Bump on Dog
This does not look good, you should see a Vet as soon as possible . This is not normal. This could be something or nothing, guessing would not be good. Its kind of sad to see this fur baby this way. Do what you can as soon as you are able! Take care.
Name of Old Horror Movie
I found this link that list every horror movie sense the being, dating from 1895 - until Now. May from the list of the 90s movies, this may help (full of history just to read) . - https://horror.fandom.com/wiki/chronological_list_of_Horror_films
Name of Old Horror Movie
I found this link that list of 200 best Horror movies of all time, this will be a good start for a search, I hope yours made the cut - https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/best-horror-movies-of-all-time - here is a link to 100 Horror movies with pictures...
Popsicle Stick Sled
You could use wood glue! no heat and you can clean up the access. Its a little more money,but safer for kids and no burning!
Master Bathroom Decor Ideas?
They have these great peel and stick patterns that you peel and sticks without glues! It is totally removable! It adds color,design and flair to a much needed space, without damage to to the space!
Reusing Candle Wax
Hi Carol,essential oil was optional, but if needed add 2 caps per 6 to 8 oz.You can add more if you want them stronger.This can be purchased at your local craft store.(Add while wax melting).Thank you!!!