Cheap Cell Phone Service for Senior Citizens?
How about assurance wireless they have a free 250 minutes a month, or maybe metro pcs they are cheap.
Getting Help to Repair a Patio Door Inexpensively in the UK?
You could go to your local church and see if they will help you in this country. We have the local senior community centers that help seniors in your situation with repairs and its based on your income. Also local churches will help seniors in this country...
Dishwasher Detergent?
I just use the dollar store off name brand. It works well and comes in a big bottle for a dollar.
Removing White Spots on Painted Table?
Why dont you try to use a black marker to fill in the white ring?
Slow-cooker Liners vs. Plastic Bag?
No a regular plastic bag would melt in the crock pot. Its not made for cooking.
Long Distance Relationships and...
Why dont you hand make something for him maybe a memory book with pictures of the two of you together, or even bake cookies and send it with a nice card? What ever you do make sure you send him something boys are just as sensitive as girls when it comes to...
Discontinued Wallpaper: Zoffany Alahambra...
Have you tried ebay? Maybe you will find it there cheaper.
Finding Inexpensive Furniture?
Try you local thrift store and if you dont mind garbage picking pick a nice neighbor hood and go for a ride on garbage day maybe you will find it free. Also try your local church and ask if you can post something on their bulletin maybe someone at church has...
Straightening Curly Hair?
First use a shampoo for porosity control then go to a place and have you hair cut in layers this will help with the bushiness of your hair and your hair will lay flatter. I wouldnt mess with straighteners this will damage your hair I know I have been there...
Uses for Pickle Juice?
You can use it to clean the scum off the shower.
Homemade or Inexpensive Christmas Gift for Boyfriend?
You could always get him a rock and roll t shirt of his favorite band some times you can get them cheap on ebay but it wouldnt be here in time for Christmas you could get him a gift card to his favorite eatery or to a music store in his area.
Making Glass Block Nightlights?
Why dont you use Christmas tree lights on a strand? After Christmas you can get them for 50 percent off.
My Frugal Life: Every Which Way to Save
I liked your story. It is a good one loaded with good advice.
My Frugal Life: Raising Five Kids
Or you could buy solar spotlights and put them in the yard during the day and then bring them in at night to use around the house for free light. Better than candles as they wont catch on fire.
Hair Too Puffy?
Buy some proxity control shampoo.
Hand Lotion Recipe?
I use cheap lotion as a base and add a jar of the dollar store vitamin e moisturizer creme and add 2 tablespoons of glycerin works better than the Vaseline.
Homemade Jam Too Thin?
What about using gelatin to thicken it?
Back to School Clothes?
My Frugal Life: Disguising Generic Items
My ex husband was the same way he liked Kelloggs rice krispies, and they were expensive to buy. So when the box got near empty I went to the store and bought store brand rice krispies and filled the box and then glued it. I had been doing that for 3 years before...
Free Wire Coat Hangers?
Try your local church. I went to a rummage sale and they had them. I got mine for a quarter.
Underarm Odor?
Try a mens brand deodorant, it works better than womans.
Parakeet Is Losing Its Feathers?
Maybe your parakeet is molting. They have special food at the pet store when a bird is molting.
Can I Refresh the Color on Faded Silk Plants?
What about dyeing them with green die or maybe using a colored marker on them?
Visiting Dogs Pee on Everything on the Deck?
You could try spraying vinegar around the deck animals dont like that smell that might stop them from peeing.
Holiday: Thrifty Christmas Decorating
Hi, I liked your photos, very nice and well done job.
Christmas Gift Ideas for 30 Something Boyfriend?
How about scratch off lottery tickets, a gift card to red lobster. Tickets to a sporting event.
Christmas Gift Ideas for the Boyfriend Who Has Everything?
How about a gift card, or scratch off lottery tickets?
Child's Greek Goddess Halloween Costume?
You could try your local thrift store, they have all kinds of kids costumes there, or you might be able just to find a white dress and the accessories to make your own Greek dress for just a few dollars.