Use Tide for Stains and a Cheaper Brand for the Rest
Hi Beth- Great tip! Even tho Im a Sr., I cant seem to go a full day without messing up a shirt...Ugh! Im going to try this. Thanks- Cheryl
Attach Your Bobbin to a Magnet
WOW! What a great tip. You can bet Ill be using this one! And Ive been sewing at least 45 yrs.! Thanks, Cheryl
Looking For Odor Gun Product?
Try Googling something like ENZYME ODOR REMOVER. I dont know what enzymes are used, but in my years on the farm, these liquids are often the only types of odor removers that really work. Try to find one that comes as a concentrate. You can make up only as much...
Cleaning Chickens?
Im thinking a mild shampoo might do the job. Perhaps something like a tearless baby shampoo? Best of luck! Cheryl
What Is This Plant? (Velvet Leaf)
This is velvet leaf & considered a noxious weed here in WI. Whatever you do, do NOT let it go to seed! Yank that bad boy ASAP! Sunflower seeds come from sunflowers. The seeds your children are eating are a somewhat processed version. They might be de-hulled...
Reviews Of Sleep Number Bed?
I got soooo sore sleeping on the slab that my DH insists his back needs. After 2 yrs. of sleeping on the couch in self defense, I bought a sleep number bed on eBay @ a quarter of the cost as the sleep number store. We can once again share the same bed in comfort...
Growing Gourds In 5 Gallon Buckets?
Hi Barbara, The major challenge here will be to keep the bucket somewhat cool ie. out of the sun (you dont want to cook the roots), but still provide enough sun for the plants leaves and fruits. Why not give it a try? Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Regards...
Baby Shower Diaper-Shaped Nut Cups?
Hi- I havent seen the diapers you describe, but I wonder if they might be made from marzipan? It sounds very cute! Regards- Cheryl
Getting Rid of Weeds with Salt?
Calling the sheriff is a great idea! They might come out & take care of the hemp problem for you! As for the thistles; cut them when they have blooms, but before those blooms mature & go to seed. It will take a couple of years to get rid of them, but its non...
Raspberries Advice?
I had lots of trouble getting raspberries started too, until a friend told me that they need to be planted on the shallow side. (do NOT plant very deeply--err on the short side.) Good luck- Cheryl
Free Samples To Benefit Others
Hi Lisa- Im in WI too! (Rosendale). Your idea is a very good one. The same would work for animal shelters. My cousin travels quite a bit for his job. He always saves the unused toiletries (those small soaps, shampoos, mouthwashes, etc.that hotels put in the...
Removing Grease Stain on Battenberg Lace Tablecloth?
Hi- No one has yet suggested using Goop hand cleaner. Its something thats used to clean really greasy, dirty hands (like in auto repair shops) but you can find it at Walmart. Personally, Id mix it to a paste with powdered dishwasher soap, rub that in good and...
End of Growing Season Canning
What a cool idea! I have an ExCal DeHyd. too. You can bet Ill be using this tip in the near future! Mind if I present this to my MG group? TIA- Cheryl
Dog Became Aggressive After Having Puppies?
BTW-You do realize that temperament is a heritable trait, right? Puppies can be spayed/neutered as early as 6 weeks these days. You can have the pups done when you get mom done.
Recycling Ideas for Old Televisions?
I remember reading about someone who made aquariums from old console TVs, tho I dont see why you couldnt use any other type. There was a pic of one hed created & it was quite ingenius. Maybe you could Google it if youre interested in doing that. Good luck! Cheryl
Do chickens eat raspberries?
You betcha! And anything else that they can get to. Ive had chickens for 20 + yrs. & I always tell poultry newbies that that theyd eat each other if youd let em! Good luck with your project. Cheryl
Stuart (Red Tabby)
Hi Sue-I think Stuart may be a Maine Coon mix. The males are especially noted for attaining very large sizes. The record for largest domestic feline belongs to a Maine Coon-length as well as weight. Check this out for some big kitties: http://www.verismocat...
Starting a Butternut Tree?
Hi- Dont take this as gospel but, most nuts have to undergo a cold period in order to break out of the shells. Therefore, Id plant them, keep them watered, but not too wet & wait til next spring. You might try to Google your question. Good luck! Cheryl in WI
Buy And Use Miscellaneous Craft Scraps to Embellish Greeting Cards
I like your thinking, Girl! Im going to look for my old cards tonight. Thanks a bunch! Cheryl
Finding a Home for a Baby Bird?
Congratulations on keeping the baby alive! You should be very proud of yourself. Now that its time for Birdy to go elsewhere, please contact your local ASPCA, Humane Society or the like. They have programs in place for situations like yours. It will be fostered...
Reagan's Rosebuds Baby Afghan
WOW! That is one gorgeous afgan! Congrats on the beautiful afgan & Im sure, an even more beautiful granddaughter! Reagan is a lucky girl to have a grandma like you. Best wishes, Cheryl
Backing Up My Computer?
Heres a link (hope it works, if not just cut & paste it into your browser) that will take you to It has several in depth articles that take you thro the process step by step.