Snails Eating Beet Greens?
Get a 600ml coke bottle, cut the bottom off the bottle. Throw away the top piece of the bottle. Pour some beer into the bottom piece of the bottle then sit the tub in the garden. The snails get attracted to the beer, and will eventually fall in and drown. Good...
Cleaning Hardwood Floors?
Degreaser, WD40, apply to rag, rub briskly and it should come off. Also try white vinegar, should work a treat.
Crayon Stain in Clothes?
White vinegar and baking soda, make a paste and rub on the item of clothing. Leave it to soak up the stain then put through the washing machine and the stain should be out.
Burnt Garlic Smell in the Microwave?
Cut lemons into wedges and place into a bowl of water, turn on microwave and boil the water and lemons in microwave for 2 mins on high. The citric acid of the lemons soaks up the odors.