Identifying a Lump on My Dog's Front Leg?
It kind of looks like a tick bite. If it aggravates it you may need a vet to examine it.
Perm Not Curly Enough?
I took classes in cosmetology and it normally that happens when the ends were not rolled tight enough on the roller and didnt get enough solution on them. You will want to wait a week or two and try again but make sure the ends are on there tight and that you...
Caring for a Dog with Parvo?
I honestly dont think that it would make him sicker, but you would need to maybe contact a vet and get a free consultation regarding parvo treatment. Usually they will give you that kind of general information without a visit, but if not you may want to think...
Troubleshooting an Electrical Circuit?
Sounds to me like it is a loose ground wire on the plugin in the wall. I hope that this may help.
Cleaning the Outside of a Refrigerator?
One of the best things that I have ever used to clean my fridge is a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. You can get them cheap at any dollar store. I hope this helps!
Removing Rust Colored Stains on Stored Cotton Blouse?
There is a product that you can get and it is in the laundry aisle, called, Calgon. You put a cap full in with your regular wash and it takes out stains like that. If you cant wash it in your washer, try using a solution of peroxide and white vinegar and dab...
Coconut Fiber Christmas Tree
I absolutely LOVE your crafts with the coconut fiber! I live in Southern KY so not many coconuts, but I may buy some and try making something with them.
Using Old Sinks As Planters
That is such a cool idea, I know someone throwing away a sink, and Im gonna take it, and use this idea!
Coconut Fiber Christmas Angels
These are so cute! I have never used coconut fiber before, so I may try this out!
Making Temporary Tattoos Last Longer?
The key is to not let it stay dry and keep it moist with some Vaseline or baby oil. Apply a few times a day to the tattoo.
Removing Soap Scum from Glass Shower Doors?
The best thing that I have ever used for this is a magic eraser. It doesnt harm glass and takes all sorts of stains and sticky off of most surfaces.
Causes of Blood in a Puppy's Stool?
Having worms most likely is the cause, so you should definitely consult your veterinarian and put on deworming treatment.
Changing Color Pre-lit Christmas Tree Lights Out of Sync?
This could possibly be that one of the lights might be out and causing the syncing issue. Or a possibly blown fuse. Check to see if you have any bulbs missing or not working and replace it, to see if that helps.
Removing Pee Stains on Dog's Bed Cushion?
I would wash it with cool water (not hot hot water), and use half a cup of vinegar and half a cup of baking soda, and a squirt of dish soap. If you use hot water, it will cause the urine smell to be way worse, so use cool water when you clean it. Good luck...
Distinguishing Between Silver and Silver Plate?
Most items will actually say if they are plated or not, and if they are marked with .925 on them, that means they are probably sterling silver, but if you dont see any markings on them, it is most likely plated.
Plumbing Repair Assistance for Low Income Homeowners?
I found this website very helpful when it came to assistance for housing repairs and other things as well.
Hair Damaged by a Perm?
I got a really bad perm like that one time, and it dried out and matted so bad. I found that using half a cup of coconut oil, and mix it with half cup of leave in conditioner, wet your hair and put in ALL of the mix all over your wet hair. Then take a towel...
Dog Is Eating Wooden Throwing Sticks?
I would definitely not let my dog eat their wooden toy sticks, because that is dangerous and could lead to choking or even death. Please consult your vet, or if you can t afford a vet visit, please visit your local pet store for suggestions.
Removing Stains from Calvin Klein Sweatpants?
For hard to remove stains on all my clothes, I use a product that you buy in the laundry aisle called, Calgon, and I mix a lid full of that mixed with a half cup of white vinegar to my laundry detergent and throw it in the wash and they come out very clean...
Using Dandruff Shampoo to Remove Hair Dye?
I wouldnt use dandruff shampoo to lighten any dye on the hair. I went to cosmetology school, and for an easy way to lighten it, use a tablespoon of baking soda and water and make a paste, then put in on the parts of your hair that you want to lighten and leave...
Removing Vomit Odor from a Leather Couch?
This recipe always works for me no matter what type of fabric or material you use it on. Take a bowl and mix half a cup of baking soda, 2 cups of hot water, and half a cup of vinegar and mix it up. Take a soft cloth dip it in the mixture ring it out well, then...
Finding Christmas Help?
Definitely call your local Veterans Association and they help you with finding a local representative that lives near you, that will be able to meet with you and discuss what has happened and be able to come up with a plan of action to help you and your family...
Home Repair Assistance for Seniors in Georgia?
This is the website that I use when I need any type assistance.
Finding Help After a House Fire?
You can contact your local Red Cross, or even your fire department for assistance. I find this site helpful for all different types of assistance.
Refurbishing A Lampshade with Jute Cord
That is such a neat idea for a lamp, I would have never thought of that!
Free Furniture Help?
I find that for any type of assistance this website has lots of answers.
Tilex Left Drip Marks on Glass Shower Doors?
One of the best products Ive ever used is a magic eraser that you can get at any dollar store in the bathroom cleaner aisle. They arent expensive and they work on ALL kinds of stains.
Getting WD-40 Smell Out of Jeans?
Add half a cup of salt, half a cup of baking soda, and half a cup of vinegar to your washer then add your regular laundry soap and wash on a longer cycle and maybe rinse twice. This always works for me when trying to get hard smells out of clothing.
Tips for Washing Hair with Hard Water?
To make your hair softer and it is also dye friendly and good for hair when using hard water is when you are going to wash your hair, put a few tablespoons of mayonnaise onto your hair while it is wet and let it sit for 15-20 minutes on your hair before washing...
Agencies That Provide Heaters for Low Income Seniors?
I currently am on such a program that can help, they offer it all over the United States called the LiHEAP program. It should be at your local social services office, or if not, they will be able to tell you where you can go, and what all information that you...
14th Birthday Party Ideas?
Have the girls maybe bring their favorite movies, or find out what movies they like and get the DVDs, (they dont cost very much nowadays), have the girls also bring what type of snack they like, (just in case maybe someone has allergies, and limited choices...
Using Vinegar to Remove Urine Odor in Range Oven?
I have found that when cleaning hard surfaces especially an oven is to actually use Apple Cider Vinegar. It cleans especially well and when the initial odor wears off (usually 10 min), it smells much fresher and cleaner. I love it, and use it all the time.
Selling Trees on Your Property for Lumber?
If I knew where you were located I could better answer, but I live in Kentucky and there are definitely companies that will come out to your home and estimate the type of lumber and then an estimate on what you can earn depending on how much you have to get...
Finding the Title for an Old Horror Movie?
There is a great site called and it gives you many ways to search for your movie, and has lots of different answers to choose from and offers many different titles of movies that you also may have forgot about or even want to watch.
Decorating for Daughter's 16th Birthday Party?
If she has a favorite band or sport, you can never go wrong with using those types of decorations. Using her favorite colors integrated within. Or if not, go with the Standard Sweet 16 theme, or use cars. That is what I did.
Enrolling in Medicare Part B?
I used to work for Medicare a while ago, and if my memory serves me right, if you qualify because of your age, and you are married, then he should be able to pick up part A under you. I dont want to give you the wrong advice, but to make extra sure you should...
Bamboo Garden Gate
This is absolutely gorgeous!! A great way to add a touch of the islands to spice up your living space!
Use Old Storage Racks In Your Garden
These are absolutely gorgeous! I just love your ideas and how you put things together and affordably too!!
Recycled Glass Light Fixture Terrariums
This is the cutest idea on how to use old globes that you may have lying around or dont have mates to them. Just lovely!!
Chicken and Cheese Stuffed Crepes
This looks like the most delicious thing Ive seen in a long time! Ive never made a crepe before but with THESE directions Im gonna try soon!
Making a Bamboo Rainstick
This just makes me so happy because can have summer time type of fun in all this bad winter weather!!
Caring for a 4 Week Old Puppy?
One of the ideas that I had regarding osur puppy that was finicky and couldnt sleep was to have a noise maker that mimics a heartbeat. One of the things that I had used before was a stuffed teddy bear that had a a heartbeat sound that came with it. It was very...
Accidental Tomato Garden Where Dogs Potty?
Okay there should be no problem eating the tomatoes that were grown in your backyard. Even though your dog uses your backyard as a toilet he is naturally fertilizing your plants. This is really healthy for your plants and any food grown on the plant or harmful...
Homemade Copper Cleanser?
The best homemade copper cleaner also cleans wooden cutting boards. You basically only need lemon and salt. Okay the second method that works excellent for cleaning copper is flour salt and vinegar.
Deciding on Getting Dentures?
Depending on your area there are different places you can go to get Affordable Dentures we have a school here that actually provides a lot of information regarding payment plans and options and even Financial assistance for some people who cant afford dentures...
Gray Roots Even After Bleaching?
I actually have had the same problem myself with gray roots so even though it was bleached and the gray roots were still showing I still used the regular box color that I normally used on it I just let it sit on the gray about 10 to 15 minutes longer than I...
Bleach and Hard Water Made Whites Beige?
We have hard water where I live and it is really tough on your whites. So what I use that keeps my whites really really bright without bleach is called Calgon. It is not the Calgon bath soap or bubble bath that you would think its actually in the laundry section...
13th Birthday Party Ideas?
On my daughters 13th birthday we actually did something that we have at our local park called Treetop Adventure where you have to go up in the trees and go through an obstacle course. It was an absolute blast we had the best time and at the end you get to zip...
Slogan Ideas for a Daycare Business?
I have often thought that for a daycare the name All Gods Children sounded good. You dont necessarily have to be religious to use this name in my opinion.
Causes of Sudden Death in Dogs?
First of all my condolences for your loss I completely understand. Our baby went outside and passed away minutes after going outside and we had no idea what had happened. We took her to the vet and they said that she had been stung by a bee or a wasp and was...