in CT...
Rotate Your Sponges
My sister uses handi wipes. Yellow is dishes, blue counters, pink get the idea. Personally I do not use sponges, I never think they can get clean enough to use again, but that is my own personal thought, not to say it is true. I use dish rags for...
Minced Garlic vs. Fresh?
Since I grow garlic in my garden, I generally use fresh. I have used the jar garlic, but dont find the taste to be as yummy as fresh. Try growing your own, it is easier than you could imagine. Trish in CT
Maple Seedling: So, This is How They Grow
Thanks so much for sharing! I have pulled hundred of oak seedlings over the years, but have never seen a maple seedling like this. Trish in CT 6/26/08 6:21pm
Using Grass Clippings That Have Weed Killer On Them?
I have been using grass clippings as mulch in my veggie garden for many years. While we have changed to organic weed & feed products over the years, I have always done this. Generally, we wait until the lawn has been cut twice before adding to our garden, to...
Quilting By Strips
Wow, something that I might actually be able to do! Thanks so much for sharing. Trish in CT
Cleaning Gardening Pots Before Replanting
Lisa. I put together a LOT of garden pots each year. And even though the garden center will tell you not to reuse the soil, I could never afford to buy that much each year. So what I do is tap out the soil from each pot into a wheelbarrow or some other large...
Cat Is Dragging Laundry Around House?
My cat carries around a rabbit foot key chain & makes the same sad howling sound. I figure it is some sort of hunting instinct. He also howls like that when my hubby leaves for work at 11:pm. I always thought it was a way of mourning his absence, they are crazy...
Towels That Recommend "Avoid Contact With Skin Treatment Products"?
My sons ProActive acne solution did this to the towels & the collers of his shirts. Trish in CT Friday 5/16 6:53pm
Looking For Peacevine Tomato Plants?
Try this site Trish in CT
Growing Tomatoes In Black Plastic Bags
Here is a link for tomatoes in buckets Trish in CT
Use Paper Towels To Sow Small Flower Seeds
Wow, what a great idea. Now I will actually be able to see the tiny seeds I plant & maybe my rows will be straight! lol . Thanks for the tip. I was thinking of making seed tape, but this seems like it will work just as well. Trish in CT
Homemade Skeleton Costume
Love this. I did this for my son who is now 20, when he was four. I used white felt squares to make the bones, it was an awesome costume, I actually have saved it. I also used those 99c black fingered gloves & made bone fingers, so cute. Easy, cheap & a great...
Changeable Bumper Sticker Plates
Great idea, Trish. I cant use them in CT thought :-( CT requires plates on the fron t & back. Trish in CT
Fabric Pumpkins
Wow, Tracy, this is adorable & you make it look so easy. Thanks so much for sharing with us, I am going to try one tomorrow. Trish in CT
Update and Print Personal Medical History
Great idea, Linda. I have a similar set up for my mom. The only thing I would leave out is my SSN & drivers license number. With so much identity theft going on, I would worry about one of those copies getting into the wrong hands while at the doctors office...
Use Newspaper To Absorb Spills
Recently, I have been on a mission trying to get my family & myself to cut back on paper towel usage. While I have been using cloth napkins for years, the paper towel was still on the counter. First I started by putting the roll in a less convenient place, like...