Christmas Assistance for Kids and Needy Family?
Please tap into your local churches, helping others is their mission (or it certainly should be). Toys for Tots - they often run out of donations so get on their list early! Contact your electric company or co-op for utility assistance. These funds are...
Softening a Denim Jacket?
Fill your machine, soak in cold water with a little white vinegar and one cup of fabric softener about 30 minutes. Finish with a delicate rinse and spin. Hang dry. A few times should soften the fibers.
What Breed Is My Puppy?
I ran a rescue for years, my best guess is Lab/Terrier mix, with a heavy dose of adorable.
What Breed Is My Dog?
The Pitbull Mastiff is a hybrid breed, meaning he is a mixed breed as opposed to a recognized pure breed dog. The dog can take on the main physical features of either breed, i.e. she might be obviously part Mastiff or Pitbull and less obviously the other. This...
Remedy for Chihuahua with Itchy Skin?
You can try multiple safe remedies but start off with one at a time, spacing them several days apart just in case she has a reaction to one of them. This makes it easy to identify which one it most likely is. * Put a drop of coconut oil on her nose twice a...
Hardy (Basset Hound/American Bulldog)
He really is, and hes blessed to have a big extended family to love him.
Identifying Vintage or Antique Cabinet?
It appears to be an amazing Gentlemans Wardrobe. Without seeing it opened its difficult to say. Wardrobes (aka chifferobes, cupboards) were common, practical pieces of furniture in the 1800s and into the 1900s.
Identifying Vintage or Antique Cabinet?
I apologize, I didnt see your photo of the inside. It does appear to be a magnificent chifferobe.
Permed Hair Only Curly at the Scalp?
At the risk of sounding judgemental, it looks like your stylist didnt get use the right rods for each section, and the solution wasnt consistently measured. Some people just dont have great success with perms, but yours looks like it needed better application...
Value of Mersman End Tables?
The closest I can find in your style is a genuine mid-century (likely the 1960s) or a replica, and the value depends on that, plus the condition and whether it was included in their low-end collections or not. That can determine whether your tables are worth...
House Trained Dog Started Going Inside?
My family owned and operated a nonprofit rescue for years and I have worked in animal rescue for many more years. I am so glad you chose adoption and I know this is frustrating beyond words for you, but a reset will help you and your dog. Start as if it is...
Finding Free Furniture?
Necessity is the mother of invention. For a workable bed, find 3 or 4 pallets, stack them lengthwise. Cover with an old tarp, or blanket if thats all you have. Look for free memory foam mattress padding on Craigslist or Freecycle pages.There you have it, a...
What Breed Is My Dog?
The most obvious breed is Adorable . Having operated a canine rescue with my family for several years, I would suspect he has some hound, probably Fox Hound. Hes a sweet little mix and they are wonderful pets.