Brown Bridesmaid's Dresses for March Wedding?
It depends on the brown -I think - if you go too dark it would not work, but a bit warmer lighter brown with a soft turquoise (not too jewel tone - more soft spring turquoise) would be nice I think! Fresh - reminds me of a lot of the trendy fabrics that are...
Use Your Lawn Mower To Move Leaves
Great idea on moving the leaves. English Walnuts are not all that toxic - it is the black walnuts that are really bad: Just thought you would like to know.
Planning a Non-Profit Awards Banquet?
What kind of organization is it? Is it such that you can get the attendees involved - I did banquets in Scouting and we often had a centerpiece contest or something like that which in effect provided the decorations - we determined a theme and they brought...
Using Less Baggies For Packed Meals?
Depending on what you put in each plastic container, washing it every use may not be necessary. My husband and I each have a container for pretzels and another for cookies, and will reuse that container throughout the week for lunches, refilling it each day...
Frugal Halloween Costumes for Children and Adults
Matching sweatshirts and sweatpants combined with a little bit of felt are great for making animal costumes - just make the ears/tails/other features out of the felt and safety pin them to the sweats. Afterwards they can still wear the clothes. Hooded sweatshirts...
Pre-Washing Quilt Squares?
Di You can wash or not wash -up to you. If you dont wash before hand, your quilt will get a delightful crinkly look which I like, but others dont seem to like. To reduce the frays you can try a few different things. 1. cut a small triangle off the corners of...
Mini First Aid Kit
This is a cute project -if you are working with younger kids just be sure to check with the school first - our school does not allow kids to have cough drops in their bags and they cannot have them unless they are dispensed by the health office.
Saving Money with Sheets
If you are buying sheets on clearance and they are out of matching pillowcases, buy an extra flat sheet and make your own cases. This is also a great way to make some extra cases for those long body pillows to match your sheet set. Sheet fabric is nice and...
What Can I Make with These Items?
What do the keys sound like when they are clinked together? Could you use them as components in a wind chime? The white styrofoam piece could hang down to catch the wind or be used as the top ring to hang the other items from.
Safe Candles for Power Outages?
Holly Why not look into the little LED battery candles -you can usually find them at craft stores. They look like a little hockey puck with a plastic LED flame and use a battery like a watch battery. They are supposed to last 50 hours or more. Those would be...
Cucumber Plants Not Producing?
What kind of blossoms are you getting? Cucumbers and most vining squash plants get both male and female blossoms - the females look like they have little fruit at the end of them. The male blossoms come out first -I think to get the insects coming around, and...
Are There Hydrangeas That Are Naturally Blue? - this variety is bred to be blue in many soils, so YES, there are blue hydrangeas...
Making A Chess Set Out Of Recyclables?
Your biggest challenge with a chess set is the huge variety of pieces you need. You could use bottle caps as the base for each piece -especially since most recycling places tell you to take the caps off. The figures could be made out of shrink foam (recycled...
Irises Aren't Blooming?
If you are mowing down the tops, you are not allowing the tubers to feed and build up energy for the following year. The leaves are there to process the water and sun and feed the tuber, and if you cut them off, there is no food going in and eventually the...
Inexpensive Ideas For Wrapping Large Present?
I would forgo wrapping the entire TV - perhaps take the remote and/or the instruction manual out of the box and wrap those nicely - you could even use the seed paper for this. Logistically - are you bringing the gift to the reception or to a shower or other...
Cat and a Newborn Baby?
Keep the cat -have hubby clean the cat box for a while though - I have 2 cats that were 12 years old when my son was born. They left him alone and kept their distance, and are just now starting to interact with him (he is now 3) Cats dont smother babies... Best...
Science Lab Themed School Event?
I just got the Oriental Trader magazine and there is a whole Science Lab VBS theme - test tubes, beakers, light bulbs - with different sayings on them. Even if you do not buy the ones they have, you can use the catalog for ideas and just make them out of construction...
Make Iced Tea Right in a Water Bottle
According to this article -it is safer to brew it in the fridge than in the sun due to bacteria growth:
Military Themed Christmas Tree?
What about patriotic? Red, White and Blue? Is he attracted to any particular branch of the miltary? Small planes, ships, etc... could be more colorful? medals on ribbons would be fun, too.
'Chocolate Covered' Themed Birthday Party?
Even if you want to play normal board games -like Monopoly or Risk or Life or anything - wherever you can, swap out game pieces for chocolate, money for chocolate, etc... and the person with the most chocolate - WINS!!!
Craft Ideas to Make a Gift for Little Boys?
From Fabric: A drawstring bag or small tote bag with fun fabric - bugs, dinosaurs, critters, tools, trucks - all those fabrics are out tehre. A pillowcase. An over the door organizer with little pockets for matchbox cars and the like (use vinyl for the pockets...
Using Empty Oatmeal Canisters?
Cut off the bottom - being sure to leave no sharp edges if it is metal. Cut in half lengthwise to create a tunnel - good for small trains, matchbox size cars. You can cover with paper mache and make it all nubby and paint it green, or just leave it plain. Decorating...
Creative Ideas for Using a Non-operational Fireplace?
I also have a fireplace similar to yours -at an angle in a narrow room. I have a mirror framed like a windowpane propped up in the back, and a collection of baskets with plants and candles in front. When I lite the candles, it reflects the light back into the...
Wash Bras in a Mesh Laundry Bag
It also helps to hook the bra closed before washing - even inside the mesh bag an unhooked bra can get caught on the mesh and twist the hook.
Can I Use 'Fruit Fresh' When Making Baby Food?
Julia I would not worry about adding anything - the only reason they add it to the commercial foods is for cosmetics. If anything, you can use a little orange or lemon juice. Are you jarring or freezing your foods? I made mostly veggies and fruits for my son...
Substitutes for Canned Soups?
I have not changed them out - but I have gone to swapping in the store brand where possible. In most cases the taste has been the same. For other soups that dont come in store brand - like the cream of whatever that Campbells has, I usually stock up when I...
Hanging Ball Made With Old Cards
Beautiful! Also makes me want to try this with fabric with fusible interfacing on the back... And to try it with different sizes of circles. Thanks for such detailed instructions!
Creative Crafting with Cookie Cutters
If you have duplicates, or cookie cutters you wont use again for food, they work great for polymer clay, applesauce/cinnamon/glue mixtures, or play do for kids. With a cardstock backing and wrapped with cling wrap, they make great gift boxes for little candies...
Making Crafts for Money?
Hi- I notice you are a teacher - any chance you could do something like tutoring. For an evening a week, or a couple hours on a weekend - it would be a little time commitment on your part, but may be flexible enough that you would not need to find daycare. You...
Masking Tape for Garage Sale Pricing
Be careful with masking tape - I have found that when it sits in the sun it softens the adhesive and is harder to get it off without leaving residue. I have used blue painters tape - it is designed to leave less residue. I have also used sheets of mailing labels...
Buying Cabinets Vs. Building Your Own?
Amy, My husband and I are in mid-renovation on our kitchen and chose to build our own cabinets. They are not difficult to build - but it does take time and space to do it. I cannot give you dollar quotes, as we chose to use maple melamine with painted poplar...
Iron-on Laminate Veneers?
They are still available - my husband has some for maple. Try woodworking stores or websites - sorry I dont have a specific one for you right now.
Organizing Craft Supplies With Recycled Containers
The vials that are used with fresh flowers to keep water around the stem work well for little things also - needles, small stuff like that. most beads will stay in even with the little slits in the rubber cap, but you can close it with a piece of tape of you...
'Spring Cleaning' Themed Church Event?
Spray bottles with colored water in them - pastels would be pretty. White washcloths as the knapkin at each place setting -you can get bulk ones at discount stores for a couple dollars a dozen - tie with coordinating colored ribbon to the spray bottles. Stand...
Put Dirty Cat Litter in an Old Coffee Can
If you have a friend who works for a store that sells bulk coffee - you can also ask them for the heavy plastic/foil bags the coffee is stored in. They are not recyclable - but are great for cat litter or other garbage that smells, as they contain and mask...
Shaker Cards
Forgot to mention mailing these - if you plan to send one in the mail, you should consider getting a bubble/padded mailing envelope, and also marking it hand cancel - that will help prevent the shaker window from getting crushed.
Using White Lunch Bags to Wrap Gifts
I love this idea - I like to decorate them with snowflakes and snowmen. Rubber stamping or potato stamping on them is fun, too! The brown ones work nice too - I fold them over at the top and punch 2 holes -then thread some yarn through - it looks very rustic...
Decorating a Damaged Christmas Gift Box?
Can you cover it with contact paper? Use the broken box as a template to make a new one out of cardboard? Or just forgo the box entirely and use a gift bag? Good luck! At least it is just the box -and not the contents that are battered!
Alternative to "Secret Santa" for the Workplace
What a lovely idea! We are doing a gift exchange at my office today - but I will definitely pass this along as an idea for next year - and for my Lions Club to think about!
Organizing for Two Children to Share a Room?
I also found that storage under the bed is valuable - and in my case I can use those under the bed boxes under my sofa, which gained me more space and is great for blocks and other toys. Go vertical where you can - tall bookcases (anchored to the wall) will...
Neighbors Added Onto Our Fence without Permission?
Your first stop should be the town/village hall to find out what regulations there are regarding fence building -and if they violated those regulations when they added on to your fence - and what your rights are in regards to control over the other side of...
Confusion Side Effect After Chemotherapy?
It is sometimes called chemo brain and it can be a side effect for some people from chemotherapy. It has been documented in medical articles, and my mother experienced it, but her Dr. warned her. She also has a good support group that helps eachother with ways...
Putting a Small Gift Inside a Big Box?
Popped or unpopped popcorn. Birdseed - then you could fill a feeder with it later. bottle caps
5 Quick Frugal Tips For Keeping Warm
Dont forget though that a hot bath or shower uses energy also -to heat up the hot water!
Non-Abrasve Dishwasher Detergent
It was always my understanding that dishes with gold or silver/metallic edges were NOT dishwasher safe and should be hand washed - doing some reading today I have heard some people say it is the acid/lemon in the detergents, others have said it was the heat...
Oriental Themed Christmas Decorations?
Thissie, How about origami? You could do cranes, boxes, stars out of pretty oriental papers, or even just festive colors like red and gold. You could find oriental characters you like, print them out and mount them on card stock, then edge them with gold paint...
Main Dish Ideas for a Holiday Potluck?
What about soup? You could make it ahead of time and just keep it warm in a crock pot. You can transfer it to covered containers for transport, then back into the crock pot on location for a quick warm up.
What to Do With Coke Bottle Caps?
If you have friends that sew, you can make these mini pincushions as nice little gifts:
Sheets for a Porta-crib?
Doris, Is it the same size as a pack-n-play? If so, I got the sheet at Babies R Us. If you cannot find a sheet, make your own! You can simply make a pillowcase sized to fit the mattress tightly, and slide the mattress in. Give yourself extra length to fold...
Thrifty Gifts For The Family
My 3 year old son will get a folder of coloring pages printed out from his favorite websites.
Making a Table From An Old Door and Decorated Tiles?
I have done a couple of tables from old doors - a lot depends on what you are using the table for. For a desk, I have used file cabinets on either side to support the door - and just put that rubber grippy stuff in between to keep it from sliding. I have left...
Pricing Baby Clothes for Yard Sale?
I did it this way - for stuff that was basically new - I put it on hangers and tagged the hangers -that way I knew it was a priced item. Usually around $2-4 depending on the item (some were sets). For most other things I did 50 cents per item, fill a bag for...
Weight Loss Themed Christmas Cards?
You could have fun with it - put in a rubber band with a tag that says dont forget to STRETCH before you exercise or a small ribbon with beads on it that can be used to help keep track of laps when walking on a track -just slide the bead to the other end when...
Use Small Containers In Lunchbox
I do this, too. It works great -and allows me to give consistent portion sizes. I measured out once into the container so I know how far to fill it for ONE serving so we dont overeat.
Craft Ideas With Zippers?
I have directions for a purse made from zippers - all zippers - it is fun and funky, and uses LOTS of zippers. If you want the pattern, contact me through the ThriftyFun message system with your email address and I will send it to you (it is a PDF) - but if...
Travel Themed Party?
Rosie, You can find scrapbooking stickers to make something look like a vintage valiese - and with paint and a one of those paper mache cardboard boxes you could make them -that way you could also customize the travel stickers to the destination. Another idea...
Alternative to Soaker Hoses?
I also have a soaker hose with a lot of geyesers. To keep the water headed down into the ground instead of up, I took small coke or soft drink bottles (the single serving size) and washed them out, then cut them in half to make a tunnel - I made stakes out...
Milk Jug Bird Feeder
That looks so fun! I think I will save my next OJ container and make one of these with my son!
Hiking Themed Birthday Party?
Get some inexpensive water bottles and label them with the guests names - fill them with things like whistles, safety matches, a compass (real or a toy), a bandanna, spare shoelaces - things like that. Make color copies of a trail map or topographic map and...
Use Sheets For Quilt Backing
I do this also - I have also picked up flannel sheets to use instead of batting for a nice summer-weight quilt, and old 100% cotton sheets (sometimes still in the package) from estate sales. This works best for a tied quilt, as the sheet is usually thicker...
Mini Canvas Tote Bags
Judy - great bags!!! We got a 4 pack of these during a recent visit to my parents - when my son (2) and his cousin (7) were together. There was a lot going on, and the 7 year old was feeling left out. I had him make a bag for himself with his favorite dragon...
What Not to Put In Compost Pile
If you have Black Walnut trees -you should not compost those leaves unless you can let them sit at least a few weeks before you plan to use the compost -also dont compost any leaves from trees that look diseased as you can spread the disease further to your...
Child Size Lab Coat?
Find a white mens dress shirt at a thrift store. Size small would probably work. Remove the cuffs and shorten the sleeves to her length. Turn under and hem. Cut the shirt tail straight across and hem to make a straight jacket. Take off the collar and button...
Graduation Cake Ideas?
Higher math? How about a calculator with congrats in the number display area in digital looking lettering? have fun with it!
Homemade American Food for Japanese Mother in Law?
Kayla, What about a roast beef or pork tenderloin - lightly marinated to give it some flavor but not be too spicy. Chicken would work well, also. You could pair it with some new potatoes, a salad with dressing of her choice, fresh vegetables - and a great apple...
How to Make Bread Bowls For Soup?
Julie, This recipe seemed to have good reviews: Good luck - sounds yummy!
How to Make Bread Bowls For Soup?
I have had chili, clam chowder, chicken soup, potato cheese soup and other thick soups in a bread bowl. It also works nice for salads, including seafood or tuna salad. Enjoy!
Gift Ideas for Widowed Grandpa?
Do you live near enough that you could take him out to dinner yourself? I am sure that even though your grandmother is no longer alive, he would enjoy a meal out. Or perhaps he has a friend he could go with. I am sure whatever you choose he will appreciate...
Pictures of Glass Block Crafts?
Check out this link -with instructions.,,HGTV_3270_3313693,00.html I have never made these, but I have seen them and they are quite nice.
Uses for Plastic Trash Bins?
Sharon, I use washed-out 5 gallon buckets for planters (kitty litter) and to keep things looking neater, my husband is building a planter box with a screen bottom, and flat wood sides. The buckets, with holes drilled for drainage, will sit down in the box side...
Using Paper Pulp in a Mold?
You want to work with the liquid/blended pulp for this. Dont squeeze it yet -that will come later. Place a few layers of paper towel on work surface (a Formica counter works great and will give you one smooth side) Place an open ended cookie cutter on paper...
Inexpensive French Doors to Replace Sliding Glass Door?
Charlene, I just replaced two exterior windows with French Doors - you need to be sure you get EXTERIOR doors - the indoor versions are not insulated and sealed to be an outer door. I got mine at a major national home improvement store -and they were about...
Quick and Easy Homemade Gift Box
Grammar - Thats such a nice gift! My boxes were definitely temporary and just sturdy enough for gift giving - but yours is definitely a keeper!!!
Can Other People Delete and Edit My Post?
Carol, It only says that for the feedback that YOU create - it is linked to your username and cannot be edited by someone else. if you look at a posting that you put feedback on, and look at the other feedback from other people, you will notice that the edit...
Storing Finished Craft Projects?
A lot depends on what I am making - how big it is - etc... Most of my stuff is small - silkscreened items, sewn items, jewelry - so I store it in plastic tubs already priced and sorted out by item. That makes it easy to load the van on the way to the show. If...
Tealights For Power Outages
You can now buy LED powered tea lights that last a long time but have no flame - they are safer than an open flame and good to have on hand for emergencies. Check stores like AC Moore, Michaels and others -especially around the holidays.
Buffet Foods For Backyard Wedding?
A lot depends on how formal/informal you want to be with the food. For my grandparents 50th anniversary they did one of the giant party subs - not that expensive, fed lots of people. You could do soup/chili in crock pots, serve in paper cups with bread - good...
How to Distress Oak Butcher Block Table?
Distress with paint or distress texture wise? If you want the texture, get some chain from the hardware store and take the table outside and hit it with the chain. Use a hammer, nails in an old pillowcase or towel - and just take out your aggressions. You may...
Getting Rid of Underground Bumble Bee Nest?
Uh -dumping fuel on the ground is not very environmentally smart - not to mention illegal in many locations. I have read of dumping soapy water with bug spray mixed into it into the nest at night, as well as covering it tightly with plastic trash bags so they...
Nestle's Quik for Flouring Pans
if you are making cakes or brownies from a mix, you can also use a bit of the mix itself to coat the pan.
Caring for Lilac Saplings in the Winter?
My understanding is that fall is the best time to plant the saplings. I would not take them inside -they need the cold/warm cycle of the seasons to grow well (that is why they dont grow down south) - if you are concerned about cold damage, mulch them well and...
Replace Mayo With Bleu Cheese Dressing
I use it in place of mayo when making tuna salad. Yummy! The thicker blue cheese veggie dip style works great as a dip, mayo replacement, on chicken, or of course on salad.
Pattern for Homemade Lincoln Logs?
This link might help:
Song Dance Theme Ideas?
Roaring 20s is good - or a 50s sock hop poodle skirt Happy Days type of idea. I think a song theme that makes everyone want to dance is also good - but not knowing what songs are popular with your friends and schoolmates I dont have any good ideas.
Uses for Blank Address Labels?
You can also use them for gift tags - either by printing on them, or writing on by hand.
Recipe For Garlic Olive Oil?
I found this information - it is not as simple as it looks: Flavored olive oils and dressings make great gifts but watch out; there are safe and unsafe ways to make flavored olive oil. The unsafe way is to put anything in the oil that contains water. That would...
Creating a King From 2 Twin Beds?
I looked at a website that has a piece you put between. It also looks like they have a strap that runs all the way around the two mattresses to keep them from sliding apart. You could measure and get a long length of webbing strap from a fabric/craft store...
Inexpensive Fall Centerpieces?
If you have access to acorns, fill glass vases or other small glasses with acorns and stand up some flower stems like mums or black eyed susans in the top. Take some autumn leaves and wet them so they stick to the inside of a vase/glass jar. Fill the jar with...
Fire Hats as Kids' Party Serving Bowls
This is a great idea - I did this with hard hats for a construction theme party. Just be sure to have back-up serving bowls because the kids can be impatient and dont want to wait to get their new hat!!!
Decoupaged Mirrors
Lisa, You do such beautiful and creative decoupage work - do you just give it as gifts or do you sell it? It is very simple and elegant. Thanks for sharing such beautiful and wonderfully simple ideas!
Testing The Reliability Of Remote Cooking Thermometers? This website had some good information on ratings for instant thermometers. I did not find anything on the style you described, but this may help.
Making Embossing Powder?
From what understand from my days of working in a rubber stamping store, embossing powder is very, very, very fine plastic - like toner out of a laser printer. It is not something you would find the materials for easily to create yourself - and even if you...
Making Embossing Powder?
i could not find the MSDS on embossing powder, but if you search for them for copier toner, it is pretty much a bit coarser version of the same compound. The MSDS I saw broke it down by percentages - so that would give you the recipe Good luck!