How do I clean the inside of a toaster oven window? Is there a home remedy? I can't take the man-made chemicals. Does anyone know of any tried and true stuff that works? Thank you so much.
By Pamela Rochelle Woodworth from Sun Lakes (Chandler), AZ
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Just before you go to bed at night take some paper towels or even couple layers of newspaper and lay them on the surface you want cleaned and pour or spray on some plain ammonia. Close the door and close the kitchen door if you can. In the morning wipe what you can, and use a plastic spatula to scrape off more. Wipe and rinse and dry and then put on baking soda dry and rub with a rag to get whats left, and of course, rinse and dry again.Line with foil and replace as it gets too yucky to save yourself the first process.
I believe Pamela wanted to know how to best clean the inside of her toaster oven window. I would like to know, too.
Use baking soda. I just cleaned my toaster oven this past weekend. The window was a mess. I just sprinkled some baking soda on it and used my wet dish cloth and it cleaned up super easy. I also used the baking soda on the grill thing that slides in and out that you put stuff on and it came super clean too.
Definitely baking soda and vinegar, too! There's no way I would use ammonia in any appliance that heats food, or even the fridge for that matter :-o Even if you rinse it well there would still be some ammonia residue and, since you mentioned you can't take man-made chemicals in the first place, that's all the more reason not to use such a strong cleanser like ammonia!
Use a paint scraper or single edge razor blade it works on toaster ovens and regular oven glass doors.
I have used CLR it works great! Just attach a sprayer to the bottle and give it a quick squirt. Let it sit for 5 minutes, then wipe off.
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