Uses for Canned Peach Juice?
I use the juices to flavour icings, add to Kool-Aid and use as frozen juice cubes to punch up the flavour in orange juice at breakfast.
Canning Fruit Without a Canning Rack?
Make sure you have a thicker type kitchen towel on the bottom of your large pot, this will stop the jars from bouncing around as they process. Good luck!
Crushing Ice With a Blender?
I have a Sunbeam blender and I found by adding water first, then the ice, it made great crushed ice. doogies suggestion works great as well if it is for a specific beverage.
No Roll Pie Crust
I am wondering if this would work with less oil? As shortening is not used, is the pie crust flaky? Thank you.
Splenda Recipe Book?
Go to the Splenda website for free recipes, coupons and other goodies they have.
Pear Preserves Turned to Sugar Once Cooled?
No, the pears will be nothing but mush. I think you might be using too heavy of a syrup in your preserves. Double check your recipe. You should not need pectin or other ingredient like for jams or jellies. I have found a light syrup is great for pears. Good...
Where Can I Buy Baking Emulsions in the UK?
I have found great success in using Wilton candy flavours in some of my baking. You might try a candy / cake making / decorating supplier for one close to you.
Can I Reuse Cat Litter Containers for Food Storage?
No. Food should only be stored in food safe plastics. I am able to bring mine to recycling.
Recipes Using Leftover Egg Whites?
I use mine to make angel food cake, baked meringues, and I add them to whole eggs in cooking.
Wrapping Homemade Bread for Shipping?
Wrap your loaf in waxed paper and overwrap with tin foil or waxed butcher paper. Tie with a ribbon.
Cleaning a Self Cleaning Oven By Hand?
Do not use any products in your self clean oven. Read your owners manual for advice. Mine says I can wipe it with warm water and a mild soap, rinse with clear water. I hope this helps.
Cleaning a Tub That is Losing Some of the Glaze?
We use a regular bathroom cleaner but polished the unglazed parts with automotive wax. It does help but it is very slippery so be careful.
How to Find Free or Inexpensive Furniture?
Freecycle is an online group, you give and you get all for free. Kijiji, Craigs list, and other online sites can also help as some have the giveaway area or free area. Good luck!
Grandma's Tried and True Recipes
I would love to see more recipes like that myself! I also find recipes from the depression in the 1930s can be not only frugal but nutritiouos and delcious. Maybe there could be a Vintage Recipes sub -category!
Creating a Root Cellar Indoors?
I converted my closet at the entrance of my place. It is by the front door, as it is hardly used and instead of collecting junk, it now serves as a root cellar for me.
Chocolate Dipped Fruit for 100 People?
I have dipped fruit in chocolate and frozen them for use with a large group. I find fruit that has a firm consistency work well for this, such as pineapples, orange wedges, strawberries, and the like.
Encouraging Teens to Cook for Themselves?
Quit cooking for them, throw out leftovers, buy parsnips, cauliflower, potatoes, squash, carrots that need peeling, cabbage. You get the idea. You can leave out a basic cookbook and they can figure out how to buy and cook for themselves. Oh yeah, dont give...
Alternative Uses for Shrimp Cocktail Sauce?
It is delicious with sausages; makes a nice change from HP or Ketchup.
Garlic in My Canned Pepper Rings Turned Blueish?
Its normal. Your garlic has absorbed colour from your pepper rings. It happens in several recipes that have garlic in them.
I Scorched the Apples for My Jelly?
Sadly the scorched taste will not come out. Throw it out, it can not be made to taste like anything else but the scorched taste it has now. We all burn something every once in a while and it hurts when a whole batch of something, that was hard work to start...
Cooking for an Elderly Person?
Crockpot meals are great and I love cooking with chicken and found that to be a popular choice cooking for elderly parents. A favorite of my Dads was chicken and dumplings. Essentially it is a chicken stew with dumplings on top - easy, inexpensive and a great...
Life's Path
Thank you for your kind words. I see hope in this picture, you know, walking to the light. :D
Old Moley (Dog)
Thank you all for your kind words. Old Moley was a joy and I am glad he was able to enjoy the last months of his life. He is missed, and the rubber chicken, well it has lots of squeak left in it!
Fruit Soup
Didnt last the day! Everyone loves it and is a great tummy pleaser when sugar treats are not on the menu!
Deb's Famous Cinnamon Buns
A real winner in my home! Needless to say I get a lot of company for coffee. Thanks for this delicious recipe.
Cleaning Farm Eggs?
We just wash our eggs in plain, warm water and use a rough rag to get rid of bits of hay and chicken poop of the ones that need a bit of a scrub to get rid of debris.