
Bees Swarming Around Outdoor Lights?

I have lots of Malayan Wild Bees coming to swarm around my lights at night. They are dangerous and a nuisance because I have to switch off practically all lights just to get rid of them. They seem to love to warmth around brightness emitted from these lights. What do I do to get rid of them? FIY, at the back of my house are Natural Forests.


Thank you,
Pest killer from Singapore

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By suzq (Guest Post)
August 2, 20050 found this helpful

You might try hanging the sticky fly catcher ribbons (the long ones) near your lights....they may land on them and be caught....I use them all the time for other flying works for me...

By debbie (Guest Post)
August 3, 20050 found this helpful

also, if it's the warmth they're after, try using compact flourescent bulbs instead of regular incandescent ones. the flourescent bulbs do no give off heat because they generate light by mixing chemical gases. the incandescent (aka: regular light bulbs) use 90% of the energy they consume to produce heat (the little filament inside the bulb gets so hot it glows...that's what produces the light)

August 4, 20050 found this helpful

GE makes a yellow "bug bulb". I've tried them and they work. Bonnie

By M. (Guest Post)
August 5, 20050 found this helpful

We use flourescent bug bulbs in the front of our house. They work well, as far as attracting a minimum of insects.

By Bill (Guest Post)
July 21, 20070 found this helpful

Try using a rented industrial size sweeper with the hose rigged to the light pole. Attach an electrical cord that goes into your house.


When the time is right plug it in. This should rapidly reduce the number of bees. Do it each night until the problem is solved.


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