Rehashing Frugal Living After a Death
So very sorry for your loss but I am impressed with the way you have found to save money and to make a new life for yourself. Good luck!
Small Bottles for Plant Cuttings
Im also rooting coleus plants - mine were so beautiful this year outside and I didnt know I could root them and have the same ones next year!
Making Glass Block Nightlights?
I found mine at Dollar Tree, but Im sure they would have them at Michaels or Hobby Lobby.
Your Spring Garden for Pennies
I am doing this with coleus that grew fantastic in my garden this year - I have several glasses of water letting them root. I have a grow light and a north window. Going to plant them in seed pots when the roots get bigger. I have brought plants in several...
Above Ground Pool Has Very Cloudy Water?
My husband used to build pools and we have a 27 foot above ground, he says try 5 or 6 bags of super shock.
Tiny Red Flying Bugs?
Do they sort of look like lady bugs but kind of sting if they get one you? If they are, they are Japanese beetles, but not sure how to get rid of them. I hit them with a flyswatter! They eventually go away on their own.
Organizations That Assist Low Income Families Get Free Furniture?
There is a web site that is called Freecycle, you can find the groups in your area and join. They post items that they will give away and you can ask for items.
Removing Hard Water Stains from Toilet Bowl?
Try denture cleaner tablets or Lime Away, that always works for me.
Using an Egg Pack for Oily Skin?
My mother always had me use the white only - I still do it about once a month.
Buying My Kids a Dog?
We have a yellow lab and a Jack Russell Terrier. The lab chewed on everything when he was young, but he is a wonderful dog now. I wouldnt recommend the terrier to anyone! We love him but he is alot of work and a bundle of energy! Please consider adopting a...
Dryer Leaving Oily Spots on Clothing?
Do you use liquid fabric softner? It can leave spots - Ive always been able to get them out by rewashing.
Advice For Dealing With Chihuahua That Won't...
We have a Jack Russell that refuses to let us know when he has to go. If we get him outside at the exact right time and leave him there long enough, he will go outside. Otherwise, he waits to come in and use the puppy pad (hes 2!). He doesnt go at night, tho...
Puppy Throwing Up?
Definitely get it to a vet immediately! Those are the symptoms of parvo and it is a horrible disease! You cant let it suffer - and it will if it is left untreated!
In Memory of BeffieKat
My heart goes out to you! I know how much it hurts. I agree with kayrayriggs - adopt a kitty from a shelter that really needs you. Bless you.
What Breed is my Dog? (Terrier Mix)
Her body looks alot like our Jack Russell Terrier - they are really quick and ours jumps alot.