Dyeing Bath Towels?
Red and green make brown, so use green dye, rather than brown. Brown dye will leave it too red. I make brown icing this way. Good luck, there is no reason why it wont work.
Inexpensive Birthday Table Decorations?
I agree with redhatterb. Plus, your daughter is going to be embarrassed to death if you make some ghetto, white trash pipe cleaner and construction paper table decoration for a 17 year old. It may fly with a 5 year old, though. The only thing I can recommend...
Recycled "Wood" Vase
At my house I would also need to put some weight in the bottom, or the kids running around would blow it right over! It is cute, and I love to recycle!
Making Bumble Bees for a Beekeeper Costume?
I would wrap black yarn (leaving a space between each strand) around a yellow pom pom, then glue the ends and glue some bought wings from a craft store to it, or some simple construction paper wings to it.
Magnets on Inside of Medicine Cabinet
Wow! Great idea! All I have to do is find the clippers and tweezers and remember to buy some magnets! We buy clippers every time we clip, we lose them so much!
Planning for a Renewal of Vows?
I agree. My husband has broken his vows, so this would apply to us, but I If we renew them, it will be in our Pastors office. We are already married, it is stupid to do the whole wedding over. Some friends of mine divorced and then remarried after 3 years. They...
My Frugal Life: Reuse and Recycle
Why not just use the waxed paper on a real plate? Or just a real plate without the paper? Seems really unnecessary.
My Frugal Life: Stretching Groceries
The trays meat comes can harbor harmful bacteria. Never put vegetables on them unless you intend to cook them thoroughly afterward!
Hoarding: Too Much Stuff
I just want to remind people that when you clean out your home to call the Salvation Army or Saint Vincent DuPaul, rather than Goodwill. When you donate to Goodwill, the profits go to the owners and CEOs, when you donate to the other places, your un-needed...
Making Fleece Lap Blankets?
I used to volunteer in a nursing home and the blankets should be as long as the legs are, and wide enough to cover the whole lap, and maybe tuck in on the sides. If they are too short or too narrow, they will not be used. Sit down in a chair and measure yourself...
Making an Outdoor Decoration from an Old Cowboy Hat?
I would hate for it to be damaged by the elements, though in Arizona (I was born there, live in KY now) the most damaging element is the sun. You need to find something that would protect it from the sun, and polyurethane will be damaged by the sun. If it is...
Carpet Color to Coordinate With a Red Couch?
I think beige. Any shade of beige, if you dont have kids or pets or visitors, lol, you could go with white!
Beating Diabetes
This is a wonderful story! I am so happy you beat diabetes and lost weight! One thing that worries me is that you say your Dr. decided to let you try. Remember that is ultimately always your decision, to stay of medication and change your diet! All you need...
Brightening Up a Dark Room?
Paneling is so 70s! Cover it up! I would suggest a padded textured wallpaper that covers the grooves of the paneling. You paint over it after it goes up. Pick a light breezy color of paint. Add mirrors. I hate living in a dark dungeon!
Repairing Painted Laminate Countertops?
I am so sorry you messed up your counter! Try fine steel wool to remove the paint from your sink. Use a painters tape to cover the edges to keep the paint off of it. I see you have chosen browns. As long as you have not sealed it, you are fine to add more paint...
Tick Stew
If you hadnt called it Tick Stew, I might be tempted, but now I dont think Ill ever eat a black bean again! Blech! Funny, I just had black beans 3 days ago and didnt think they looked like ticks at all. Some people are just so imaginative, which is not always...
Disinfecting Wipes for Kitchen and Bath Clean Up
This is a great way to create super bugs as well. With out germs our immune systems shut down and we cannot fight off common germs anymore, because they are not common anymore. Good ole soap and water is clean enough, and we dont have to waste so many natural...
Pay Off Your House
This is timely! We just got our mortgage last Sept. and it is about $620 a month on a $119,000 mortgage at 4.75% we put an extra $200 a month down and over the course of our mortgage, we will save $46,233.06 in interest! We will have it paid off in 18 years...
Hang Sticky Notes at an Angle
Yeah, they seem to blend in after a while. Crooked would drive me nuts, and get noticed!
Wheelbarrow Grill
That is hysterical! I love that idea! That would be so funny to cook on, and there would be tons of space to cook for everyone.
Prune Stained Sheets?
I prefer Zout, rather than Shout. It gets all kinds of stains out, including poop. My daughter always had mudslides when she was a baby. Worked like a charm.