
Care For Potentilla Shrubs?

I have 6 potentilla shrubs that are close to 15 years old planted on the south side of our house. They have been beautiful until the last couple of years. They are brown and drying and look spindly. We prune them every fall. Does anyone know what could be wrong? We've had very hot weather. How long do potentillas last? Do they need fertilized? Should we be watering them? Thank you for responding.


Hardiness Zone: 5a

Kathy in Western Illinois

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By desert_gardener (Guest Post)
August 5, 20070 found this helpful

Sounds like your plants need a good deep watering. Also, check with your county's cooperative extension service and ask if there is a Master Gardener program. Master Gardeners are local volunteers who have received special training and can answer all your gardening questions. They even make home visits - best of all, their help is free!

August 6, 20070 found this helpful

Poinsettia should be cut back by 80 percent on St. Patrick's Day and then 20 percent the 4th of July .

I had some very old double poinsettia they just seem to die for no reason, I went to clean them up and they had Termits living in them, you may want to check and see if they don't have holes in the bottom.

August 6, 20070 found this helpful

I have Potentilla's up both sides of my long driveway.
First I would say to keep them weed free. This is actually easier then it seems. I weed each year and in the fall when the dried buds fall off they make a very good mulch. In the spring any weeds that are growing are only growing in the mulch and are very easy to pull out. Mine have about 4" of mulch.


Next the older shrubs need lots and lots of water especially in the spring. The more water the more flowers they produce.

By (Guest Post)
August 11, 20070 found this helpful

We just got lots of rain and they are looking much better. I guess watering them is the solution. Thanks to all 3 of you for responding. Kathy in Illinois

By lollipop (Guest Post)
May 3, 20080 found this helpful

I live in northern Canada - the last 2 winters we have had a lot of snow that has bent the shrubs right over. Last year I cut out all the dead branches - now the bushes look terrible(spindly). How far back can you prune them? All the new growth always seems to start at the outer edge of the branches. How do I get a nice bushy look again? I didn't know they needed a lot of water. I will try that - mine have always depended on rainfall.

By Jennifer (Guest Post)
November 6, 20080 found this helpful

Cut the shrub to 4 in. above the soil about every three years to keep it in shape. It needs minimal pruning otherwise.


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