Power of Attorney Responsibilities?
I agree with Crystal! I fear you could be liable, but check with an attorney to protect yourself. Also, ask if you could be held accountable by the parole authority as well as law enforcement or any people who think he may have wronged them. In the worst case...
Coffee Can Lid as Cutting Board
Great idea! Those lids as well as shortening lids also make great spoon or spatula rests for cooking.
Front Windshield Washers Not Spraying?
Its possible theyre clogged with dust/dirt (happens frequently here in the desert). Try inserting the sharp end of a needle or small safety pin into the hole of each. Wiggle the needle/pin very gently, wipe away any debris, and then try spraying again. If you...
Keep Spice Mixes in Empty Prescription Bottles
I agree; great idea; thank you! I have 2 bags of empty prescription bottles; didnt want to toss them... Wondering why I didnt think of this?
Easy Liquid Laundry Detergent
Sounds like a good idea; think Ill try it. How much detergent do you use per load?
Remedy for Muscle Spasms?
I am not a medical person, either. I am a cancer survivor, having survived ovarian cancer and a set of six chemotherapy sessions. The particular chemo drugs given to me caused muscle pain and neuropathy. To counteract that, I was urged to take L-Glutamine and...
Use Staple Remover to Add Keys to Ring
Thank you for this idea; so easy and practical! (Slapping forehead and muttering, Why couldnt I have thought of this?)
Duration of Shingles Symptoms?
The first thing to be done is contact your health professional. There are meds which can help relieve the symptoms. That said, the rest of this is based on my personal experience; Im not a medical person. Ill also offer my home remedies for your consideration...
Using a MP3 Player for Audio Books?
All the previous suggestions are excellent. Most of the time, I prefer to listen to audiobooks. When I read a book, I prefer the paper (thats just me). Not sure when Ill be forced into a Kindle or something similar.... When I realized Id have to change from...
Relief for Shingles Pain?
Ive only had shingles once (thank heavens!). My outbreak was on the side of my face, going into my ear (lost a little of my hearing from it), so I also had vertigo for a couple of weeks. The oral shingles meds from the doctor made me sick, but their ointment...
Computer Running Slowly After Software Download?
I think that creators of many of the modern programs take for granted were all running the fastest, most recent, whiz-bang computers, like they are. Doesnt seem to enter their minds that we arent.... You might check the minimum requirements for Microsoft Security...
Keep Manuals And Car Paperwork In Glove Box
I like your suggestion about the small folder. We also keep our registration and insurance information in the glovebox (but in a paper envelope, which has to be replaced periodically). However, our vehicle titles are locked in our fireproof safe. Dottie
Making a Three Bean Salad?
This is my mothers recipe; she got it from one of her friends about 1950. Does that qualify as old-fashioned? 1 can kidney beans (rinsed and drained well) 1 can garbonza beans (rinsed and drained well) 1 can green beans (drained well) 1 can yellow/wax beans...
Cooking Brown Rice in a Rice Cooker?
I, too, always spray the pan with PAM so it doesnt stick. Some of the newer rice cookers have markings inside for brown and white rice. However, ours is old and doesnt have that. So, for brown rice, I add water to the next level. For example, when using 3 measures...
How Do I Freeze Eggplant?
Personally, I havent been able to successfully freeze eggplant. Even though the techniques promised success, every method (pre-cooked, cooked, blanched, etc.) I tried gave the same result (extra-chewy/rubbery). So, I gave up, and we just eat it at the time...
Using Vinegar as a Hair Rinse?
Hi Marialyn, Since Im not familiar with cane vinegar, I looked it up on the Internet. It sounds as though its similar to rice vinegar. If so, it should work fine as a hair rinse. I believe the purpose of a vinegar hair rinse is to bring the hair back to its...
Homemade Potting Soil for Indoor Plants?
I belong to a cactus group in NM. I have a copyrighted article written by one of the members, which I could send you. Its a soil-less mix, and I like it; my houseplants are mostly succulents, but it should work with regular plants, because it promotes drainage...
Sweet Chicken and Tuna Salad Recipes?
I like Whole Foods Sonoma Chicken salad, except I use dried cranberries instead of grapes. http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipes/recipe.php?recipeId=526
Use Baking Soda to Remove Hairspray from Your Hair?
Everyones hair is different, but heres my routine. I use hair gel and hair spray every day. I also wash my hair every day, using a mild shampoo for normal hair. I use a small amount of shampoo, work it through, then rinse it out. Next, I dissolve a couple of...
Creamy Peanut Butter Pie?
Our peanut butter cream cheese pie is similar to the others, but here it is. Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Pie (9-inch pie) 12 ounces cream cheese, softened 3 tablespoons milk 1 1/8 cups powdered sugar 1 1/8 cups peanut butter (or 1 1/2 cups, depending on how...
Recipe Card Software?
I dont have good luck running 3x5 recipe cards through my printer. So, I bought some card stock (not the really heavy stuff) and can print three cards per page, then cut them up. If the recipe needs to be on the back also, its a 2-page document, with a separate...
Tapioca Pudding Recipes and Tips?
I use the minute tapioca, and let the milk, sugar, egg, and tapioca soak/stand for 30-60 minutes (instead of the 5 minutes specified on the box). It comes out thicker and almost fluffy. Using whole milk instead of lower fat makes it taste like Moms.