Preventing Spyware and Adware?My computer is a magnet for spyware and adware. Frankly, I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't slowing down my computer and locking it up. This is not a symbiotic relationship.
Save Money on Air ConditioningElectric bill high from air conditioning usage? I have two suggestions: Turn the air off and clean the coils. And have freon level checked by a professional and increased, if needed.
My Frugal Life - Depression Era Thread TipI wanted to tell you about how my mother was taught to be frugal. After graduating from high school during the Depression, she learned "make do, or do without".
How Long Will Your Appliance Last?This was in the Dallas Morning News. The idea being that if your appliance is older than the age posted, start saving up for a new one or expecting breakdowns. A friend quoted to me something about "if an appliance repair is over $150, buy another one".