
Using Plastic Things from around Soda Cans?

You know the plastic things that come from around a six pack of soda cans? Can anyone think of any good uses for those? I cut all of mine up so that they don't hurt the wildlife but it seem that there should be some other use for them rather than adding them to the landfill.


- Susan D.

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September 19, 20020 found this helpful

I staple mine together in such a way as to form a giant snowflake; paint it white and while the paint is still wet, sprinkle on glitter. Add a hanger and use for Christmas decorations. I have also seen them used to make puffy valances over windows. If you are interested let me know and I will send you the pattern I drew up.

September 19, 20020 found this helpful

You can make flowers out of them. Cut them out ( the circle part ) bend them into a figure 8 shape, and poke a bamboo shiskabob stick in the figure 8, paint them all colors with spray paint. You have a great flower bouquet !

April 16, 20190 found this helpful

do you have instructions for this? I remember making similar thing in grade school but do not remember cutting them

September 20, 20020 found this helpful

I tie them together and use them for trellis for my morning glories and other vining plants.

September 20, 20020 found this helpful

You can use the plastic rings from a six-pack of soft drinks and use them with your clothes hangers to better use your closet space. You cut the plastic to make six rings (circles.) Then loop one ring around the hook part of the hanger and now you can hang another garment on a hanger from that ring or you can loop a scarf that goes with that outfit or loop a belt.


It can also help children dress themselves because you can hang the top and bottom that coordinate together. Happy closet organizing.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
September 20, 20020 found this helpful

for Sue L
I would love to see the pattern for the snowflakes from Soda can plastic thingies. Could not find it on the message board.
- Rose


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
September 20, 20020 found this helpful

About the 6 pack rings, one thing I have used then for is to hang colored yarn or thread on when I'm going a needlework project, Just fold each bunch of yarn or thread strands in half, drop the loop through the ring and pull the ends through the dropped loop.Then one strand at a time can be


pulled off.

I also hung a lamp to a shelf bracket with one so my cats couldn't knock it off the shelf. I put it together with a twist tie.

- Linne Dodds

September 21, 20020 found this helpful

You will have to tell me how to upload the instructions on your site for the Giant Snowflake. I have no idea how. There are 1-1/2 pages.

By Juanita (Guest Post)
June 5, 20041 found this helpful

I use them for potholders. I do a Double Crochet all around the ring and intwine them 6 together of and then I do a Single Crochet all around and this makes them all tight together. You can use yarn or Cotton thread either one. But I like to use cotton yarn as it will be from Varigated Colors and can match anthing. Hope this helps you some..

By Nicole W. (Guest Post)
September 28, 20070 found this helpful

I am a teacher. I have my students make roses for Mother's Day. You take a wooden kabob skewer and paint it green. Then you add a green leaf made of construction paper. Attach the leaf using floral tape. After the soda rings are painted red, you place several of them on the end of the skewer.


And Wah-lah you have a rose! I also talk to my students about recycling as well as the problems that the soda rings cause animals.

November 15, 20071 found this helpful

When making the potholders, how do you intertwine the rings? Frances

By Linda (Guest Post)
March 10, 20080 found this helpful

How are the rings used to make the puffy window valances?

By (Guest Post)
October 30, 20080 found this helpful

Cut them up in strange ways to make a snowflake.

January 2, 20140 found this helpful

If you do not want them, I would surely take them off of your hands. I would even pay you to ship them to Lincoln, Nebraska where I live.

September 9, 20210 found this helpful

How are you painting the six pack rings? What type of paint are you using and do you prime first?


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