
Removing Bathtub Appliques?

How do you remove those non-skid bathtub appliques without damaging the tub surface. We've tried all sorts of cleaners, Goo-Gone and turpentine and they still hang on. We moved into a place where the prior tenant installed them and they are very worn and very ugly. Help!


By Murph

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October 24, 20010 found this helpful

I use razor blades. Single edge razor blades. Please do it carefully though and do it on a slant.
- Bonnie

October 24, 20010 found this helpful

I have been told to soak a cloth with hot vinegar and allow it to work in. Don't know if it works or not, but worth a try.

November 30, 20170 found this helpful

tried this did not work ,also used goo gone and painters paint remover nothing worked now what

January 30, 20180 found this helpful

Tried it-doesnt work

March 2, 20210 found this helpful

I tried the hot vinegar, it did not work on very old stickers. still looking for a solution.

November 1, 20010 found this helpful

Try nail polish remover-the kind WITH acetone.
- Kimdedo

March 24, 20020 found this helpful

wd-40 will remove sticky stuff and remove with very little work

November 20, 20180 found this helpful

Help!! I am trying to remove the non slip bathroom decals. With using WD 40 and vinegar the decal can be pealed up.


However the glue remains. How do I remove the old glue? This is not porcelain

By Grammy (Guest Post)
October 9, 20061 found this helpful

Just go to a beauty supply store, and buy some pure acetone. Actually, you can probably buy it at some hardware stores. It removes EVERYTHING.

By Grammy (Guest Post)
October 9, 20061 found this helpful

WAIT....what kind of tub is it? I originally thought that I had read that it was porcelain...but as I re-read the original post, it doesn't say what type of tub it is. If it's not porcelain DON'T use the pure acetone on it! Acetone will also dissolve acrylic. I'm not sure about the fiberglass...but, I wouldn't chance it.
Other solution...heat gun...used VERY carefully

By Jerry (Guest Post)
October 25, 20061 found this helpful

Try scraping them off with a the tool you would use to remove paint from windows. If that doesn't work, try using a heat gun first.


Once the rubber part is off, clean the sticky stuff that's left off with a solvent. Then clean the tub with Soft Scrub.

By Lenny (Guest Post)
March 18, 20071 found this helpful

Go to any Home Depot or Lowes store, in the paint dept. look for solvents and choose M.E.K.
It remove adhesives and much more, use very little on a cloth.

September 29, 20200 found this helpful

Thanks. This worked great. I used a little bit toilet paper for each sticker which I wetted with the MEK. Ten minutes later they pealed right up with a plastic scrapper. Used goo gone for any sticky residue. Flushed the TP down the komod.

By (Guest Post)
November 18, 20070 found this helpful

Try to avoid those nasty chemicals which you shouldn't be breathing/handling, including WD40. My appliqués come off easily, as the glue is drying out.


A hair dryer may dry out the glue and make removal easy and nontoxic.

By Karen (Guest Post)
February 22, 20090 found this helpful

If the tub is porcelain, do as above and use a razor blade and then Softscrub or Comet or some other cleanser to remove the black marks that will ensue. It's possible that a sponge with a scrubbing pad and some baking soda would do it.

There is also something called Goop that removes any kind of sticker and is really nice to have for other adhesive removals. Not sure about any of this if your tub is vinyl. I'd look for the goop stuff and see what it says.

Best, Karen

August 6, 20170 found this helpful

This answer is like 16 years late, but the razor blade and acetone worked like charms!

May 10, 20220 found this helpful

We are actually trying this right now and softscrub nor comet are working, nor is magic erasers, goo gone of anykind.

August 13, 20170 found this helpful

I tried vinegar, no good. I tried straight Acetone, no good. Then I used the wife's hair dryer on high air and hot temp and they pealed right off.


Cleaned the old stickum off with acetone and I was ready for the new stickers. 12 sticker off in about 15-20 minute.


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