It is very quick and easy to put together recipes using boxes of cake mix, prepared breakfast cereals and tins of soup or vegetables, etc. But, please, for the health of your family, do this as little as possible. If you look at the labels of commercially prepared foods, you'll soon realize that you are feeding them masses of sugars, salt, fats and a cocktail of chemicals which are detrimental to their bodies.
Whenever possible, prepare simple meals from scratch using fresh ingredients, including as many homegrown vegetables - especially greens - and herbs as possible. Even in a city apartment it is possible to grow a range of herbs and leaf veggies in pots and tubs, or at least to sprout seeds for fresh greens.
Try sprouting beans and other seeds bought at a health food market. (Never use packeted seeds which are intended for growing as these are usually dipped in poisonous chemicals.) Mung beans, alfalfa, wheat, peas are just a few you could try. Rinse a few seeds under running water in a jar. Place a square of muslim or fine net over the jar and secure with a rubber band. Leave them to soak in water for several hours, then drain off that water and rinse them twice a day until the seeds have sprouted, usually between three to six days. Use them in salads, soups, stews or on sandwiches, depending on the kind of sprout. It's very easy and you know you are giving you loved ones fresh, healthful and chemical-free food.
Cancer is on the increase and it is believed that more than 60 percent of cancers are caused by the foods we eat. It is up to us to ensure that our children get the most nutritious and healthy food possible.