Use Microwave to Help Remove RX Labels
No electricity version: Vegetable oil or baby oil works to remove the stickiness, without wasting electricity. Peel off what you can and then wipe or spray on the oil, let it soak in for 15 mins or so, then peel. All medication bottles are recyclable too. They...
10 Quick Ways To Reduce Your Household Budget
If you have a Steve & Barrys store, theyre clothes are cheaper than walmart and sometimes goodwill.
10 Quick Ways To Reduce Your Household Budget
At some of our grocery stores, you receive 5 to 10 cents per cloth environmental shopping bag you use instead of plastic or paper.
Saving Labels from Beer Bottles?
Buy Grolsh Beer (I think thats how you spell it). It has a swing top lid. Its a self corking lid that is attached, so you can drink a 1/2 a pint and recork & vacuum seal and finish later. I know people who use new swing tops for home brewing.