Buying Sweet Gum Balls?
Why buy them? Find someone with a sweet gum tree in their yard and Im sure they will let you take all you want. I have 2 in my yard and I would love for someone to come get them. They are a pain in the butt. lol.
Getting Mascara Off Without Burning Eyes?
I dont wear makeup often but when I do I use baby shampoo (Johnsons)to remove my eye makeup. I have never had any problems with it burning my eyes. Make sure you use a good brand though, because I have used a generic brand that did burn.
What Kind of Animal Could Have Gotten Into My Cellar?
It sounds like a hedge hog to me,I think they may be related to a porcupine (smaller though) but not sure. You didnt say where you live, Im not sure if hedge hogs are in the U.S.A. or not but I do know that they live in the wild in Great Britan U.K.
What Can I Use as a Bed for a Visiting Infant?
You can use a rectangular or oval laundry basket if the baby isnt too big.
Voldo (Mix Dog)
To cookwie: Voldos mother is part wolf from what we were told .Yes he is very pretty, he is a large dog weighing around 120 lbs.I am 5 ft 2 and with his paws on my shoulders, he is a head taller than me.
Halloween Tricks and Treats
I think the toilet paper tubes/paper towel tubes are a great idea. As far as the germs go, Im sure they die out long before the kids get the tubes.
Saving Money on Litter for Small Animals
I use Hartz Corn Cob bedding for small animals,found at Walmart for a little over $3.00. It comes in a good size bag. It is all natural and has no smell.