
Dealing With Aggressive Dogs?

My dog is people and dog aggressive. What do I do to calm him down?

By Saida from Binghamton, NY


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August 12, 20110 found this helpful

1. Get your dog a complete physical and dental exam, including bloodwork, as being in pain or having an underlying physical condition can cause aggressive acting-out in animals.

2. Make sure your dog gets regular walks and playtime every day, to burn off excess energy and stress.

3. Enroll your dog in obedience classes, to socialize him/her with other dogs and establish yourself as the pack leader. A dog feels secure when it understands and obeys commands, and lives in a household with an established routine and pack leader.

4. As a last resort, consider using some Bach's Rescue Remedy as a calming agent. You can google it.


Hope this helps. Good luck!

August 12, 20110 found this helpful

I would also invest in a crate and a muzzle. The muzzle for when guests are over, and the crate is a great place to have him go to help him feel secure if he needs to be left alone...see for videos, free videos on training with markers about how to teach a dog to go into a crate happily. Sometimes if training doesn't work they are going to need tranquilizers.

Bless you for caring for a moody dog! Robyn

August 12, 20110 found this helpful

This is a link on the website that has a lot of things in it that might be helpful.
Blessings, Robyn


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