
Starting a Trumpet Vine From Seed Pods?

I know that seedpods can be used to start a new trumpet creeper vine, but what if you took the new pods from a vine before they have dried? What is the best way to keep the seedpods until they are ready to be planted?



Hardiness Zone: 7a

By Pam from Statesville, NC

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September 28, 20100 found this helpful

Simply let them dry in a covered area outside; however, to be honest with you, it takes a couple of years for a plant to bloom even one purchased from a nursery! So, why not instead join either a yahoo garden trading group near you and ask if anyone has one as they are notorious for sending up suckers everywhere! Or simply get an established plant as I did for $3.75 at a nursery? By the way, mine still has yet to bloom!


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