How To Sprout Moonflower Seeds?
I did not nick mine but I did soak them. It took a long time for them to come up but once they did they are growing fast.
Seedlings Dying?
Its not unheard of for transplanted seedlings to look wilted and dried up when you first transplant them. Give them time and theyll probably come around. Until they reestablish you might want to water carefully so as not to disturb the new root growth. Good...
Finding Free Coupons?
Go to and read her blog. She has a lot of info about coupons as well as some neat binders for sale.
Cleaning Laminate Floors?
It will leave your floor streaked. I have laminate and have found the best thing to use is white vinegar.
Reuse Food Containers for Storage
Be sure and label them so everyone knows whats inside. I live alone and tend not to label because I usually know whats inside. Last Spring my adult son was visiting and helped himself to a big glass of hummingbird food koolaid. His comment Geez Mom, you dropped...
Caution when Reusing Food Containers
I am normally the only person in my home so really dont need to label as I know whats in which container. Guess Id better label next time he comes to visit.
Removing Cat Pee Odor from Couch?
Regardless of advice or advertisement the only way is to have a professional upholstery cleaner come in. Even then there is no guarantee of success.
Sticky Primer on Shed Floor?
If you have electricity accessible in that area you might try using a fan. Humidity will effect the drying time.
Dog Is Not Eating?
Have you changed the brand of food? Is the dog showing other symptoms? If he doesnt eat in 24 hours, you should take him to the vet as there is probably a medical issue.
Removing Yellow Stains from Vintage Crochet Tablecloth?
Two things I would try would be white vinegar and, if that doesnt work, you could try an oxidizing cleanser like Oxyclean and allow it to soak.
Planting Morning Glories?
You actually cant stop them from reseeding but it is simple to pull up the ones you dont want as soon as they sprout. Also you can cut down on the seeds by pulling up the plant when they start to produce a lot of pods. They are usually looking kinda ragged...
Flying Insects in Refrigerator After Power Outage?
Place small bowls of apple cider vinegar inside the fridge. They will fly into the vinegar.
Homemade Alternative to BioKleen Bac-Out for Cloth Diapers?
White vinegar added to rinse will take care of the urine smell.
Remedy for Smelly Water?
White vinegar rinse will eliminate all odors, and will not leave a vinegar smell after drying.
Weeds Taking Over Wild Flower Gardens?
Next year prepare your garden in the winter by spraying with weed killer, remove dead plants and cover with plastic tarp. Check under the tarp and if weeds are coming back from seed repeat the process until no weeds return. This wont totally do away with weeds...
Removing Spray Adhesive From Hands
Use a manageable amount of petroleum jelly to massage into your hands before using then wipe off the excess. Makes glue and paint on your hands much easier to clean off.