I would like to find a catalog that has a single teapot that fits over a cup so that the cup warms while the tea is brewing. One that is not too expensive.
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I found 2 sites, the first has one for $15 and the other is $14.95.
Anita in Texas
I recently saw one of these teapot/cup combinations in the Coldwater Creek catalog. Or check ColdwaterCreek.com. I believe I have also seen this in the Solutions catalog (http://www.Solutions.com). Good luck!
Think Snow!
- Linda Earls
I think I have seen those cups that sit on top of the teapot in the cataloge from Stash Tea. They have a web site: www.stashtea.com/
If you want some free entertainment, or even edutainment, try the tour of a tea plantation, or the multi-lingual quiz.
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