Better-Than-Sex Cake
ohhhh that does sound good Trudy but down here in the south our BTS cake always, always, always must contain pecans, lots of cool whip and chocolate! And it is so good youll know why! Versions vary according to the cook but this is one of them. BETTER THAN...
Beware " Daily Top 10" Emails; Actually Malware
My internet providers spam filter has actually been catching these CNN ones, but there are some others that look to be from MSN that have been getting through to my email program. When I felt they were suspicious, I just hovered the mouse over the link and...
Never Fail Hard Boiled Eggs
Yes, use ice! If you drain your cooked eggs and immediately top the pot with some ice cubes and cold water, it will stop the cooking process, youll have prettier yolks and it seems to also help with peeling them.
Peanut Butter Fudge Not Hardening?
I had a similar experience today. I have never made fudge until today, and I wanted to use an old fashioned Hersheys original fudge recipe - without marshmallow in it and without using any shortcuts. Just sugar, whole milk, butter, vanilla and cocoa. Of course...
Making Homemade Glue?
These looks like some good ones.
Cleaning Plastic Dish Strainer?
And why should you buy a new one when you have one that is perfectly fine? I say run a sink of hot water and soak it, even if you have to do it one end at a time. If this doesnt loosen the soap scum enough to wipe it free, then take a scrub brush to it.
Cleaning Antique Metal Fighting Hands?
Those ARE some scary looking gloves! What about using a dab of some 3 in 1 oil and rubbing it in with a soft cloth?
Something is Burrowing Holes in My Deck?
Yep, it is a carpenter bee - NOT a bumble bee. There is a difference. Do an internet search on how to treat for them. If you can catch them early, you should be able to get rid of them. Generally, they attack new, unpainted wood. If you dont get them under...
Removing Spilt Milk Smell From Refrigerator?
Dont forget to check under any bins and/or drawers where it may have seeped.
Reagan's Rosebuds Baby Afghan
Congratulations! Ironically, I am also expecting my first grandchild - a boy - in September. I am so excited!!
Pineapple Dessert With Soda Cracker Crust Recipe?
How about this one? Seems close. PINEAPPLE SODA CRACKER PIE 3 egg whites 1 c. sugar 1/2 c. (10-12) soda crackers, finely crushed 1/2 c. crushed pineapple, drained 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1/8 tsp. salt 3/4 c. coconut Beat egg whites until stiff. Gradually add...
Is Carpet Safe After Being Wet?
Personally, I would rip it out and not take the chance of growing mold. If you dont have flood insurance and cant afford to replace the carpet all at once, believe me (speaking from Katrina experience) you can live with throw rugs on bare concrete for a long...
Finding a Date Online?
I didnt meet my husband online but before I knew him I met and dated quite a few very eligible bachelors - nice, cleancut, attractive and professional men - that I met through online sites like You have to exercise caution, things like meeting at...
Installing New Flooring Over Linoleum?
As long as the linoleum you are covering is still securely glued to the floor, with no gaps or places that have lifted, it is my understanding that you can use it as a subfloor and put another floor over it - such as ceramic or peel and stick tile. You do have...
One Login Not Working on a Multi-User Computer?
Im wondering if someone may have accidentally deleted your user account. If restoring to an earlier date where your login did work doesnt do it, your husband will probably have to do the restoration or reverse the deleted account from his end as administrator...
Old Fashioned Soda Fountain Treats
Old fashioned root beer float made with bottled Barqs root beer, which originated here on the Miss. Gulf Coast by the way, not in New Orleans as widely thought.
Keeping An Outdoor Dog Warm In Winter?
Ashley, some of this advice about not owning a dog unless you can keep it indoors seems awfully harsh to me. You can have a happy dog that lives outside - I know because I have two large labs that live outside 99% of the time because of my allergies that have...
Water Filters in Refrigerators?
Holly, I just bought a Kenmore that did not have a built in filter system for the ice maker. Those fridge models with the easy access filters inside or in the bottom were just so much more expensive and Im not spending any more on a refrigerator than I need...
How well does Microfiber hold up to wear?
I have an oversized microfiber armchair that gets used a lot and I love it. Its a deep maroon color. I have two cats who like to lay on it but I can simply take a damp paper towel to wipe up the hair with, and when I break out the vacuum, I run over the chair...
Long Distance Providers in Las Vegas?
I would suggest going to the lower my bills website and looking at the different providers that are available for your phone number. They have consumer ratings which meant a lot to me. I used this...
Ant Repellents?
Yep, diatomaceous earth is the way to go. Its a naturally occuring mineral based sediment that comes from fossilized plants called diatoms and works by cutting into the bodies of the insects, causing them to dehydrate and die. Pick some up in the garden section...
Tips For Mattress Shopping?
Have a look at the US mattress website. I recently purchased a plush euro pillowtop king size Sealy set there, and I am extremely pleased with the entire process. These are not seconds, used or anything but new mattresses and the...
Blooming Glads?
Hi Gwen, Gladiolus generally blooms mid to late summer as far as I know, but I think there are a few different varieties that bloom early or later. It also depends on when you planted them too. I live in south Miss. zone 8b and the new ones that I planted in...
Purple Hydrangeas?
maybe one of these links will help
The Best Flooring for Dogs?
I also have dogs but have always had carpet so it never occured to me that dogs would have difficulty on solid flooring until I saw my neighbors dog trying to walk across her laminate floors. It was both funny and sad at the same time - and her dog was only...
Inspect The Floor When Replacing Doors
Your front door is lovely! Isnt it nice to replace these outer doors with something new? I recently replaced my old sliding glass patio door (and I mean OLD!) with beautiful outswinging french doors with the built in blinds. It made a world of difference in...
Coffee Can Composting
Ive been doing this coffee can composting for a long time too. In order to keep any odor down I store mine on a shelf in the refrigerator. Dont forget to toss in your coffee grounds - filter and all!
Homecoming Mums?
If you do a google search, there are several sites that pop up. Here are a couple of them.
Buying and Using Essential Oils?
If you have a whole foods/health food store near you they usually carry decent oils. And they also have a variety of books available usually. I buy most of my oils online from Aromaland. They have been in business a long time and have been extremely pleased...
Decorating a Room for My Show Dogs?
I saw this the other day on tv and though you would probably have to go larger, I think this method would showcase the awards fantastic. They used a contrasting color from opposite walls in a room to paint color blocks on the opposing walls. Then they took...
Fabric Covered Photo Album?
Heres a couple of examples that might be helpful
Potato Recipes?
I love this one. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Take a cookie sheet and sprinkle olive oil on it. Slice potatoes, skins and all, to about 1/4 or so, throw them on the pan and scoot them around and turn them so they are coated with the oil. Sprinkle with salt...
What Should I Eat Before Taking a Test?
When I had an early math class, I always made sure to eat protein for breakfast - usually eggs - before class. It really seemed to help with my focus and concentration - and ability to retain. I am also very sound sensitive so I purchased a pair of noise reduction...
Composting Grapes
If you place them on top of the soil you may attract more bugs (flies, ants) than you would like! If youre going to compost, you need to bury them under your compost pile so that they will decompose. I started my compost pile with a pile of leaves and I keep...
How do I make my own compost?
I keep my kitchen scraps (coffee grounds, tea bags, vegetable and fruit peelings, eggshells and such) in a plastic lidded Folgers coffee can in the refrigerator. When it is full I take it out to the compost pile which is out in the far corner of my yard, dig...
Carino's Olive Oil Recipe?
Ive never eaten at Carinos but they may be willing to share what the oil is seasoned with if you ask next time. Usually its a very good extra virgin olive oil seasoned with a combination of herbs and spices like rosemary, basil, oregano, garlic powder, parsley...
Balancing Work and Family?
The state of the family today tells me that more mothers should have stayed home and raised their children. My son turned out respectful and well mannered but if I could turn back the hands of time, I would go back and do just that because I feel that I missed...
Cocoa Butter for Eczema?
I cant attest to this but Ive also heard that you can use coconut oil for eczema. I recently purchased a small canister of some at WalMart for a couple of bucks over on the food aisle where the oils are. It can be ingested as well as used for cooking but is...
Preventing a Shower Mirror From Becoming Foggy?
Oh Virginia, I love, love, love Destin. Its my favorite place to go ... my husband and I have driven over from Mississippi just to do lunch before! Anyway, it is true that shaving cream will do it. Use the foam kind, smear it all over the mirror and then wipe...
Buying Rice Lites?
(I was wondering the same thing Alexis!) Maybe here?
Curfews for College Age Children?
3:30 seems awfully generous to me. It is after all, your home and if youre like me, so long as he is out you probably dont rest well. He needs to understand this. If its any consolation, my son withdrew a bit and became a foreigner to me between the ages of...
Is Homemade Flavored Olive Oil Safe?
Im a little behind on postings but in case anyone runs across this in the future I thought this website referencing Bertollis recommendations explained it pretty well.
Update: Thriftyfun Knocked Out By Storms
Wow Susan ... glad everyone is okay. The only thing I had heard about this storm had to do with the hikers on Mt. Hood. I never thought about the effect on the ground but it looks like you guys experienced a hurricane! Glad everyone is okay - those trees looked...
Start With Room Temperature Water For Pasta
And dont forget to cover the pot. It will come to a boil much faster!
When should I lay new sod grass?
I think it depends more on where you live and what type of grass you want to plant. Check the internet to see if your state has a county extension site, or call them. They will advise you on both. I live in the deep south, so grass can be set anytime down here...
Homemade Germ Cleaner Recipe?
Jim, have you ever thought about using essential oils? There are many that are antiseptic and that disinfect. Tea tree is a great one. You would take a standard spray bottle and add anywhere between 20 to 30 drops of tea tree oil along with a few tablespoons...
Will urine show up under UV light?
Yes, as well as other bodily fluids and quite a few other interesting uses. A tube black light is a basically a fluorescent lamp with a different sort of phosphor coating. This coating absorbs harmful shortwave...
Cleaner for Laminate Flooring?
I just got Martha Stewarts Homekeeping Handbook and that is what she recommends. 1 cup of vinegar to 1 gallon of water.
Maine Christmas Charities?
Contact your local newspaper and television station. They usually have a list of agencies that participate in gifts for children at Christmas. Catholic Charities, local churches, Boys and Girls Clubs, Toys for Tots Mr. Austin Richards Mattawamkeag/Lincoln, Maine...
Appraising China?
Jodee, go to Ebay and enter your search as Norleans china, Summerfield pattern. There are several pieces there for sale so you can get an idea of what theyre trying to sell it for. You can also google replacement china and find websites that you can check for...
Caring for Your Skin?
A good mild natural soap, olive oil for moisturizing, mineral makeup and stay out of the sun.
Willow Trees Growing Near Sewer Drains?
Eric, Im confused! Why would this be a problem .. I dont get it?
Weight Loss Smoothies?
I dont know if youve ever heard of Dr. Oz, who has written the YOU... books, the latest, YOU: On a Diet. Hes on Oprah alot. Anyway, last time he was on Oprah, he gave a breakfast replacement shake that contains flaxseed oil and psyillium seed husks, both of...
Keeping My Dog Warm at Night?
Precious baby.. I have an older dog too, so I completely understand this. Can you put a doggie sweater on her at night? That seems the best solution to me. That way she will stay covered and cozy!
Watch Out for Pets When Painting
Oh is that ever an Americas funniest home video! Course, it wasnt funny when it happened. I always crate my cats when I start to paint. They arent crazy about it but what happened here was my biggest fear. Great advice, learned the hard way!
Creamy Potato Recipe Request?
My mother in law actually makes her potato salad like mashed potatoes. Same ingredients as regular potato salad, she just mashes it up completely, like mashed potatoes. When I was younger, I used to love to eat my moms potato salad right after she made it ... when...
Deep Frying a Turkey Tips?
Yes you should do this well away from the house, but more important and one of the biggest problems with frying turkey is the fire hazard due to overfilling the pot with oil. Remember that the turkey is going to displace the oil in the pot once you add it, so...
Phones Not Ringing?
Ive heard that phone companies only provide enough current to operate a specific number of phones, maybe 4 or 5. So I would try unplugging a few and calling your line each time you unplug. Theres a call back number you can put into your phone, then hang up...
Adding Eggs to Custard or Pudding?
Yep, thats it.. its called tempering.
Use Tea On House Plants
I throw all of my teabags - no matter the kind - in my compost bucket, which is really just a Folgers plastic coffee container with a lid that I keep in my fridge. I also toss in the used coffee grounds, filter and all in there, along with bits of vegetables...
Martha Stewart Towels?
Go to her website and email them about it. Ill bet somebody responds to you! She is very hands on about her products, plus she just came out with a new housekeeping book, so she may even use your question on her show!
99th Birthday Party Ideas?
Community Centers are the way to go. They usually have kitchen facilities and they are inexpensive to rent. You can usually get them ahead of time to decorate also. Heres a link to some in the Riverside area which I think is close to you. If not just do a search...
Clip Art for Holiday Decorations
This is another good site.
Decorating Denim With a Tide Stain Pen?
Martha Stewart did this on her show with stencils on t-shirts, so Im sure you can adapt it for denim. One thing that was apparently important was to neutralize the bleach so that it would not eat on the fabric. Anyway, heres the link to the page where she did...
Choosing a Floor and Countertops That Go Together?
Try this site to get some ideas.
Grown Dog Going To The Bathroom In the House?
Make sure they dont have water (including the toilet) or food available between the time they go out and you get up to see if it helps.
Bourbon Pecan Pie Recipe?
Heres the one from Karo syrup. Bourbon Pecan Pie 6 tablespoons butter, softened 1 cup dark brown sugar 3 eggs, slightly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla 3/4 cup Karo® Dark Corn Syrup 1 tablespoon Argo® Corn Starch 1 tablespoon bourbon 2 cups pecans 1 (9-inch) unbaked...
Winter Wedding Ideas?
Oh, definitely silver glittered snowflakes! I bought a bunch of them in various sizes at the party store to hang in my trees during the Christmas holidays. They are so pretty and would go great with your color theme.
Homemade HP Sauce?
HP Sauce is a condiment, a popular brown sauce currently produced in Aston, Birmingham, England by HP Foods. It has a malt vinegar base blended with fruit and spices and is usually eaten as an adjunct to hot or cold savoury food, or used as an ingredient in...
What is the best way to wash produce?,2677,FOOD_22199,00.html
Burnt Mac and Cheese In a Stainless Steel Pot?
WalMart sells a stainless steel scrubber. Looks almost like its made of steel fibers itself. Anyway, I love my stainless cookware but on occasion I also have burned things on too. This scrubber is fantastic.
Making Sheetrock Smooth for Painting After Removing Wallpaper?
Youll just need to patch it with some mud, smooth it out and lightly sand it before painting. Pretty much like filling in holes from nails but with a little more detailing. If you dont the defect will show through and leave an ugly mark on your wall! You can...
Homemade Bingo Cards?
Get you some cardstock at WalMart for your printer and go here:
Freezing Limes?
Are you just wanting to reserve the juice? If so, squeeze them out, put the juice into ice cube trays and freeze. Then put the cubes into a labeled ziploc freezer back until you need the juice. I do this with fruit juices and also with broth. Works fantastic...
Remedy for the Itch from Ant Bites?
Im not sure about ant bites, but I have used rubbing alcohol when the gnats and no-see-ums have gotten hold of me and it really helps to ease the sting. My mother used to use Dr. Tichenors antiseptic on us for bug bites, but I can never find it at WalMart. Used...
Sticky Residue on CD Cases?
WD-40 or Oops should remove the residue if you have access to either of these products in England. If not, some kind of machine oil like 3-in-1 oil, or check your local tool or hardware store for something that can be used to remove sticker residue.
Deep Red Bedspread?
I agree with the others. Look at the realm of colors that are in the mustardy beige family. It will go beautifully.
Snowy Fence
Thats pretty. I wish we got snow, but I live in south Mississippi so its very RARE we see any flurries much less snow. :(
Food for 2 Years for $5 a Week
In this day and age of pandemic threats, this is probably not a bad idea at all. My question is where and how do you store all this? How do you keep the flour and such from going rancid or getting buggy? Theres so much of it!
Food for 2 Years for $5 a Week
Actually I do store flour in the freezer but for this much, youd have to have a whole freezer dedicated to just this plan!
Where Can I Buy Borax?
Same here. Our WalMart carries it but its way up on the top shelf, and across from the laundry detergent -near the dishwashing soap and bleach. The one I buy is 20 Mule Team Borax and it comes in a stout box that is mostly yellow with torquoise trim.
What does blue mean in a rainbow tea?
BLUE-DAWN of new Day
Colorado Steakhouse Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe
Sorry, cant help with the recipe but I looked up the menu and it mentions cream cheese. Colorado Stuffed Mushrooms Fresh mushrooms hand stuffed with a mildly spiced cream cheese mixture. Lightly breaded in Japanese bread crumbs and deep fried to a golden brown...
Spareribs With Coke?
Coca Cola BBQ Sauce 2 cups Coca-Cola 2 cups catsup 2 cups white vinegar 1/2 onion large onion, finely chopped 1 1/2 tablespoons black pepper 3 tablespoons chili powder 3 tablespoons salt 3 tablespoons sugar Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil...