Anniversary Gift Ideas for Pastor?
I think a gift certificate to his favorite restaurant, especially if he is married so that he and his wife can enjoy a date night.
White Hair Losing Its Color?
There is a mousse product called Roux that is sold by Sally Beauty. It comes in all types of shades. My hair is also white and I put in a bit of mousse everyday which makes my hair a nice white/gray silvery shade. The cost is about $10.00 a bottle and you only...
Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
How about a very light, pastel mint green. I am planning on using this color in my kitchen. I think this would make the kitchen look refreshing. Good luck!
Finding Funding for Dental Work?
Could you finance the rest by opening a Care Credit credit card? This is a card specifically for medical costs (you can even use it for veterinary services). Care Credit has different plans where you dont pay any interest for a certain amount of months if the...
Getting Christmas Help for Teenagers in New Jersey?
Try some local churches; usually churches will adopt families for Christmas. I know my church is adopting a sigle mom and her children who range in age from 1 year to teen-agers. Also check with the Salvation Army.
Dental Care With No Insurance?
Google Avia dental plan. I pay $13.50 a month for my familys membership (It is around half that for an individual). If your dentist participates in Avia, you receive so much of a percentage off of your dental services. Also check out Care Credit (you can apply...
Homemade Hummingbird Nectar?
The standard mixture, I believe, is 4 to 1; i.e., four cups of water to one cup of sugar.
Treating Poison Ivy?
I would also recommend taking Benedryl (or the generic equivalent which is much less expensive) but beware that Benedryl can make you very drowsy.
Having a Root Canal Done?
It would be best to have the root canal/crown done. You dont want to have your tooth pulled as once a tooth is gone, it is gone, so to speak. Hold on to your teeth. I have had several root canals done and can honestly say that I did not experience any pain...
Saying Yes to a Prom Invitation?
Do not play a trick on him by saying no, then saying yes. This tactic could really ruin your relationship. Maybe instead of trying to be cute, just be sincere and let him know how awesome you think his way of asking you to the prom was and that you are thrilled...
Cleaning Up Whiskers After Shaving?
My husband and son drape a towel over the sink when they are shaving. The towel catches the whiskers then just pick up the towel and dispose in the trash can or outside (maybe the birds can use the hair for nest building!).
Puppy is Pooping in Crate?
Dogs usually dont go in the place where they sleep. Perhaps your dog is having a bowel/stomach problem and is unable to hold in his poop and should be checked out by the vet. Poor little dog. I know its a pain for you to clean up but Im sure he doesnt like...
Helping My Sister Deal With an Abusive Relationship?
I am no expert but it seems to me that the authorities should be notified. As nothing concrete has happened, the authorities cannot do anything but perhaps your sister would be allowed to file a report so the authorities are aware of what is going on in the...
2nd Birthday Party Decoration Ideas?
If you want to decorate, you can simply put up some crepe paper and hang balloons from the paper at varying intervals. We always did this for my children for their birthday parties. It will look very festive and cost very little and the best part is your little...
Looking for Buy Now Pay Later Companies?
Check out Bill Me Later and see if the stores you are interested in buying from are connected with Bill Me Later. I have used this in the past. I have purchsed some items that I was given three months to pay.
Making Your Own Rag Mop?
Try buying your mop head from a hardware store (like Home Depot) or a janitorial supply business.
Elegant Shoe Decorations for Ladies Church Group Meeting?
Another craft idea could be to provide each lady with (or have each lady bring their own) a shoe to decorate with whatever craft items you might have available - ribbons, flowers, beads, feathers, rick rack, paint, etc. I think these would make a neat decoration...
Suggestions for Buying Dental and Vision Insurance?
You might want to check our Avia Dental. This is not a dental insurance but a dental plan. Participating dentists give you a discount, determined by the plan, on your dental work. For example, on a $800 bill for a root canal, you might only pay $400. This plan...
Early Retirement and Medical Insurance?
In the event that you would need to be hospitalized, the hospital should be able to work with you. My son was hospitalized last year for 6 weeks and did not have insurance. He had to first fill out papers for medical assistance from our state. Between the state...
Advice for First Time Home Buyers?
Find out the age of the furnace, water heater, air conditioning and roof.
Making a Fin on a Fish Costume?
Perhaps you could make the shape of the fin from a clothes hanger, cover it with material and sew it on the costume.
Back to School Clothes?
You are probably eligible for some help on your utility bills. I know that where I live, people can get help through Catholic Charities. You can probably call your utility company for direction on this. Also, do you belong to a church congregation? If so, please...
Cleaning Up a Gas Spill?
You can use kitty litter. Also, there is a specific product that is sold in places like Home Depot, Lowes, etc. that is specifically for use in soaking up gas/oil. I dont know the name of it.
Making a Three Bean Salad?
You can purchase 3-bean salad at the grocery store, much easier and it is delicious.
Problem with a Robin Pecking at Window?
Put a rubber snake in the window. You should be able to find one of these at a toy store.
Remedies for Dry Mouth?
Biotene is a good product. Biotene comes in a spray, toothpaste, mouthwash and chewing gum.
Shop After Holiday Sales for Hostess Gifts
I love to shop the after Christmas sales. I just bought 5 sweaters for $12.50 each at Macys for my nieces. I used my $25.00 gift certificate toward the price, so I ended up paying around $7.00 cash for each sweater. Now I am ahead 5 gifts for 2012 and able...
Dental Work Done Without Insurance?
You might want to try Care Credit. With Care Credit you can charge a certain amount for medical/dental work (if the dentist will accept it) and if you pay back the amount borrowed within 18 mos., you pay no interest (Care Credit can also be used for payment...
Ohio Christmas Charities?
If you are not already signed up, please sign up with your local food bank. Your area should have a main food bank plus a lot of churches operate their own food bank. When we were down and out that is what we did. At the holidays, the food bank even included...
Remedies for Excessive Sweating and Underarm Odor?
Have you tried Drysol? You will need to have your dr. write you a prescription. This stuff works wonders. I used it years ago when I had a perspiration problem.
Making Your Own Laundry Soap with Fels Naptha Soap?
One very important thing to remember about using the Fels Naptha soap is that you should always remove the wrapper from each bar of soap and let it air dry out. Otherwise, you will experience a problem because the soap will be much too soft to grate. If you...
Choosing Between a Comforter or a Bedspread?
I like a quilted bedspread because you get the comfy-ness of a quilt and the length in one (no need for a bed-skirt).
Planning a Ladies' Church Luncheon?
I like this Care Kit. All the items can be put in a small gift bag. Care Kit A paper clip- To help keep things together when they seem to be out of control. A rubber band - To remind us that there are times when life stretches us. A tissue - To wipe away a...
How Do I Keep Birds Off the Porch Railing?
You can buy a few rubber snakes (find them at a toy store) and hang them in various places. This should scare off the birds.
How Do I Keep Birds Off the Porch Railing?
You can buy a few rubber snakes (find them at a toy store) and hang them in various places. This should scare off the birds.
Use Backs Of School Notices As Scratch Paper
You can buy a product (look on the internet) called padding compound to make your own peel off scratch pads. You just make a stack of your scrap paper, brush the padding compound onto the ends of the paper stack and let dry. When completely dry, you can just...
Low Sudsing Laundry Detergent Recipe?
Mix together 1 cup of grated Fels Naptha Soap, 1/2 cup of Borax and 1/2 cup of Washing Soda. After you purchase your Fels Naptha Soap, remove the wrappers from the soap and let the soap dry out for a few days/week. This will allow you to grate the soap easily...
Crocheted Slippers
Will you post the instructions for the crocheted Fluffy Bunny Slippers, please. Thank you.
Crafts Using Fabric Scraps and Yardage?
Go onto They will send you a kit containing everything you need to make two gospel aprons. They will also send you patterns to make childrens elastic waist pants that you may sew from any fabric that you have. These items are then given to the...
Contributing to Your Child's Wedding?
Regarding yarn to make an afghan, you might try advertising on your local Craigslist. Frequently people have a lot of leftover yarn that they would like to be rid of and perhaps might sell it at a reasonable price or even be willing to give it away.
Pompoms Instead of Easter Grass
I like to use pastel colored tissue paper; it looks nice and also avoids the mess of Easter grass.
Repair Sneakers With Silicone Sealant
There is also a product specifically for sneaker repair called Shoe Goo.