
Cat Keeps Bringing Me Her Kittens?

My 9 month old cat recently had a litter of 9 kittens. One was stillborn, one she fell asleep on, and one died this morning so I'm down to 6. They are two weeks old. I'm unsure the cause of death of the one this morning but she had brought it to me first thing this morning and I could tell it was weak but it was dead by the time I got home from church.


Also, my cat is in the habit in the evenings to bring me about 4 kittens and she just flops them on me. I've never heard of a cat doing this. After I lay and pet her and the kittens for about an hour she helps me carry them back to the closet before I go to bed. Anyone have any thoughts or concerns on the matter?

Jessica from Richmond, KY

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August 26, 20086 found this helpful
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It sounds like she needs more attention than she is getting. I know its hard but try and find time everyday to pet all the kittens and mama and tell them how wonderful they are and what a good mother she is being. Remember to feed mama LOTs of food. The queen(mama) just like any other Mother needs to be encouraged that she is doing a good job, and is appreciated and loved. Just hang in untill 8 weeks and then they can take care of themselves/can be adopted. Best wishes to you and your new family.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
August 26, 20083 found this helpful
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It's probably because she loves you & trusts you & when she's with you she feels most secure that she brings her kittens to you... Like sweet little gifts... Almost reminds me of when a cat brings you their mice as a special prize.


I bet she's also got a bit of "post partem depression". If a human's hormones can go all crazy after childbirth, then why can't a cat's?

August 23, 20180 found this helpful

I really like this answer!

By guest (Guest Post)
August 26, 20083 found this helpful
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Please start feeding them with a doll's bottle with a nipple they can suck on or at least a bowl of milk by them. You could possibly coax them to drink by holding them up to the bowl of milk. Please! They need immediate attention as the mother does not have enough milk at her age. Thank you.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 167 Feedbacks
August 26, 20084 found this helpful
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You need to get this poor kitty spayed before she gets pregnant again! It's imperative to do this, for her health.

She's only 9 months old, and having kittens could compromise her health and even stunt her growth. Her immature body could be one reason so many kittens are dying; their mother is still a kitten herself, poor thing.


Imagine an eleven-year-old girl having a baby--that's what your kitty is going through.

Also, whenever you adopt those kittens out, please encourage the new owners to spay/neuter them. It will be best for their health in the long run, too. :-)

February 27, 20162 found this helpful

Hi again from Rose R; first of all I must apologize because I didn't realize this post was from 2008, didn't have my reading glasses on; I'm not one to judge or criticize anyone; we don't always know the circumstances; maybe this was a stray that was rescued, if so thank you for that, but spaying and neutering whether this is add was from 2008 or 2016, my feelings are the same; yes, those kittens are cuties but they do grow up to older cuties; best to everyone; and Nutra=cal is the supplement; hope i spelled it right;

August 6, 20171 found this helpful

My wife and I rescued a calico stray, out of a groundhog hole, in our backyard. It sits 20 yards from wilderness, that's to say, there are millions of kept vineyards and woods directly behind us. Therefore, this lil kitten 9 months ago found US. We named her MACI...and she totally realized my wife saved her life, and little Macy follows my wife around the house like a small child follows its mother around in fear that she'll leave her. It is the most cutest thing I've ever seen, and I'm somewhat of a heavy metal guitar player! But clearly I see the feline to human interpersonal relationship that occurred because of this. No question in my mind.


So, last Sunday or a little Macy at about 9 months old gave birth to her own litter of Three Little Kittens. She continually tries to move them underneath our bed in our room because that's where she hid when we first brought her into the house because she felt it was her safety zone. We're trying to prevent her from Raising her kittens underneath her bed because it's just not cool. And there be long-term effects like you know, pretty much no one wants a litter of cats as they grow up meowing more and more and more directly under their bed all night long making all that noise when us adults do have to go to work the next day! We've made her several nesting boxes and move them and try and re acclimate Macy 2DS but when we're not looking she enjoys sneaking her brood underneath her bed. We do have a door that shuts nicely but we also have too many actual human children who tend to leave it open then the second me he gets an opportunity she moves her kittens under a bed! Does anyone have any other suggestions? I would really love to keep Macy out of my room but also keep her with her brood! There's a couple of places in the house on our first floor but we try to keep them away from the children's rooms that are upstairs as well. We just want to find a nice quiet place for her and it's very difficult to do in such a small house that we have.


My wife knows a heck of a lot more than I do about feline reproduction and kitten rearing Coloma but I definitely do understand we need to get her in the safest place that she feels a safe. Not a place that we feel the same. None the less it will not be underneath my bed! So I really don't know what to do?

August 27, 20080 found this helpful
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I agree with the last two posters, that the mother is too young to remain healthy through this. When we humans are pregnant, our teeth, fingernails, hair, skin, and so on often suffer during the pregnancy. If we are getting enough healthy food, both mom and baby do fine; when we don't eat enough healthy food, the baby gets first and we get second. That's the way our bodies work during pregnancy, and that's also the way they work when we are nursing. I strongly suspect that this may be what is happening to your cat. She's on the young side to be going through pregnancy and nursing, so it is possible that it is taking its toll on her body.


She's tired from being a kitten herself and going through pregnancy; her body is probably not making enough milk or it's not nutrient-rich enough to feed that many kittens and still keep her own body going. One of the posters suggested a baby bottle (or a doll's bottle, I can't quite remember). Another suggestion would be to use an eye dropper. I'm not sure if milk is a good idea, though. I have heard that cats and kittens, although they very much love milk, often get diarrhea from it.

The dehydration that milk may cause at a time when their health is already compromised, may be the wrong thing. I am wondering if baby formula might be a better option. I'd call a local shelter for advice since I'm sure they have had to feed young kittens who've lost their mothers before the kittens were weaned. They should be able to guide you through this. After this is all over and things settle down for you, please consider spaying/neutering this cat and her kittens.

July 16, 20173 found this helpful

Cows milk, baby formula, soy milk or anything else that humans may drink is bad for kittens. Adult cats can drink it but it can be fatal to kittens. Only use kitten formula. You can get this at Walmart.

December 11, 20200 found this helpful

Kittens. Should be fed a special milk you can find at a pet store . Tractor supply carrys it as well.

August 27, 20082 found this helpful
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Go to your local feed store or vet and get mothers milk and feed this to your kittens. It is for kittens and puppies.

By Loretta B. (Guest Post)
August 27, 20082 found this helpful
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Hi, If the kittens are making you cat weak, you can buy a tube of protein paste for the cat. I can not remember the name of it, but look at a pet store. I had a young cat that had kittens and the vet said that because the mother cat was small, the kittens were too much for her and it made her weak. I had to put some of the protein paste on the mother cat's front paw and she licked it off. I also had to bottle feed the kittens once a day to give the mother cat some relief. Loretta

February 27, 20160 found this helpful

Nutra-cal; plus they sell liquid milk for mama and the babies; and for the sake of this poor cat and millions of animals in the pounds and the thousands upon thousands of unwanted animals that are killed everyday, we just don't need any more puppies and kittens; there aren't enough good homes and people are giving up their animals because they can't afford them; find your local ASPCA or shelter that will offer low cost spay and neuter and before those kittens are adopted out; please make sure they are truly wanted by whoever takes them, will be responsible, and that you put in writing they will spay and neuter, otherwise, I wouldn't adopt to them; depending on how long you wind up holding onto these poor babies, they can be spayed and neutered at an earlier age, DEPENDING ON THEIR HEALTH AND WEIGHT, because many many promise to do, and don't; whoops!!! more litters, more strays; do your homework, a nine month old cat should not be giving birth and if that is something you like, her to be pregnant all the time, then, take a trip to your local shelter and see what's there and how many will be killed the following day; don't add to the population of the unwanted; very sad; this may seem harse to many but I came across an absolutely georgeous female sitting on a main street, very busy street in a highly populated area in New York, Queens, got out to access the situation, out came 28 others, 6 pregnant females in the dead of winter; thank goodness I was able to have someone listen to my plea because its hard to find any non-profit or shelter that will come out to help becuase everyone is full and overloaded; this I do understand; we had out blizzard, 3 days later, an Angel was sent to help me with another one of her Angels, 26 were TNR (trap neuter release) of those 5 3 month old kittens were adopted out; following day 13 more TNR'ed; there are thousands roaming these streets, imagine what it is like in all of the United States not to mention around the world; they suffer, they starve, are killed by cars, abused by people who hate them, poisoned; please don't add to their population; thank you.

By AuntyC (Guest Post)
August 27, 20081 found this helpful
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I think the cat is asking you for help. Try supplimental feeding for both the cat and the kittens. If you can't afford the cat milk at your vet's office or Wal*Mart, try diluting evaporated milk. I think I started out 2 parts warm water to 1 part milk. Add a bit of egg yolk too.
Feed the cat a "juicy" meal... moist canned cat food mixed with beaten egg and warm water. Just make it soupy. She's way too young to make it on her own.

By Karen Lawson (Guest Post)
August 28, 20081 found this helpful
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I agree with the other posts that she is too young. Sometimes they aren't good mommies when they are young and sometimes first litter moms aren't very smart. There again, some never learn. However, she does know something is wrong and coming to you for help so she isn't dumb by any means. Check her to see if she still has milk. You can kind of pinch (squeeze) her teats and see if anything comes out. Even if she does, it may too many kittens for her. You should try the kitten milk, you can get it at Walmart and get a pet nurser. It takes a lot of patience but hang in there. Be sure to let her continue to love on them and clean them. They need that in order to use the bathroom. You might can try the idea of the custard, I haven't heard that before but sounds like a good one. Maybe alternate the formula with that.
Good luck and let us know how it turns out.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
August 29, 20082 found this helpful
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I'm a little late with this post, but I don't think this is as serious as so many of the others do. I think your cat just wants to be with you, and she wants the kittens with her, or wants you to share in the joy of these kittens!! My ex and I had a cat that was always snoozing with us or playing. She was an experienced mother and 7 years old when we got her. She chose the bedroom closet to have her kittens in, and when they got big enough to climb out of their box, she wanted all of them in the bed with us. We were afraid we might squash these tiny kittens in the night, and so tried to leave her in the bedroom with them, and sleep in another room. She wouldn't leave us alone -- dragged those kittens to where we were sleeping, and had to jump over a "road block" we had erected to keep the kittens in the room, but let mom get out to use her litter box and to eat. She would not be separated from us or from the kittens. Eventually that night we had to move the whole crowd into a porch. and close the door.Mama cat wasn't happy, but she soldiered through!!!

I don't think she needs more loving or anything. Nor do I think that she is depressed. Cats get notions and can be very stubborn. She just wants to be with you or your children as well as be with the kittens.

April 14, 20132 found this helpful
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My cat did the very same thing, only she was a little older when she had her kittens. (And before anymore butt-hurt posts come up about spaying, she was fixed as soon as she dried up.)

She was about a year and a half old, and had 4 very healthy kittens. First time mom, and took very good care of them. I had her since she was 4 weeks old herself, and she is very attached to me as Momma. She constantly brought me her kittens, all the time, like she was saying, "Hey! Look what I made!".

She moved them wherever I went, whether it was the couch, the bed, or even the floor! I just had to sleep lightly, and made a barrier with pillows so that I wouldn't roll onto them. Female cats bond strongly with their owners that take care of them, and they will constantly move their kittens to a place they feel is safe, even when they are older. She just feels safest with you, and wants you to praise her and her babies. Nothing more, nothing less.

She's not a bad parent, and it's unfortunate about the one she sat on by accident. That just comes from inexperience, but it could have had health problems to begin with. (IE, my cat sat on her babies' heads, never a problem.) I can tell ya, the hardest part is giving them away once you have raised them. You will want to get her fixed after that, because the heart ache is just too much to let those babies go. :(

August 26, 20080 found this helpful

I've loved on that cat until I've ran out of loving to give tonight...I actually had to close her in the closet tonight with food and her litter box...she wouldn't leave me or the kids alone for bed.

February 25, 20191 found this helpful

I find with our 6 kittens if I can get them to be calm and be still they will go to sleep. Now when they come yo me it's belly rubs and then they fall to sleep.

August 27, 20082 found this helpful

My Wal-Mart carries the canned mother's milk and the bottles Good luck with your new family, I hope the rest make it.

August 27, 20082 found this helpful

my mom recently found 2 abandoned kittens. She bought some kitten formula at a pet store and has to bottle feed them. since they are getting some milk from they're mother, you would probably only need to feed them once a day, probably in the evening when she carry's them to you. if you have kids it might be fun to get them to help. and perhaps ask about some cat food for the mommy that has some extra vitamins. at least untill the youngster aren't relying on her for the bulk of their own food.

August 27, 20082 found this helpful

Poor baby, nine kittens(or even 6) are a lot to look after, especially if mama is just a kitten herself. My sister just had a similar happy event with her kitten having kittens (just 4 thankfully). I'm going to agree with other posts that she probably needs extra food or at least some vitamins, and perhaps a break from the kittens for a bit once a day or so. Good luck for the next eight weeks

By \Carol in PA (Guest Post)
August 28, 20082 found this helpful

Your poor kitty knows there is a problem with her kittens and doesnt want them to die. No wonder she is coming to you for help. You can make an egg nog mixture to feed the kittens. I'd try giving some to the mother as well. She needs help in feeding them.

This is a time for you to show your children how to have compassion for God's creatures who are unable to care for themselves. These are life lessons they can take into their later years. It is not time wasted.

Best wishes always,

August 28, 20081 found this helpful

All of the kittens are getting big now...I think the one that died was just too weak from the get go. You have to remember one was stillborn and the other she slept on because she was in a box and the litter was just too big. It had nothing to do with health. I think she genuinely just wanted loving. She eats like a pig and I do feed her wet canned cat food and raw eggs and fresh ice water multiple times a day.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
August 30, 20082 found this helpful

I have had numerous cats and when young had lots of kittens around. Now I believe in spaying and neutering. I think your mom cat just wants to share with you, and great that you set her a place of her own. Some of the posters harp on she is too young but how can you control that now? Maybe have her fixed after this litter. Good luck.

By Crystal (Guest Post)
August 31, 20080 found this helpful

Poor cat, she is still a baby herself. You wouldn't want a 13 year girl to have kids. Please take care of her and get her spayed. If she is your cat you need to do that for her. It is setting a very bad example about animal ownership to your children, better explain your mistake to them and "fix" it.

By Elisabeth (Guest Post)
September 1, 20082 found this helpful

I agree with leoul53. After raising many cats, the answer is simple. Your cat is proud of her kittens. She wants to share them with you. She wants you to love them as much as she does. Whether she has one kitten or nine, mother cats will bring them to you. And whether a cat is a good mother or mot, and most are, many kittens don't make it . It's a part of nature. Enjoy these precious kittens and don't let anyone make you feel guilty. You did nothing wrong. Just remember spay and neuter!

September 3, 20082 found this helpful

honey mommy cat just loves you she is happy to have you. Hey my dog was two and a half when she started to have her period (got fixed just in time ) I have a cat and a dog before cat hardly bottered me expect to pet and run faucet to drink. Now dog and cat fight over me. Dog during the day Cat at night. Yes they both get attention they are just my other 2 babies my daughter is first hubby is second and dog and cat are next in line.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 407 Feedbacks
September 4, 20082 found this helpful

Kittens that are handled by humans from day 1 grow up to be very friendly cats. Make sure they go to good homes where they will be appreciated!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 121 Feedbacks
September 30, 20081 found this helpful

Get your cat spayed! Read all the stories about humane societies and shelters that are overrun with cats and kittens. Please have her spayed!

February 18, 20152 found this helpful

I have 3 cats. two males who are fixed and my female who I had not yet taken to be fixed. She never goes outside so I was planning on getting around to it but have no excuse for not having done so yet because all it took was one time of her getting outside and now she has a litter of 4 kittens. She is a 2 year old cat and will be fixed as soon as she is finished nursing her litter. She is a good mother and luckily I have found families to take her babies once I have them fixed along with her. She also brings me her kittens. She will bring them to me while I sleep in the bed and pile up along with me keeping the kittens warm between us. I worry sometimes about not knowing she has done this while I sleep so I have taken steps to make sure I can't accidently roll over onto them while I sleep when she brings them to bed. She will also bring them to me when I am watching TV on the couch. She will drop them off on my chest one at a time and then come lay on my chest as well as she nurses them. I worried about her doing this until I realized she was rubbing her forehead on mine as she did this. I believe she is sharing with me how proud she is of her kittens and knows that I will help her take good care of them just like I have always protected her and taken care of her. I wish I had not procrastinated and had her fixed as soon as I brought her home as a stray kitten. Lesson learned, so please no lectures. Yes, I do know better and have no excuse for it. However I am pleased that this skittish little stray has grown to trust me as much as she has with her precious babies. All four were born fat and healthy without any problems. She appears to be very proud of what she has accomplished and her babies with all go to good homes and will be well cared for.

June 23, 20152 found this helpful

Give mama cat milk but not kittens cause i think they can get diarrah..i call the vet tell her whats going on see what she says. I put my mama cat and kittens in a carrier at night so she don't carrier them around. My cat was putting them in the toy box and hiding them leaving them at bottom of steps also if mama cats used to being in you r warm soft bed she still want to be there my cat slept with me and she did bring them to my bed. She only had one. . So.... That was long time ago.

March 18, 20162 found this helpful

ok so my cat just had her first litter and i feel like she asked me to move her litter i moved them to tha spot she picked now she seems perfectly happy any reason why she didnt just move them herself she was goin back and forth from the place to me to where the kittens were shed look at me meow and do it again i moved them now she seems content anybody ever seen this


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 679 Feedbacks
April 4, 20162 found this helpful

The product is called "KMR", for Kitten Milk Replacer, and can be given to orphaned kittens, as a supplement for nursing kittens, and as a supplement for the nursing mother to help her stay nourished. Sometimes, it can make the difference between life and death for kittens and the mothers. It's good to get and keep on hand when you discover the cat is pregnant. There's a similar product , called Esbilac, for puppies and dogs.

May 3, 20172 found this helpful

Most likely something in the area she has the babies is making her environment feel compromised and makes her think sh3 babies are unsafe. Since she knows your sent and she trusts you, she will try to keep her babies in the safest and most secure spot she feels possible. Their may be something in the area thay is frighting the mother and so she wanta you to make sure they are safe and sound

June 30, 20180 found this helpful

Its because its her first litter of kittens and she trust her owner to guide her into this new experience.

April 13, 20191 found this helpful

I had a cat that used to do that,i finally figured out she needed help taking care of them i got some supplemental food and an eyedropper and started feeding them a little a couple times a day...she stopped bringing them to me after that....the first time she was young...and she never did it again until she had a litter when she was to old to have them..then she brought them to me again..i didnt have her fixed.back then i did good to survive my self

April 6, 20200 found this helpful

Sometimes it can also mean she knows something is wrong with it . Bringing it to your knowledge so you can help it in a way she doesn't know how to . This recently happened to me about a week ago .


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