
How Do You Get Your Nails to Grow Without Chemicals?

How do you get your nails to grow without chemicals?


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November 6, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

I did hair and nails for years and here are some tips I know helps my nails to grow:

1. Every time you get your hands wet be sure to dry them off and while doing so, take the time to push the cuticle back on each finger.
2. Rub lotion on your cuticle all the time to keep them soft. In doing so, your helping the blood circulation for healthy nails.

My Mother always told me that water helps nails to grow. Therefore, I was excited to wash the dishes every night. Of course, this made Mom happy, so I don't know if it's really the water or drying your nails properly or the lotion that helped, but that is what I do and I have nice nails.


Good luck,
Kreatvmuzk in Colorado


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 378 Feedbacks
November 6, 20071 found this helpful
Best Answer

Instead of incomplete protein from gelatin, just go with good nutrition with enough complete protein from meats, legumes, dairy, eggs, and so on. Everyone's nails should grow just fine on good nutrition as long as the nail bed isn't diseased. They should grow about a half-millimeter per day.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 690 Feedbacks
November 5, 20071 found this helpful

Hi,Keeper here.My understanding is you get what your born with.Alot of women swear by Knox gelatin.I was fortunate.My nail are strong,but every so often I use a clear hardner.Use to use Cutex Strong Nail,now I can't find it.Hope I helped.

November 5, 20071 found this helpful

I used to go to beauty school for esthetics, not nails. However I found that the massage cream we used made my nails grow like crazy year round. They grew fast, strong, flexible and without those ridges you sometimes get. I can't for the life of me remember what lotion it was, it was pink and smelled like rose water sort of. If you called the school, I'm sure they would tell you, though. It's honors beauty college, in indiana. They have a web site.


My hands were also crazy soft all the time.

By (Guest Post)
November 6, 20070 found this helpful

Drink Green Tea

November 6, 20071 found this helpful

Eat lots of Jello and add unflavoured gelatin powder to juices, about a tbsp per 8 oz. glass. Do this regularly and your nails will grow very fast and stronger.

By SheilaMay from NYC (Guest Post)
November 7, 20070 found this helpful

Dish detergent & water will dry out your nails, so use gloves whenever you wash dishes. Also, try tapping your nails lightly - I repeat lightly - on a hard surface several times a day. It increases circulation at your fingertips which will aid nail growth and also strengthen your nails.


This hint was given to me many years ago by a dermatologist and has worked very well for me.

By Kayray (Guest Post)
November 7, 20070 found this helpful

I swear by TIPS for nails. You can get it at It turned my weak nails that split and peeled into long, wonderfully strong nails.

By Enter your name Jo Ann (Guest Post)
November 16, 20070 found this helpful

Eat more protein. If you can't do it with meat or eggs try adding a scoop of protein whey powder to plain yogurt and adding some fresh berries. I have this nearly every morning and my nails are very healthy. It is also good for healthy hair!! My recipe is 1/2 to 3/4 cup of fresh berries, 3/4 cup of plain yogurt (full's healthier for you) and 1 scoop of protein. If it's not sweet enough just add a little sugar. If you're trying to keep the pounds off use Stevia instead.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 65 Requests
November 20, 20070 found this helpful

My sister swears by Knox gelatin capsules. I think the dosage is right on the box. This is plain, unflavored gelatin. I live in the USA and you can buy this by the Jello and pudding.


Or go to the health food store and they will definately have it and probably other things.

One thing I tried when I was trying to re grow my hair due to a medical problem. I am into herbal remedies and an her called Horse Tail is supposed to 'grow' hair. Well, two capsules twice a day for three weeks and then my hair started to grow back, I swear. It also made my nails grow. Not stronger, but they did grow faster.

Good Luck!!

By vanessa (Guest Post)
November 29, 20070 found this helpful

Drink green tea, reg or decaf, every day. This really works. Even my 90 year old mother does it.

December 11, 20070 found this helpful

I have always been a dairy eater/drinker and lots of cow milk and now goat milk. I do not wear gloves when washing dishes nor do I use any nail polishes/hardeners and my nails are rock hard and grow super fast. If I cut them in less than 2 weeks they are almost back the full length again.


I have always been told it is the dairy that contributes to healthy and strong nails and everyone admires how naturally white they are....Milk can do a body good! I drink mostly 2 % as whole milk is more fattening and goat milk is awesome yet costly.

By londa (Guest Post)
December 30, 20070 found this helpful

My nail growth and strength improved greatly, when I stopped using polish.

By Robin (Guest Post)
December 30, 20070 found this helpful

I constantly massage oils and/or lotion into my cuticle. Also I keep my nails buffed and that seems to help them grow stronger. It must be a circulation thing as someone has already mentioned.

By KAtie:)`` (Guest Post)
March 14, 20080 found this helpful

You rub in cutical nail stuff from hairhouse where hosue you put that on 3 times a day ot atleast 1 a day and you use nail hardener and then it hardern them and makes the cutical healthier and makes them GROW


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