Identifying Tiny Bugs?
I tried kleen green it didnt work waste of my money. I tried just about everything.been battling these little bugs quite sometime
Getting Rid of Mite Sized Biting Bugs Inside?
Described same thing ive been going thru for over a year been to doctors had exterminators borax listerine you name it i tried it .Does it cause a allergic reaction to people in near you? Just recently use thrive oil on guess they dont like the scent had a...
Getting Rid of Mite Sized Biting Bugs Inside?
Lookup steve bedding on facebook its a morgellon Group and the pic you just posted looks like this. He has a remedy
Tiny Black and White Biting Bugs?
Just wanted to know if your rid of this problem now. If so how do you get rid of them
Little Black Bugs Could Be Scabies
Clove oil or thrive oil seems be helping lately. Slows down their activity within mins. For pass 2 days been sprinkling it on my sheets and a little on my clothes, Rubbing furniture down. Etc. This have been going on with me over a year been to dr. S ,had exterminators...
Tiny Black Biting Bugs?
Yes this is exactly what i have can someone please tell me how you get rid of it and what is it
Getting Rid of Tiny Biting Black Bugs?
What is this, being going thru it for a couple months and its old me and my room thats infected