
Representing Colors Biblically?

My church is hosting a rainbow tea party and we are trying to think of themes for each table using the bible. Can you help by suggesting how each color of the rainbow could be represented bibically?


Ms. Cassie

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By Seagrape (Guest Post)
August 14, 20050 found this helpful

Red - Life, vitality
Blue - Peace, harmony
Green - Abundance, fertility, fruitfulness
Yellow - Wisdom, cheerfulness
Orange - Desire
Purple - Higher Consciousness

These are basically the meanings of these colors in metaphysical thought. I'm sure you could come up with Biblical quotes relating to each of these attribute.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 214 Feedbacks
August 15, 20050 found this helpful

purple...color of grapes...representing the fruit brought back to the Isrealites from the promised land pastures...Psalms 23

blue...water...Jesus walking on water in the lake


red...Jesus' blood that was spilled for us on the cross, one of the colors in Joseph's coat of many colors, red "apple" that Adam and Eve ate in the garden"streets of gold"

orange...wild lilies are orange. Matt 6:28 "lilies of the field"


By sandy (Guest Post)
August 15, 20050 found this helpful

dont go for anything new age.
purple- royalty
red- shed blood of Christ
blue- sky, freedom
white- redemption
yellow the sun-son

August 25, 20170 found this helpful

what about Indigo there are 7 colors in the rainbow

August 15, 20050 found this helpful

There's a 'jelly bean prayer' that you can make to give at Easter Time or whenever that has each color represented with a meaning. Maybe these meanings could be used for your tea party. Sorry, I don't have a copy of the poem now.

August 16, 20050 found this helpful

go to this site and get some ideas

By KPhelps (Guest Post)
August 16, 20050 found this helpful

This site will be useful. Color Symbolism in The Bible

This study references only those verses in which the color in question is consistently translated among the Bible versions offered on this site, therefore they are not exhaustive. Specifically, there are many color references in the King James Version that aren't in other translations, these have been omitted (with some exception). Also, if a verse is ambiguous in its color use or the color is used in the exact same way in another passage then that verse may be left out. In the left column under each color name are the transliterated Hebrew and Greek words linked to their Strong's definition; courtesy of The colors are arranged alphabetically and each color is seperated into 1-4 categories which are explained below:


- Direct Meaning demonstrates the plain use of the color in a passage.
- Opposite Meaning accounts for the color's use when it contradicts the Direct Meaning.
- Expanded Meaning derives a symbolic meaning from the color's use throughout Scripture.
- Associated Symbols define symbolic meanings of objects in the same verse as the color.

Note on verse references: The actual verses were too numerous to include here. As a suggestion to save you the work of looking up the referenced verses by hand, you can copy the full verse list for any single bulleted entry and paste it into the 'Passage Lookup' field at Bible Gateway to retrieve them in a wide choice of translations.


The color amber is only found in the KJV book of Ezekiel. Its use demonstrates God's overbearingly bright and immediate presence.


Direct Meaning:

God's glory and the brightness of His presence. - Ezekiel 1:4; 1:27-28; 8:2 (KJV)
Expanded Meaning:
Christ as the glory of God - Ezekiel 1:28, II Corinthians 4:6, Revelation 21:23
Associated Symbols:
fire - God's presence (Hebrews 12:29, Exodus 3:2), God's judgment (Genesis 19:24, II Kings 1:10-14, Isaiah 66:15, II Thessalonians 1:7-8)

Black Chashak

Black is primarily associated with the negative aspects of human experience - including death, disease, famine, and sorrow - all of which are the results of sin. The exception is the implication of health when describing hair.

Direct Meaning:

sin - Job 6:15-16
disease - Job 30:30
famine - Lamentations 4:8; 5:10, Revelation 6:5-6
death - Jude 1:12-13
sorrow - Jeremiah 8:21 (KJV)


Opposite Meaning:
health - Leviticus 13:37, Song of Solomon 1:5-6; 5:11
Expanded Meaning:
judgment - Jeremiah 14:2, Leviticus 13:37, Job 3:5
Associated Symbols:
sackcloth - mourning (Genesis 37:34, Isaiah 50:3, Revelation 6:12)

Blue T@keleth
The color blue is used quite extensively in the Old Testament to describe the various hangings in the holy places. It is also used as a symbol of wealth and the corruptions thereof, but it should be noted that purple is used far more frequently for such distinctions. In general blue should be viewed as a heavenly color. Below is only a representation of the color's use in scripture, it occurs far more frequently than demonstrated here.

Direct Meaning:

describing hangings, curtains, coverings (along with purple and scarlet / crimson) - Exodus 26:1;36; 27:16; 28:8, II Chronicles 3:14; etc.


holy covering - Exodus 28:31, Numbers 4:5-7;11-12, Esther 8:15
the Lord's commandments - Numbers 15:38-40
Opposite Meaning:
corruption through vanity, whoredoms and idolotry - Jeremiah 10:8-9, Ezekiel 23:3-8
Expanded Meaning:
heavenly - Exodus 24:10, Ezekiel 1:26; 10:1 (sapphire)
holy service - Exodus 28:31, Esther 8:15
chastening - Proverbs 20:30 (KJV)
Associated Symbols:
water(s) - spirit (John 4:13-14; 7:37-39, Revelation 21:6; 22:17, Matthew 3:11-16), people / multitudes (Revelation 17:15, Jeremiah 46:7-8; 47:1-3, Isaiah 8:7; 17:13)

Crimson Karmiyl
Crimson is used to describe fine materials and sin. The dye was extracted from the dried body of of the insect coccus ilicis; qirmiz (or kermes) as transliterated in Arabic. (Also see scarlet)

Direct Meaning:

fine materials (along with purple and blue) - 2 Chronicles 2:7;14; 3:14, Jeremiah 4:30
sin - Isaiah 1:18
Associated Symbols:
blood - life (Genesis 9:4-5, Deuteronomy 12:23), sacrifice (Exodus12:13; 23:18)
, remission of sin (Hebrews 9:22, I John 1:7, Revelation 1:5), covenant (Exodus 24:8, Matthew 26:28, Romans 5:9, Hebrews 9:12; 13:12), war (I Kings 2:5, I Chronicles 22:8)

Gray Seybah
Grey is used to denote old age (for obvious reasons). We can try to gain a bit more meaning by looking at the symbolism of ash even though the two are never directly associated in Scripture.

Direct Meaning:

old age - Genesis 42:38, Deuteronomy 32:25, I Samuel 12:2, Job 15:10, Psalm 71:18
beauty of old age - Proverbs 20:29
weakness - Hosea 7:9
Associated Symbols:
ash - of little worth (Genesis 18:27, Job 30:19), destruction (Exodus 9:10, Ezekiel 28:18, Malachi 4:3, II Peter 2:6)
, purification (Numbers 19:17), sorrow (II Samuel 13:19)
, mourning (Esther 4:3, Jeremiah 6:26)
, repentance (Job 42:6, Matthew 11:21), scattered (Psalm 147:16)

Green 'abiyb
Green is primarily associated with plant life. As a result we can view it as a symbol of natural growth and life. The exception is its use in Leviticus to denote disease.

Direct Meaning:

describing a meat offering - Leviticus 2:14
describing edible plants - Genesis 1:30; 9:3, II Kings 19:26, Job 39:8, Psalm 37:2
trees - Exodus 10:15, Deuteronomy 12:2, I Kings 14:23, 2 Kings 16:4; 17:10, II Chronicles 28:4, Psalm 37:35; 52:8, Isaiah 37:27, Jeremiah 2:20
Opposite Meaning:
disease - Leviticus 13:49; 14:37
Expanded Meaning:
rest - Psalm 23:2
life - Isaiah 15:6, Psalm 23:2, Ezekiel 17:24, Luke 23:31
growth - Ezekiel 17:24
fruitful - Jeremiah 11:16; 17:8, Hosea 14:8, Luke 23:31
fresh / undefiled - Song of Solomon 1:16, Luke 23:31
maturity - Job 15:31-32
frailty - Psalm 37:2
Associated Symbols:
grass - man / flesh (Psalm 37:1-2; 92:7; Revelation 8:7, I Peter 1:24, Isaiah 40:6-8; 51:12), weakness (Psalm 102:4; 102:11, Revelation 8:7), growth (Psalm 72:16; 92:7, Job 5:25)
trees - coverage (Psalm 37:35), trust (Psalm 52:8), man (Matthew 3:10; 7:15-18, Mark 8:24), The Cross (Acts 5:30, I Peter 2:24)

Ivory Shen

Ivory is never mentioned by describing the color of something but always as the material itself. Its use denotes costly ornamentation and fine craftsmanship. It symbolizes beauty when describing the body.

Direct Meaning:

a throne - I Kings 10:18, II Chronicles 9:17
cargo / merchandise - I Kings 10:22, II Chronicles 9:21, Ezekiel 27:15, Revelation 18:12
houses - I Kings 22:39, Amos 3:15
beds - Amos 6:4
body parts - Song of Solomon 5:14; 7:4
inlays - Ezekiel 27:6
Expanded Meaning:
beauty - see "body parts" above
Associated Symbols:
throne - power (I Kings 1:37, II Kings 25:28), kingship (Genesis 41:40, Deuteronomy 17:18, II Samuel 7:16)
, glory (I Samuel 2:8, II Chronicles 18:18, Psalm 103:19, Jeremiah 14:21, Matthew 19:28; 25:31), judgment (Psalm 9:4;7; 122:5, Proverbs 20:8, Matthew 19:28), holiness (Psalm 47:8), grace (Hebrews 4:16)
neck - posession (Genesis 27:40; 41:42; 49:8, Deuteronomy 28:48, II Samuel 22:41, Nehemiah 3:5, Psalm 18:40, Proverbs 3:3, Isaiah 10:27, Jeremiah 27:12; 30:8, Acts 15:10), embrace (Genesis 33:4; 45:14; 46:29, Luke 15:20, Acts 20:37), strength (Song of Solomon 4:4; 7:4), beauty (Isaiah 3:16, Song of Solomon 1:10), stubbornness / rebellion (when hardened or stiff) (Deuteronomy 10:16; 31:27, II Kings 17:14, II Chronicles 36:13, Nehemiah 9:16-17, Isaiah 48:4, Jeremiah 7:26; 17:23, Acts 7:51)
belly - emotions / desires (Job 15:35; 20:20, Psalm 31:9, Proverbs 13:25; 20:27, Romans 16:18, Revelation 10:9)
beds - fornication (I Chronicles 5:1, Ezekiel 23:17, Revelation 2:22 [spiritual as well])

Purple 'argaman

Along with blue, scarlet, and crimson, purple is used to describe hangings and fine materials. The dye was extracted from a particularly scarce family of shellfish which made it quite valuable. Purple became a symbol of royalty and riches due to the scarcity of its dye.

Direct Meaning:

describing hangings, curtains, coverings (along with blue and scarlet / crimson) - Exodus 26:1;36; 27:16; 28:8, II Chronicles 3:14; etc.
fine materials - Numbers 4:13, Judges 8:26, Proverbs 31:22, Luke 16:19, Revelation 17:4
describing the dying trade - II Chronicles 2:7, Ezekiel 27:16, Acts 16:14, Revelation 18:12
Opposite Meaning:
royalty, but in mockery - Mark 15:17;20, John 19:2;5
Expanded Meaning:
royalty - Judges 8:26
riches - Revelation 18:16, Luke 16:19
corruption of riches - Revelation 17:4
Associated Symbols:
robes - righteousness / righteous judgment (Job 29:14, Isaiah 61:10, Luke 15:22, Revelation 6:11; 7:9;14), kingship (I Kings 22:10; 30-33, I Chronicles 15:27, Isaiah 22:21, Jonah 3:6), outward show (Luke 20:46), virginity (II Samuel 13:18-19)
curtains - seperation / hidden (II Samuel 7:2, I Chronicles 17:1), the heavens (Psalm 104:2, Isaiah 40:60), habitations (Isaiah 54:2, Jeremiah 4:20; 10:20, Habakkuk 3:7)

The Hebrew equivalent is 'argaman; Greek porphura. The latter word refers to the source of the dye, namely, a shell-fish found on the shores of the Mediterranean.

Red 'adam

There is a diverse use of the color red throughout the Scriptures. Its primary associations are blood and war. Note that references to the Red Sea have been omitted.

Direct Meaning:

skin color - Genesis 25:25
stew - Genesis 25:30
wine - Proverbs 23:31
sores or plague - Leviticus 13:19;49 etc. (numerous references in Leviticus)
bloodied water - II Kings 3:22
clothing - Isaiah 63:2
shields of mighty men - Nahum 2:3
horses - Zechariah 1:8; 6:2
the sky - Matthew 16:2-3
the great dragon (Satan) - Revelation 12:3
Expanded Meaning:

war - II Kings 3:22; Nahum 2:3
vengeance - Isaiah 63:2 (read whole chapter)
temptation of sin - Genesis 25:30, Proverbs 23:31
Associated Symbols:
wine - teachings, both true and false (fermented), shame (Genesis 9:21-25; 19:31-36)

winepress - God's judgment of the wicked (Revelation 14:19-20)
blood - see crimson

Scarlet Shaniy

Scarlet is used to describe fine materials and thread. It was also used in Mosaic purification rituals. Scarlet, like crimson, is used to describe sin. Scarlet can generally be used to symbolize a marker. (Also see crimson)

Direct Meaning:

a thread - Genesis 38:27-29, Joshua 2:18, Song of Solomon 4:3 (lips are like)
fine materials (along with purple and blue) - Exodus 25:4; 28:15; 36:37; etc. (many times over), Numbers 4:8, II Samuel 1:24, Proverbs 31:21
cleansing/purification - Leviticus 14:4;52, Numbers 19:6, Hebrews 9:19
sin - Isaiah 1:18
clothing of a valient man - Nahum 2:3
riches - Revelation 18:12;16
Opposite Meaning:
mocking royalty - Matthew 27:28
the beast being ridden by the harlot Babylon - Revelation 17:3
corruption of riches - Revelation 17:4
Expanded Meaning:
a marker - Joshua 2:18;21, Genesis 38:28 (passover)
Associated Symbols:
virtuous woman - Proverbs 31:21
beasts - successive worldly kingdoms (Daniel 7:17;23 [Read whole chapter]), ignorant / lacking understanding (Psalm 49:20; 73:22), devouring destruction (Isaiah 56:9, Jeremiah 15:3, Daniel 7:5), brute fleshly nature (II Peter 2:12, Titus 1:11-13)

vermilion Shashar
(shaw-shar') Vermilion is used only to describe paint, both on a house and in a portrait. Its contextual use suggests lust and unrighteousness. The color was most likely derived from iron oxide (rust) which would support the suggested meaning.

Direct Meaning:

paint - Jeremiah 22:14 (a house), Ezekiel 23:14 (portraits)
Expanded Meaning:
unrighteousness - Jeremiah 22:13-14
lust - Ezekiel 23:14 (read whole chapter)
Associated Symbols:
paint - a false covering (Matthew 23:27, Acts 23:3)
rust - corruption (Matthew 6:19, James 5:3 [KJV])

White Buwts
Laban *

White is a color of purity and righteousness. It is also used to describe things in nature. Sometimes it is used when describing the body, primarily when healthy and beautiful but also when sick.

Direct Meaning:

animals - Genesis 30:35, Judges 5:10, Zechariah 1:8; 6:3;6, Revelation 6:2; 19:11;14
plant flesh - Genesis 30:37, Joel 1:7
baskets - Genesis 40:16
teeth - Genesis 49:12
Manna - Exodus 16:31
leprosy / plague - Leviticus 13:4;10;19;42, etc., Numbers 12:10, II Kings 5:27
linen - II Chronicles 5:12, Revelation 15:6; 19:8;14
garments / raiment - Esther 8:15, Ecclesiastes 9:8, Daniel 7:9, Matthew 17:2; 28:3, Mark 9:3; 16:5, Luke 9:29, John 20:12, Acts 1:10, Revelation 3:4-5;18; 4:4; 6:11; 7:9;13-14; 19:14
compared as snow - Psalm 51:7, Isaiah 1:18, Daniel 7:9, Mark 9:3
compared as milk - Lamentations 4:7
hair - Matthew 5:36, Revelation 1:14
painted - Matthew 23:27, Acts 23:3
fields - John 4:35
a stone - Revelation 2:17
a cloud - Revelation 14:14
a throne - Revelation 20:11
Expanded Meaning:
purity / refinement / unblemished / righteousness / heavenly - Psalm 51:7, Ecclesiastes 9:8, Daniel 7:9; 11:35; 12:10, Matthew 17:2, Mark 9:3, Luke 9:29, John 20:12, Acts 1:10, Revelation 3:4-5;18; 4:4; 6:11; 7:9;13-14
victory - Revelation 6:2; 19:11;14
false righteousness (when only outward) - Matthew 23:27, Acts 23:3
Associated Symbols:
baskets - food (Genesis 40:17, Exodus 29:23, Leviticus 8:26, Numbers 6:15, Jeremiah 24:2, Amos 8:1, Matthew 14:20, Mark 8:8), escape (Exodus 2:3, Acts 9:25, II Corinthians 11:33)
, days (Genesis 40:18)
teeth - devouring destruction (Deuteronomy 32:24, Psalm 124:6, Proverbs 30:14, Isaiah 41:15, Daniel 7:7;19), terror (Job 41:14, Daniel 7:7;19)
milk - first teachings (Isaiah 28:9, I Corinthians 3:1-2, Hebrews 5:12-14, I Peter 2:2)
throne - (see ivory)

Yellow Tsahob
Yellow is used to describe a leperous hair in Leviticus and in some translations the color of gold in Psalm 68. Its occurence in Scripture is too low to derive a symbolic meaning.

Direct Meaning:

leperous hair - Leviticus 13:30;32;36
describing the color of gold - Psalm 68:13 (KJV/ASV, green in RSV)

Further Information:

[1] Symbolism of Colors in The Bible
[2] Colors in The Bible
[3] Gemstones of The Bible

Original document available at:


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 214 Feedbacks
August 16, 20050 found this helpful

kphelps, Wow! Lots of wonderful information. Hope that Cassie can use some of it for the "rainbow tea party".

I also agree with NOT use new age ideas.

By Diana (Guest Post)
August 18, 20050 found this helpful

RED-Christ's precious blood shet for us
WHITE-Christ's purity
GREEN-new growth
PURPLE-the royalty of Christ
BLUE-DAWN of new Day

August 18, 20050 found this helpful

Jelly Bean Prayer (

RED is for the blood He gave.
GREEN is for the grass He made.
YELLOW is for the Sun so bright.
ORANGE is for the edge of night.
BLACK is for the sins we made.
WHITE is for the grace He gave.
PURPLE is for His hour of sorrow.
PINK is for our new tomorrow.

A bag full of Jelly beans colorful and sweet,
is a prayer,
is a promise,
is a special treat!

July 30, 20070 found this helpful

I need biblical insight on the color [indigo] and something on Noah's Ark?

By K Lee (Guest Post)
May 18, 20080 found this helpful

I love this! I Know God led me to this information. This very morning, it was suggested in my church that we have a rainbow tea. I had never heard of this before.
I was seeking information on another church event when I came across these very insightful ideas on a rainbow tea. Can't wait to get involved. Thank- you so much. God Bless.

October 3, 20080 found this helpful

I put my web page up several years ago and right NOW OCT 2008 they are taking down the server
Anyone who wants the study I did please do copy it. I have aged and can not maintain the site.

I do have a Bride message also and just found a poem that is beautiful and should be on the net. email me and I will send it to you...FREE
Jan Rowan Birmingham Ala.

Excuse the spelling I am having surgery this week

By Jake (Guest Post)
November 18, 20080 found this helpful

The colours of the rainbow are seven in all, black and white are not apart of it. The order is Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.

Other 'rainbow' ideas could be the colours off the high-priests breastplate in the old testament. Each colour can have a symbol of each tribe. Judah is green, and through Jacob's prophesy is a Lion. Green is emerald and symbolic of 'fulfillment' (The emerald rainbow in Revelations around the throne of God). Violet or purple is a sign of 'royalty'.

Blue is restoration or healing (rivers of life, sapphire road on Exodus 24 is in reference to Christ bringing healing to the nations), red is obvious, orange is not so clear in the bible but seems to be associated with rust, therefore decay or curse/judgments of God (God cursing the earth in Genesis). Yellow is somewhat associated with divinity, as angels were considered messengers of fire. When pentecost came to be, the flame represented how we now have that divine flame upon our lives to be messengers of the Good News.

Indigo or dark blue is associated with the riches and mysteries in God/Christ - the mysteries of space, time, heavens and the depths of creation- no matter where we go we can discover mysteries and deep riches in God. Hope this helps. God bless!


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