Garden: Growing By the Front Door
hi...great idea and looks beautiful...was wondering what they are growing in??? I have to move into an apartment this yr so not going to be able to have flowers or garden and was wondering if I could do something like this in an apt take care, Ruth
Craft Project: Three Surprise Hearts have a sweetie there...they are beautiful...they would make a great wedding, grandparent, or other special occasion thanx for sharing
Kenny Rogers Rotisserie Chicken?
sorry dont have a recipe but I remember going in there once and they had the most wonderful cucumber, onion (thats all) + the dressing and never had it again or been able to find a was so delicious anyone know what that one would be?? thankx
Using a Cake Mix That's Expired?
I would try it also with just the cake, and so sorry to hear about your husband. I lost mine nearly 2 yrs ago with cancer also, and lots of food left but it wont hurt to try it alone. If it doesnt work then you know. Also you could call the cake manufacturer...
Recipes Using Rutabagas?
Hi...I boil them like potatoes and when they are done..I drain them and add brown sugar and margarine or butter and beat them and enjoy
Wood Plank Santa Claus
cute idea...I think I can do going to try it and if not for this Christmas might be able to do it for next year thanks for sharing Ruth
Gift Ideas for 14 Year Old?
You didnt mention boy or girl? but ideas above are good also~ ~gift certificates (from local department or music place) ~popcorn packs to go with the movie tickets ~hot chocolate mixes ~also read somewhere to buy some pots (paint them gold)..put gold coins...
What Does DH Mean?
I always heard it stood for dear husband but I really like yours better somedays DUMB HUSBAND thanx for the belly laugh take care, Ruth
Is Cat Food Bad for Dogs?
My rat terrier isnt the only one eh? LOL...she eats the cats food every chance she gets! Its in the bathtub but sometimes we forget to put it back in after baths. She gobbles it up. But the cat loves the dogs food also (caesar which is softer) so have to watch...
Favorite Kitchen Gadgets?
My favorite is the mini grater. I got at dollar store. Great for grating cheese, chocolate and easier on the fingers than the box grater. I do agree with checking out the dollar store. My local had measuring cups shaped like tea cups so had to get them, practical...
Layered Look T-Shirt/Blouse
tee hee, I agree with Janet (about my size)..would also be good if one t-shirt got a stain on it, you could save the bottom.....but I have a teenage daughter that loves that stuff and the prices in stores is pricey so will be trying this..thanx for sharing...
Friendship Gift Basket for a Faraway Friend
awww...this is so great...Ive been missing a friend in the states (Im from Ontario) and this would make a great gift to send her. thanx for sharing :0)
Money Plant Flowers
this flower is really pretty do you know the original name of it??? or would the greenhouses know what i meant by asking for the money flower???? LOL... I know when my parents were alive they had something by garage that had large flat round silver discs on...
Luke (Jack Russel/Rat Terrier)
awww.what a sweetie :0)...I have a pure-bred rat terrier. Her name is Jackie..My step-son gave her to us and she will turn 10 yrs old in July. shes been a delight thru the yrs...sometimes a little yappy but arent we all at times LOL...enjoy
Valentines Through The Years
awww...that is so have a wonderful thoughtful man there...God bless you both and many more valentines days together
Perennial Plant Suggestions?
I also have cement blocks around 1 of my flowerbeds and I put hens & chicks in them. They grow each year and you can leave them in over the winter and actually last yr one of them flowered (this was the 1st time in the yrs Ive had them) good luck
Rubber Duck Themed First Birthday
what a wonderful cake you did a good job..the whole thing lookss cute..good imagination...give yourself a pat on the back :0)
Filly On A Foggy Morning
what a great picture...also from Ontario...luv foggy mornings but not to drive in :0) thanx for sharing
Quick and Easy Homemade Gift Box
thats a great idea.....I also have went out and bought a unfinished box (bottom & top) and done it in pink and added wooden letters and numbers and gave it to my great neice for my great-great neices babyshower (will have to finish the date once shes born). this...
Rope Lights Under Kitchen Counters
me too...great idea...i have all kinds of them and they sit in a tote waiting for Christmas...never thought of using them for this and cheaper on hydro (hopefully) thanx for sharing
Yellow Jackets In House?
I heard spraying them with hairspray will make them drop (havent tried this so dont know if they are stunned or killed). Good luck, they have a nasty sting.
Grandmom and Grandpop Reindeer
awww...what a pair of cute reindeer LOL...grandpa doesnt look too impressed though...the grandkids and some of the adults wore santas hats last christmas.....they looked cute
Inexpensive Owl Halloween Costume For 5 Year Old?
didnt say male or female...i have made a witch, dollar store hat, thrift store dress, socks and broom and paint for face, also made a dalmatian dog, fuzzy hat, white pants and shirt either paint or sew some spots on and made a stuffed tail, made ninja turtles...
Halloween Bat Sock Puppet
wow...what a great idea to use up that lonesome black sock that seem to have lost their partner...LOL.....thanks for sharing...think the grandkids will love them.. :0)
Butterfly And Honeybee
love the pic of butterfly and have to agree with everyone else its a yellowjacket~~have tons of them around my home~~its been dry and they have their homes in the ground and they are very angry things...they swarm you and their sting is soooo awful like a hot...
In Memory of Roc
So sorry to hear about your loss...but you will be reunited someday in a place where they dont judge people or animals as being different. He looked friendly.
Country Wedding Background
beautiful setting....only thing missing is the bride and groom....what great memories
Scrapbook for Student Assignment?
I have found some new, interesting ideas to do my scrapbooking thanx for sharing ideas and hopefully your sons project turns out terrific but it has to be fun for him since its about himself but I have a 10 yr old grandson that loves scrapbooking and writing...
Hedge People
Is that ever cute....I knew us Canadians were talented :0).......I pass a place where they have their hedge as an owl...cut the shape and use tin pie plates (I think) for eyse..its fantastic...Im also from a small place in Ontario actually about 2 hrs from...
Popsicle Stick Tree Ornament
these look adorable..thanx for sharing and this will make a great Christmas present or bazaars for school
How To Clean Eyeglasses?
I was told by my eye doctor not to use kleenex, paper towels or anything like that cause they have wood fibers in them and will scratch the lens...I just use plain water and wipe with a brother told me last wk that those little wet wipes (that...
Conjoined Yellow Squash
kewl squash...twins LOL.....I tried to grow a tomato in a pot near my house...but forgot to water it so planted it out in my flowerbed and when I water my porch flowers I lean over and water my tomato too. good luck
Hatching Monarch Butterfly
Wow, thats fantastic. I love butterflies and hope I get to watch this wonderful transformation someday. heading to a butterfly conversatory at end of month cant wait :0)
Moo-La Bank
thanx for sharing...going to try making this for my step-son either for birthday or Christmas...
Making Christmas Ornaments
isnt pc great?? Ive done lots for Christmas and other day presents even Christmas bazaar when my kids where smaller. Remember one year made a bunch up and took them to the school and my son coming home and saying Mommy, bought you a new ornament and proudly...
Drying Center in a Guest Room
had one of them racks and hated it........rather use the shower rod instead....but if you are enjoying it more to ya........:0)
Chicklet (Arab/Quarterhorse)
Chicklet is a very beautiful and lucky horse to have found such a wonderful person like yourself. Thanx for saving such a beautiful animal from another Canadian
Painting a Metal Door?
Hi~~we just used rust proof paint on our steel door both in and out and just used a roller and a paint brush and it has held up thru the weather really well. Hope this helps :0)
My Favorite Kitchen Corner
What a wonderful corner. Your hubby and yourself should be very proud of yourselves. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!! :0)
Do It Yourself Mechanical Repairs
I had a neighbor that taught me how to fix my spinner washer~~and now I have to learn to fix my car, home and yard stuff again since I lost my dh in March and I am short on finances. Plus it makes one proud they did it on their own..good going
Watermelon Stool
awww...what a cute idea....thanx for sharing :0) my daughter would love this she loves anything with watermelon involved...would make a great birthday present...take care
Spring Lilacs in the Ozarks
They are sooooooo beautiful and I can just imagine the smell...cant wait for them to arrive here..they are my favorites....I would fill my house with them and my bestfriend would come over and say guess you dont want me to visit?? (shes allergic) and I just...
Plastic Canvas Easter Cross
I also do plastic canvassing and this is a cute idea...thanx for sharing :0)
Painting a Potato Bin
Way to go.....beautiful job!!! Wish I had your talent. Hope you keep up the painting. take care, :0)
Two Little Piggies
awwwww.....what cute visitors you had.....too big to get into that bird feeder LOL.....hope you gave them some milk with those cookies....glad they got back with their owners....take care, :0)
African Violets Damaged By Cold?
Hey sister-in-law always told me as long as theres green growth in the middle they should mom used to grow the most beautiful violets when she was alive but I havent got her green thumb.......good luck with yours :0)
Little Boy's Lampshade
Good job....thanx for sharing this idea I have 4 grandsons that would enjoy these lampshades :0)
Aleef Adam - A Happy Guy
awwww.....what a sweetie!! No wonder hes got such a BIG smile on his face.....look at what hes holding!! chocolate~~always makes me smile LOL
Day Brightener
awww....what a sweetie...grandchildren always brightens the darkest days dont they?? When Im down in the dumps, grandson comes around and gives me that special smile and a big hug for Nana :0)
Homemade Nutmeg Chest Cold Remedy
Hi never heard of this one but will try it~~I remember when my Mom was alive she did a mustard plaster one Thanx
Craft Uses for Buttons?
My children and I used to make button people~~We got wooden bead faces, buttons and pipe cleaners. Thread the face on the pipe cleaner and then add buttons and then add 2 more pipe cleaners to make arms and legs...when it comes to the end~~leave enough room...
Quickly De-icing Your Windshield
Hi~~this really works. My hubby has done this for yrs and it does saves lots of time scraping :0)
Our Little Pumpkin
awwww.......what a sweetie!! and what pumpkin patch did you find such a cutie??? LOL arent they fun at this age?? :0)
Local Blue Jays
what a lovely picture.....they are beautiful creatures thanx for sharing....when we first moved here we had a van and a cardinal would sit on the mirror and peck at we were wondering if it had lost its mate and find another one in our mirror....I...
BettyBoots (Pot Bellied Pig)
What a sweetie.....Ive always wanted a potbelly but hubby said we had enough animals...2 cats and a dog and 2 kids and him of course LOL.....enjoy her shes precious :0)
The Dangers of Co-Signing
I didnt co-sign for anyone but I did get a cellphone in my name for a relative. They were suppose to put it into their name but never did. They got mad at me so wouldnt pay it so to keep up my good credit...I had to basically beg, borrow or count up my change...
My Froggy Crossing Pond
You two done a beautiful job....its so much better when you do it yourself then get a professionals. You need to pat each other on the back...good job....enjoy :0)
William - My First Grandbaby
what a handsome little youngest grandson is 18 mos....and he makes me smile everyday...enjoy
Hatching Butterfly
Wow were blessed by watching this beautiful monarch arrive. I remember when I was a teenager and my parents had a cottage (in Ontario, Canada) by the lake & we looked in the backyard and 1 of the trees were covered in monarchs~~we figured they...
Skipper Butterfly
what a beautiful butterfly and an excellent shot.....I love butterflies and have found 2 different colors so far this yr that Ive gotten pics of .......I have heard so much about butterfly bushes I have told family I am getting some next spring so I can get...
In Memory of Big Grunt (German Shepherd)
He was a beautiful dog.......sorry for your loss...Its hard to lose a pet when they become like family.
Free Tennis Ball Game
Guess I should have listened to does drive one crazy LOL........sil has beaten me already....thanx for sharing saved it on my favs.....
Coffee Can Snowman Craft Project
that is soooooooo cute.....thanx for sharing and I hope you dont mind me using your is tight this year and I think this would make excellent gifts for the adults, take care
Make Your Own Butterfly Feeder
Luv it...........I love butterflies and have been trying to figure out someway to attract more to my home.......this is excellent........thanx for sharing
Rufus (Ruby-throated Hummingbird)
oh....he is so beautiful...your lucky he luvs the camera flash...thanx so much for sharing. I am getting loads of butterfly pictures lately (I have a thing about them LOL) another one of Gods beautiful creatures..take care
Decoupaged Old Aluminum Trays
great did a great job....I might just have to try that one.....thanx for sharing
Folger's Simply Smooth Review
kewl.....I have just bought one but havent tried it yet.......I get alot of heartburn so hoping this one doesnt work that way would like to drink some more ..thanx for sharing your experience with us
Canadian Sites for Grocery Coupons?
Hello..Im from Ontario too.....some websites for some sites are try (they have a list of coupons you can check off and they send them to you free of charge)...sometimes if you send emails...
Starting on Christmas Gifts
Know what ya mean..actually I start again on boxing day....than when I see little things or something on sale I pick it....but then I have to remember where I put all this stuff when Christmas comes around LOL........but I really like your idea about the recipe...
If You Are Overcharged at WalMart you know if its the same in Canadas walmart????.........I hope so.....tee hee
First Trip to the Beach
Such a cutie.......we took our little 15 month old grandson last month.....he loved the sand, but not too sure of the water but he started getting brave towards the end (or maybe he was trying to impress the little girl he ended up playing with LOL)...take...
Becca at the Zoo
Awwwwwww.......what a sweetie!! I have a Becca too but shes my dd.......grandchildren are sooooo wonderful...I have 4 grandsons .......enjoy :0)
what a wonderful picture...I luv watching birds and bats. A friend has an oriole feeder at her home and I got to see the male & female the last time I was there and the male looked rite in at was so kewl.....nature is so beautiful and its great to slow...
Local Gang in the Alley
Now thats a GANG gathering I like to see :0) thats beautiful. I remember yrs ago my parents had a tree covered in monarch butterflies~~never seen anything like that again. Thanx so much for sharing
What Can I Plant on Top of a Septic Tank?
not sure if a filter bed is the same as a septic bed but hubby has been planting his veggie garden on ours for last 2 yrs and its done well. Good luck on finding something to plant
Baby Cranes with Parents
Mine too...Susie.....pretty neat eh??? thanx for enlightening us some more of Gods precious creatures Lorraine :0)
First Aid Website
Wow.......what a great site........thanx so much for going to pass this addy to family and friends........:0)
Rock Cakes Recipe?
hi if you do a google search with ROCK CAKEs in subject line........there is a bunch of them .....hope this helps you.......sounds good mite have to try some of them...........Im also form Ontario and my grandparents was from Wiarton and my grandmother always...
Freezing Applesauce
Hello.........this is soo kewl...dh and I just bought some apples today at the flea market and was talking about if we could freeze applesauce and came on here and heres a recipe..thanx so much for sharing...have a great day, Grammar
Personal Cookbook CD
that sounds like a great idea do you have any of the websites or what I should be looking for.......thanx, Ruth