Dealing With Christmas Stress?
Sorry to ask here but can you tell me how I would find my posts? It was just approved but I cant find it. Thanks for any help. Ariela.
Cleaning an Old Christening Gown?
There is a product called Retro Clean. Its for things like what you want to clean. My friend used it and said its great.
Weight Watchers' Quick Start Food Planner?
Abigale Sorry I am just now seeing this.. I did look on Pinterest but it isnt there.. any other idea where I might find it? Thanks.
Weight Watchers' Quick Start Food Planner?
Abigale Sorry I am just now seeing this.. I did look on Pinterest but it isnt there.. any other idea where I might find it? Thanks.
Skillet Bread
Im tempted to try this! Would it turn out ok mixed in a Kitchenain mixer? I just got one, I have arthritis in my hands and it would difficult to stir. Thanks.
Birdie Bread For Parrots
no they also eat pellets. They eat TOPs pellets, Harrisons pellets and Roudybusch pellets.
Late 70s Weight Watchers Plan?
You know, I havent beem on this site for years but last time I was they were asking for that same plan. Back then when I was on it, it was called Quick Start. WW changes the name and the program every year but that one in particular worked for me and was so...
Best Parrot Food?
Harrissons pellets and TOPs pellets are the best and most nutricous. they can be gotten at
Fix for Muffins That Taste Like Baking Soda?
If nothing else feed them to the outside birds, at least they wouldnt go to waste.
Dresser Drawer Pull Ideas?
A few years ago I submitted a post about making dresser drawer handles when we couldnt afford to buy any. Here is the post. I won the *Tips* contest with his post.. $25 in my pocket :)
Miracle Whip In Mashed Potatoes
As a child my mom would always add miracle whip to mashed potatoes. I still do it to this day. But first I add and stir in milk and butter.
Weight Watchers Exchange Plan Information?
Does anyone have food journal that was used to write and keep track of food eaten on a daily basis? It was from the early 80s.. the Quick Start program.
Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?
Jess, my daughters ex did the same to her. Yelled, screamed and controlled her. Insulted her, told her no one else would have her, shes ugly and stupid. She is very strong willed, a kind, sweet smart person. But they had a baby and she had no way to support...
Weight Watcher's Quick Start Weekly Chart?
Here is one that was sent to me from another poster here on TFC.
Liner for Wastebasket Keeps Slipping?
What I do is grab 2 edges a few inches apart and tie them in a double knot like your shoes. If its too tight stretch it a little so its loose enough to tie. I do this every day only takes a second.
Give Cracked Spatula New Life
I have done that and used it for another long time! What seems to happen more to me is the handle falls off! Grrr.
Molly (Poodle)
Aww how sweet. We have had 2 poodles in our married life. Now now we have Pierre. Hes our baby. We love him so much. They dont know they are d-o-g-s. Are the puppies full blooded poodles? Hope they get wonderful homes. :) Here is our sweet Pierre.
Bird Toys Using Cuttlebones and Mineral Blocks
Try grating the cuttle bone then sprinkle it on his food.
Cleaning a Headstone?
My sister just uses hot water, dish soap and a brush. Scrub! Rinse, or let it rain off.
Planning a Thanksgiving Without Family?
Why not make Thanksgiving dinner the night before and have her over then? We are having it the night before so we can relax the next day. I cant wait. A day off work, stay in my jammies and just be lazy and eat left overs. :)
How Can I Stop Biting My Nails?
I was 8 yrs old when I saw my then 13 yr old sister bite her nails. I wanted so to be like her. So I started biting mine too. Its a crazy thing that became a habit that I couldnt stop. I bit them, they hurt and bled, but even as an adult I didnt stop. Then...
Child Support Payments and Social Security?
It is my understanding that when a parent collects disability, each of that persons children is also eligible to collect SS disability payments too. You may already know this. But Im not sure about the catching up part. Good luck. (b)Editors Note:(/b) It might...
Reviews of Walmart's Straight Talk Cell Phone Plan?
My son lives in a mobile home park in a very small town.We live in the same park and we use sprint. Our service isnt great. His Straight talk phone is wonderful!! No matter where he goes it works very well! The nice thing is, you can call the Straight Talk...
Shopping for a Quality Recliner?
We bought 2 nice lazy boy recliners in about 1987. They still look nice and are easy to clean. We still have one and my daughter has the other one. Shes ready to get new furniture so we may get the other one back. Now, the problem; each one of them click, click...
Leave Printer Off Until Needed
Our printer ink dries out so quick. We dont print things every day but it seems like every time I go to print something the ink is dried out. I try to print an email once a week just to use it. But is it normal for an ink cartridge to dry out in 2-3 months...
Bailey (Congo African Grey Parrot)
So happy Bailey has you :) It definitely takes special people to care for special pets. One day I will have an African Grey Congol. Until then I get my daily fix watching Bibi. If you havent seen her heres the link, shes a great talker and has her one web cam...
Empty Can to Hold Utensils When Cooking
Good idea thanks :) Our area doesnt recycle so I will just use the can to hold utensils then toss the can when finished. Plus it saves a messy counter or using a paper towel to lay the utensils on :)
Make Meatballs From Leftover Meatloaf
Glad Im not the only one confused. Cooked meatloaf wouldnt stick together to make balls. How did this even get to the top of the list it hasnt been replied to since last July. Guess we need the recipe. Im curious.
Keeping Cool at Night
I hope you dont have or develop allergies. Mold could develop and grow in that mattress. Could also effect pets.
Dumplings Heavy, Not Fluffy?
My moms Dumplings were always heavy and they were so good! It was all I knew. Then when I married my mom-in-law may light fluffy ones and I wondered what was wrong with them! Needless to say that didnt go over well with my mother in law! lol But she used Bisquick...
Use Contractor Tubs For Summer Party Food
Better yet try this; we did this for our family reunion and worked great. It was very attractive and got lots of comments! No water seeped into the food at all.. we were under a shelter and the ice stayed all after noon. So convenient. http://www.thriftyfun...
Use Wading Pools to Keep Food Cold
Thats true you could cover it, but decorative designs around the edges are attractive and summery looking and colors often match the bowls. Plus its a conversation starter. Family loved the idea too :) Thanks for the reply, try it.
Caring for a Sick Mouse?
My adult daughter loved mice, guinea pigs ect. She had 3. One by one they passed and she was devastated. Once they became ill there wasnt much hope. She was a vet tech and said they are susceptible to certain things. Her guinea pigs all got tumors.. which they...
Getting the Best Price on a Paper Shredder?
I have 2. I got them at garage sales for $1! Doesnt hurt to check :) especially these days.
Egg Dip
You say *Heat eggs? So that means they arent completely cooked ? How can this be safe? Can you explain more, please? Editors Note: To scramble eggs is to cook the beaten egg mixture at a med low temperature, stirring regularly to desired consistency. How long...
Chicken Ring
Thanks Lorimae and hugmehugs! I used more chicken than called for and I didnt use canned chicken. My family loved it. hugmehugs go to and type recipes into the search.. I just did that and tons came up. Also click on xcookage in the chicken...
Removing Moss from Patio Pavers?
ll, I sprayed Brush killer on ours.. it worked! I thought what the heck. Its alive and growing and I dont want it there. It was gone in no time. Just be careful it seeps into the ground and kils things growing within one foot. it it kills everything!
Using Vinegar to Make a Pan Non-stick?
I googled this and found out the answer is right here on TFC!! Here it is.. RE: In Praise of Vinegar By Anonymous (148) Blog! Contact vinegar can be used for so many things its unbelievable!! I have a little book I bought at the grocery store, 108 ways to use...
Peanut (Chihuahua/Yorkie)
He is gorgeous! Where do you get his sweaters? Our Toy Poodle loves sweaters but we cant seem to find any. I was going to private message you but it wouldnt allow me to, if you can please message me :) Thanks. (b)Editors Note:(/b) To send a private message...
Three Meals from Spaghetti Meat Sauce
Also... I turn left over sauce into Chili; add chili powder, can tomatoes, chili beans, onion, and we like it super chunky, so we add celery & mushroom. When I make sloppy joe I make extra and freeze it to use it for spaghetti sauce when we are in the mood...
Mashed Potato Salad Recipe
My family is from the South and this was the only way I ever had potato salad, until I was married. I still make mashed potato salad. My hubby loves it. Fresh boiled & mashed till chunkey potatoes. diced celery diced sweet and dill pickles diced onion diced...
Places of Interest Near Lake Michigan?
The whole Michigan lake front is gorgeous. I have lived here all all my life in South Western Lower Michigan so I can tell you everywhere from New Buffalo to Sawyer Warren Dunes State park to Benton Harbors Silver beach to South Haven to any where north, you...
Memory Jar For Mother's Day
I worked at a Assisted Living facility where one of these was made by a residents daughter for her for her birthday and Im telling you it was so beautiful! I sat with her one day after work and read the ones she had previously read and I just couldnt stop reading...
Making an 8-Sided Paper Gift Box?
Well.. not sure if this is what you mean but I did a search on and this is what came up. Take a peek. :)
Storing Bananas
I got the dollar store green bags.. 16 in a bag for $5 few days later they were $4. They really work! I have a banana a day and at the end of the week whats left isd still nice and yellow. no black spots at all and all I do is fold the bag under,no twisting...
Learning to Knit Vs. Crochet?
I was interested in knitting in my early 20s, I learned to put the stitches on then to single stitches. (I dont know the stitch names) My friend said I may like crocheting better so I tried it and loved it! It was so easy to learn and man I just went to to...
ALDI Food Brands?
When our kids were small we traveled to Indiana to Aldi for groceries. The store was neat, clean and prices were worth the drive! Now we have Aldi within 10 miles of us,but we shop Save-a Lot, cause its so much cleaner and we are always satisfied with our purchases...
Make Your Own Bra Strap Holders
I thought of making some too, but my first thought was cutting a circle from a plastic milk caton. But you are smart! The lid of a peanuts can would be much softer and less likely to scratch!
Baby is Constipated?
I did that too. I learned it from my mom. I would taste it to check the sweetness.. if its sweet to us its sweet to them. Thats what my mom said she went by so I did too.
Moisturizer for Dog's Dry Skin?
I am bumping this up so maby we can get a responce.. my dog has dry skin too.
Moisturizer for Dog's Dry Skin?
We have a toy poodle.. he only weighs 7 lbs and eats such a small amount of food (Iams Mini Chunks) that it worries me and I wouldnt have any idea how much olive oil to spray on. By small amount I mean about 2-3 tablespoons morning and night if Im lucky. But...
Say "No" to Pizza Delivery
Thanks for the feedback eveyone. :) In todays economy, its tough to eat/order out. There are tons of websites to find cheap easy recipes that are great and healthy. Somtimes you just need that break to order out or go out. But it can be very expensive. Theres...
Freezing Cream Cheese?
Well, I freeze Cream Cheese all the time. Its something I buy extra of when its on sale, and freeze it. No problems with it that we have noticed.
Pledge Cleans a Lot More Than Your Wood Furniture
im not so sure I would use pledge on granite.. It would absorbe the oil and leave a dark cast. Our granite counter tops at my work have to cleaned with water with a few drops of dish soap.. and they still look like new after years of use.
Why Is My Laundry Dingy?
My daughter HATES to do laundry! I used to do it for her so my grand kids had clean fresh clothes! Then I decided to let her do her own, I had my own to do. Then she taught the kids to do their own. But thats all they did not hers (I dont blame them) Her clothes...
Painting Vinyl Wall Panels?
Thats what our mobile home has. The whole house has been painted using semi gloss paint but the strips are still there. You could probably remove them and use drywall putty then sand and repaint. That is if you have the skill. My husband doesnt have that skill...
Asking People to Bring Frugal Gifts?
In this ecomony I doubt it would be a worry. If I were to attend a shower I would probably visit the local dollar store and cram as much as I could into one of their $1 gift bags. Its handy things and I could get more too.. and its a fun thing to do. Lately...
Recipes for a Mini Crockpot?
I googled Mini Crock Pot recipes and many web sites came up. However its also called a Crockette. Here is one web site that you can get started looking on.
Easy Peach Salad
I would drain the pineapple and oranges. And I dont think the banannas will turn brown since they will be coated with the sticky pie filling. Im going to make this one soon :) Thanks.
Fried Salmon Patties
My mom always made Salmon Patties. we ate them cause we were poor! But as an adult I cant stand them with those little bones in there.. it makes me GAG so I make Tuna patties instead.. I use all the same ingredients but use Tuna instead. If you use a non stick...
Weight Watchers Recipes?
WW Danish (this is a nice breakfast treat, but make 2 one isnt enough!) Toast sliced bread (I used low calorie) 35 calories Spread with cottage cheese (drain with fork) Sprinkle with cinnamon Sprinkle sweetener over top (I used equal) BROIL till bubbly (so...
Clothespin Doll Furniture
The instructions are here on TFC :)
Decorative Sea Glass Light
Yes it is glass found in lakes or rivers that over time is smoothed out by water/waves. This glass is so beautiful in this bowl. I cant wait till spring to walk in the waters edge of Lake Michigan to look for more. We go in about ankles deep when the the water...
Use A Salt Solution For Your Icy Driveway
They say NOT to put salt on cement or asphalt cause it will cause pitting etc. So what now?
Mattress is Sinking in the Middle?
My daughter put a egg crate topper on her mattress and it slides all around. We have been through two new matress sets. The first was one from Drs. Choice the other we still have and is bad is a Serta they both sagged really bad. The Drs Choice Co replaced...
Mattress is Sinking in the Middle?
Kathy: What brand is your mattress and what year is it? If its under warantee the maker may stand behind it unless its Sealy like mine is. All I know is you cant turn a pillow top matress. I just wonder what brand of Matress is supposed to be good.. so far...
Food Sticking to Stainless Steel Skillet?
I have a whole set of heavy duty stainless steel pans. The brand is Wolf Gang Puck.. I got them off QVC. They say if you use oil and get the pans really hot then add the food that it doesnt stick. Im sorry I got them. Even if I use Pam they stick. I dont use...
Diarrhea Stains on Carpet?
I worked in a facility where I faced this problem daily. I poured Hydrogen peroxide directly onto the stain. Then we sprayed disinfectant cleaner on top of that, and a lot of it, so the foam was high. Then let it sit for like 15 min. While its sitting I got...
Red Robin Chili Recipe?
I miss TSR! That site used to have several message boards it was great fun. Untill ppl started fighting and there was no end so Todd deleted the boards. But Todd has great recipes.
Where Can I Find Eyeglass Chain Ends?
I usualy see them at the grocery store at the checkout near the cash register. You know where they have all the little things that they hope we pick up on the way out; right near the eyeglass kits that have the screw drivers and nose pads.
Use Wax for a Shiny Vinyl Floor
Many times I have had to scrub off future floor wax because of yellowing on floors. It was difficult and time consuming. These days the vinyl flooring is good and withstands much abuse. I do not miss scrubbing off wax from flooring thats for sure.
Staying on Medicaid After Marriage?
I think the baby can get medicare serviced and WIC until it reaches the age of one year, as long as you fall with income limits. But that may not be the case for you. You can call the state help line to ask this.. but Im not sure of the number. Once you marry...
Craft Ideas for School Sock Hop?
How about making pom-poms for their sneekers, from white yarn strips,with tiny little bell on them?
Black Stains on Ceiling?
We had black stains in the corners of our bedroom ceiling... not bad but noticable. It was enough to bug me when laying in bed cause then when I saw them the most. After about 6 months we got to thinking we needed a new roof so called roofer for estimates. Our...
Triple Sheeting a Bed?
Why would anyone triple sheet a bed? Especialy a Hotel?? Do they think the two underneath stay clean? I think not. I wouldnt want to sleep on a sheet that was under one somone er.. two used the night before.. yuk!!
Learning to Use the Computer and Internet?
Maybe call your local high school. Kids are so smart, and many teens dont have grandparents. I would bet it would spark interest in a caring teen. Office people at the school may be willing to help you out. Good luck!
Triple Sheeting a Bed?
Man, I dont know why I didnt get it the first time I read it. But Katie As post set it in my head. A friend made a duvet cover using sheets. She put an old blanket inside 2 sheets but instead of sewing it closed she sewed on buttons; made it easy to launder...
Dell Laptop Not Staying Connected to the Internet?
My daughter got a Dell Laptop on Ebay too and it did the same thing. Turned out the WiFi card was way outdated.. no good. We have Comcast as our provider and couldnt connect directly so we had to use the other type of card to connect.. not WiFi.. but the long...
Sparkleball Decoration
Every year a neighbor puts across the front of their house. By day they look goofy out there.. by night they are BEAUTIFUL!
Make a Habit of Returning Cart
Our Save-A-Lot store parking lot is huge and only has one cart corale. And yes carts are left all over the lot. Where we park is near the road and has a grass area. We always put the cart with the front 2 wheels up over the curb in the grass.. that way it catches...
Spare Change Adds Up
Oh my gosh sometimes I wish we didnt save change. Well, we dont actually save it we end up grabbing a bill instead of change. Thats why my purse weighs 10 lbs and my shoulder aches! MY hubby tells me to empty the change out but I just dont do it! We have change...
Saving Money on Milk
I get it pretty cheap at save-a-lot! I also use powered milk in cooking. They help things to taste better too! My mom always did this so I naturally picked up the habit.
Using Pre-Made Pie Crust For Dumplings?
I remember my mom using canned bisquits for dumplings, they were a bit dry but it worked.
Cooking Frozen Chicken?
I have a Pot/Frying pan called *Turbo Cooker, the directions specificaly say you can cook frozen meat in it. I do it ALOT every thing cooks faster in it,, meat poultry everything.. I use it the most of all my utensils for fast meals!!! http://www.thriftyfun...