Ways to Cool Bedroom?
One thing that helped me before I put in a window unit was to take a cool shower right before bed. I also put a pedestal fan at the foot of the bed towards me and ran it all night.
How Do I Get a Barn Cat To Use a Litter Box?
I brought home a cat that had been hanging around my parents house and had never used a litter box. I got him an oversized litter box and got it ready, put him in it and took his front paw and raked the litter with it. He still didnt understand. However, he...
Get the Most from Your Lemon
You can also slice them and put them in a jar with honey. A spoonful of this is very soothing to a sore throat. Just dont give to children under the age of two.
Add Cheese In First for Messy Dishes
I add cheese first when I make homemade tacos or chili dogs. It keeps it from spilling out when I take a bite.
Choose Water Instead of Soda
I drink a glass of sweet tea or regular, not diet, soda with my breakfast most mornings (thats my morning cup of coffee). For the rest of the day it is only water, no flavoring or anything else added. Even if I go out to eat I still just order water unless...