
Identifying Bromeliads?

Can anyone identify either of these bromeliads for me? I bought them at a farmers market and she didn't know the name of them, just that "they're the easiest things in the world to grow" lol..


Hardiness Zone: 9a

Jeri from Southern Mississippi

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April 5, 20080 found this helpful

After MUCH research (who knew there were so many types of bromeliads!) the one with the bright red center is a Neoregelia - since I've not found anything on the second one I'll just treat them both the same till I notice a difference in the growth of the second and the do trial and error.

Thanks anyway

By Luke (Guest Post)
May 25, 20080 found this helpful

The top one is known commmonly as "heart-of-flame" but as to the lower I am unsure. It is definitely not the same as the top.


You can see that the lower one has a completely different centre.


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