Donate to Other Thrift Stores
I donate to Salvation Army and Vietnam Veterans. They will come to your home and pick up your donation and give you a receipt for income tax purposes. I have stopped donating to Goodwill because they have raised their prices in their stores and their online...
My Orphaned Garden Friend
Maybe you should just take him inside and adopt him as a pet. There are a lot of coyotes in our area that eat small game. Plus there is always the threat of your neighbor or someone like him who would kill him. I do not like hunters by the way. Or people who...
Finding Free Sewing Thread?
I have sewing thread I would like to donate to you. I need permission from you and Thrifty Fun to have your address, I will send and pay postage even.
Crafts for Young Children?
A package of plastic easter eggs that can be purchased from the dollar store can be used to play hide the egg. My grand daughter loves to do this. Eggs can be hidden in the house or outside whichever is best according to the weather. This is her favorite.
Loose Shoes?
I had a problem with shoes being too big and I took a cotton ball and stuffed it into the toe of each shoe. Make it fit a lot better.
Halloween Costumes Ideas for Toddler?
When my daughter was that age I made her a little red cape with hood and tied it around her shoulder so she could be little red riding hood. Took less than a yard of red fabric. She carried a little basket supposedly to hold food for her grandmother. If you...
Finding Yarn Donations for Charity Knitting?
Go to and look in the craft section. People are selling bundles of misc. yarn at very affordable prices. Lots cheaper than you will find in the retail stores.
Paper Flowers From Old Books
If you didnt want to tear up the book, just photocopy the pages and cut the copy up. This could be done with christmas carols too for decorating the christmas tree. Thanks for all the great craft ideas. Connie
Shredded Paper As Cat Litter
I tried this about a year ago and was very dissatisfied with the results. The paper just got all over the room as it wasnt heavy enough to stay put when the cats got in there. Glad it works for you, it didnt for me.
My Love (Bandon, OR)
Dear Chelle, What a lovely article you wrote for us. Really enjoyed your experience on the beach. You are a lucky woman to have such a loving relationship with Brian. May you have many more years of bliss and be truly blessed. Connie
Carry Stun Gun On Dog Walks
How awful for you and your dog. I do not trust stray dogs. Had one scare me really bad when I was about 10 years old. But I was lucky and it never attacked me. Good idea about the stun gun. I am of course a cat lover, they dont have to be walked.
Inexpensive Drawer Liner?
Wallpaper. I went to Sherwin Williams and got a roll of wallpaper on sale for $1.99. Enough to do all my kitchen cabinets. If it is prepasted just cut it to fit and wet the back and it glues right down. Odd lots also has wallpaper discounted and also I found...
Choosing Between Cable or Dish TV?
Stay away from Dish. I got ripped of for $200. from them. Installation people didn know what they were doing, came out 3 times and couldnt get it to work but they wouldnt refund my money. I have basic cable now and it is ok. Only get about 12 channels on it...
What are the Benefits of Online Shopping?
For me this year online shopping was a god send. I have injured my back and have 2 disks damaged. I am in a lot of pain and cannot stand for more than a couple minutes and then pain shoots down my leg. So going shopping to the mall is out. I have learned to...
Blossom (Calico )
Bless you for taking her with you. So many people just walk off and leave their animals and say they arent allowed to have pets in their new apartment. That is BS because if you love your pet, you will find an apartment that does allow pets. Beautiful cat and...
Remedies for Dry Skin
To simplify, I buy a bottle of Oil of Olay and use it every night. Wash my face with Dove. That was my moms secret to staying young looking. And it worked for her and I am following in her footsteps.
In Memory Of Niki (Persian)
I love this story about Nicki. I am a dedicated cat lover and over the years have been through 5, Prince, Ali, Snickers, Fancy, and most recently Angel. These cats were very special to me and my companions. All are in kitty heaven now and I am only left with...
Food Grade DE for Flea Prevention
I would be very cautious about using DE around pets. I bought some and my cat died. I cant be sure if that is what caused it, but I think it was. I ordered it online and it came in a plastic bag. It was supposed to be food grade, but who knows if it really...
Baby Shampoo As Pet Shampoo
While this seems to work well for dogs, I would not recommend it for cats. Check with vet first before you use anything questionable on your animals.
Back Child Support?
This is all so sad. Men especially and some women who dont take responsibility for their children. The root of this problem is....stupidity. If you dont want to pay for a child, get a vasectomy, or your tubes tied. One day in the hospital and no worries about...
Homeopathic Care for Aged Animals
I have an older cat. While our vet says no aspirin or pain meds for a cat, I wonder if she would be more comfortable if she could have something for pain. I think she has arthritis as she sometimes favors her limbs. Any information would be appreciated. Also...
My Frugal Wife!
You are a very lucky man to have a wife who is so frugal. The divorce statistics are alive with men complaining that their wives just spent them into poverty. Count your blessings.
Pantyhose For Pillow Stuffing
I have been doing this for years. I just cut the panty hose up in little pieces. I only use the legs part. That is the softest part and the small pieces keep it from bunching up.
Quick Clutter Control
My house is listed for sale and I am living here also. So, I have to be ready to show the house and that means keeping it looking presentable. Today I got the bright idea to take a suitcase (small one) and put all my paperwork from my cluttered desk in it. Zipped...