
"Country Living Past and Present" Float Ideas?

I am needing a float idea with a theme of "Country Living Past and Present"? Any ideas?

Dana from Colorado


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By Linda (Guest Post)
September 19, 20080 found this helpful

Picture the float in 2 halves. The front half is past. Have a table and an old wood burning stove, make stove out of boxes and paint if one not available. Have a stack of cut wood near it. On table have ingredients for a cake, flour, eggs, lard (crisco, etc), baking powder, water, vanilla, etc. for a cake from scratch. Woman on front of float can be in process of mixing the cake. In back a table, microwave or electric range, box of cake mix, egg shell, bottle of oil, woman could appear to be checking on cake in oven every so often, in between times could be reading magazine, be on the phone, etc.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 378 Feedbacks
September 19, 20080 found this helpful

Past - cowboy hat, today - baseball caps. Real cowboys wear baseball caps now! And the today side needs a computer and a GPS operated tractor. Old - hot weather, new - air conditioning. Old - beatup leather saddle, roughly used, horse looks tired, cowhand is skinny old guy and spits chewing tobacco. New - saddle and bridle are full of silver and the horse has polished hooves and glitter, and the rider is a girl with a hot pink blouse and matching boots. Old - low prices and cheap gasoline.


Old - hoeing a garden, weary scarecrow. New - packaged pizza being removed from freezer with store name on it. Old - blue ribbons at the county fair. New - computer printout at the county fair. I'll be doing this all night, you've got me started! For that matter, old steers were beltbuckle short and shaped like a brick, very fat in the days when 'well marbled' was good, and today's steers are much taller and nice and lean.


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