
Asking a Guy to a Dance

January 31, 2013

Boy and shy girl standing by lockers.Well, I was texting the guy I'm going to ask to our girls choice dance (Tolo) and I told him I'm asking this other guy and I need ideas. I asked him how he would want to be asked so I could use that idea to ask him. He doesnt know I'm asking him, he thinks I'm asking somebody else.


Anyways, he said that it would be cool to bake something (he said brownies) for the guy and have a GIANT poster that reads "TOLO?" Then you give the guy a clothing item (eg. sunglasses, watch, snapback/beanie, etc.). My BFF is asking his best friend so we are going to ask them at the same time.

What we are going to do is bake some brownies and go to the Dan's house (the guy I'm asking) since I'm friends with his family. We are going to have the poster and be waiting inside at the entrance to his house. She is going to be wearing a white shirt that says "Will" and I'm going to be wearing a white shirt that says "Dan/Daniel". I'll wear a snapback to give to Dan and she will be wearing a beanie to give to Will. It's going to be perfect. We know Will and Dan are going to say yes because I asked if Will would say yes to her and he said he would. And Will asked Dan who he wants to ask him to Tolo and he said he really wants me to ask him. Anyways, I hope this was worth reading and not too confusing! Hope this works if you're planning on asking somebody with your friend! This works for guys and girls :)


By Em'n'm


24 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

April 14, 2015

I want to take one of my ex-boyfriends to a school dance, but I don't know how to ask him.

By alexisdeannamiller from Wellman, IA


November 21, 20170 found this helpful

Just be casual about it, ask him if he has made plans yet and if he says no tell him that you would like to go and ask would he like to come with you. Guys dont take hints very well so your going to have to be direct.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
November 22, 20170 found this helpful

Just ask! Say you would enjoy spending the evening together.

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January 16, 2011

Please help. There is this guy I like a lot and I want to ask him to the Valentine's dance, but I don't know how. Does anyone have any cute ideas?

By harlie


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
January 16, 20110 found this helpful

Why do you need a cute way to ask this boy to a dance, can't you just ask him. If you like him and know him well enough to like him there should be no problem.


If you only like him from a distance, maybe you shouldn't ask him, because he might not actually be your type.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
January 16, 20110 found this helpful

I agree with redhatterb, and I recommend you ask him quickly before another girl gets up the guts or he asks someone himself.

January 16, 20110 found this helpful

You must be brave. Life is too short to just sit by and allow another girl to snap him up without you taking the risk. Just walk up and smile, and ask him to go with you. If he says no then either go by yourself or ask someone else.


Plenty of fish. I'm 37 and I went to my junior prom with a guy, and it was fun but I went on my own to my senior prom and had a blast. Just ask him!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
January 17, 20110 found this helpful

In my day, the girls all waited for the guy to ask the girl to go to the dance. Now that things have reversed a gal finds herself going through the humiliation of rejection while the guy has to figurre a way to let her down easy. I think guys still should be the pursuer and the girls need to be patient and wait. If you're not asked, then he's not that interested.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
January 18, 20110 found this helpful

I agree that you should simply ask him but if you're nervous about asking verbally why don't you cut out a heart from a nice piece of red paper, write on the inside of the folded side, "Will You Go To The Valentine's Dance With Me?", fold it back in half, hand it to him in person, stand there in front of him until he reads it and see what happens. Here is a link of how to cut your own nice heart:


Let not your heart be troubled or your ego and confidence be crushed if he says no because, as was already mentioned, there are plenty of fish in the sea and you'll have fun going to the dance with or without a date. Let us know what happens. :-)

January 28, 20230 found this helpful

but what if you are scared to how would i do it and a like him and he like me but i just don't know how to

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October 24, 2013

I need a cute way to ask this guy to a dance.

By Allison from Forest City, IA


October 25, 20130 found this helpful

"Wanna dance?" will do just fine.
Depending on the occasion, you could try "Shut up and dance!" like the song.
If the guy has not danced yet all evening, try: "Do you want to dance or fake it like I do?"


Whatever you say, say it loud and face on to facilitate lip reading, in order to avoid a "Huh?", which would buy him time to think up an excuse.

January 3, 20150 found this helpful

Alright I know what you're talking about:) If you go on pinterest or just search it on the web, there are tons of cute ideas! It kinda depends on what this guy likes and such. For example, my boyfriend is the drumline captain so I was thinking of asking him with drumsticks or something. But he also loves Disneyland so I was also thinking of asking him there. Depending on how much you know this guy, you may want to go with something simple like a sign, but they also love when you tie their personal interests into asking them:)

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February 22, 2012

I don't know any cute, fun ways to ask a guy to morp. It's girl's choice and it'll be my 1st high school dance. I am a junior and want to make this a fun memorable time

By Kayla W.


February 22, 20120 found this helpful

Write it on his car with washables.

September 8, 20130 found this helpful

Just make a poster and lots of balloons around his room or in his class then you write yes on red no on black and maybe on yellow. Then tell him to pop his answer and give it to you.

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January 12, 2015

I've been talking to this guy for a while. Twirp is coming and I really want to ask him. I've never asked anyone before, so I want this to be cute and special. He's into dirt biking, hockey, video games, and he loves cookies. Any ideas?

By Jordan M.


January 14, 20150 found this helpful

Make or buy a giant size of his favourite cookie and using a tube of decorating icing or gel, write something like: It would be sweet if you would be my date for Twirp.

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October 19, 2014

I like this guy at my school and I want to ask him to the dance. The thing is I'm scared and really nervous to ask him. What's the best way to ask someone without getting nervous?

By briannajeanne


January 3, 20150 found this helpful

I've been there before and the thing is the nerves never really go away until you ask him. You just have to be confident in yourself and know that whether he says yes or no that you are still an amazing person and that you deserve someone who can see that and love that. If you don't want to ask him directly because it is too nerve-racking, you can always give him something(creatively made by you) asking him to the dance. But don't be so afraid that you don't ask him at all! Best of luck to you! Just keep being you and that'll do it:)

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October 23, 2013

I have a crush on my guy friend and really want to ask him to Co-ed, but can't think of cute ways. He is really into science, but I don't have any ideas.

By Emily F. from Pocatello, ID


January 3, 20150 found this helpful

Have you seen those posters that use elements from periodic table to spell out words? You can search it, but if he's really into science that might be a really good idea:) Or maybe just asking him in his science class, getting the teacher in on it? Idk, just brainstorming :P

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September 17, 2013

So there's this guy and he's a senior and plays football, likes God, the army, and video games. I need to come up with a cute and unique way of asking him. Any ideas?

By Tiffany D.


September 19, 20130 found this helpful

See if you can find a plastic army man, you know one of the green ones. Write your question on a circle of white cloth. Punch 4 holes in it, tie a string in each hole and tie it on the plastic soldier. Fold the parachute and toss it up in the air in front of him so it floats down near him. Don't hit him with it!

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October 26, 2012

There is a girls' choice formal dance coming up at my high school, and the boy I want to ask doesn't really know me that well. We have one class at school and that's about the only time we talk. Any ideas on how to ask him? And any advice? :)

By Keagan


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
October 26, 20120 found this helpful

Just walk up to the guy and ask him. If you are uncomfortable asking him before or after the class you share try to find out if you have the same lunch break or find out where his locker is and meet him there after last class and ask him. You don't have to do anything special just walk up and say, "Hi (name) I wanted to ask you to the dance" or " Hi (name) I wanted to know if you would take me to the dance".

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May 16, 2012

So there is a dance the twenty-fifth and I really want to ask this guy, but I don't want to make it weird! Please help.

By Kaelee from Buhl, ID


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
May 16, 20120 found this helpful

Just walk up to him and say, "Hey... have you found someone to take to the dance?" If he says yes just respond,"Good, I'll see you there". and start thinking of other guys. If he says NO respond, "Good, will you take me?" See were that gets you.

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September 28, 2016

This page is about asking a guy to a sweethearts dance. Finding an appropriate way to invite a boy to a dance can be a challenge.

Close up of couple holding hands. Boy is in suit, girl is in a red sparkly party dress

September 28, 2016

This is a page about asking a guy to a formal dance. You can get very creative when asking a boy to an important school dance.

Girl in prom dress kissing boy in suit on the cheek

September 27, 2016

This is a page about asking a guy friend to a dance. Asking a close friend to a school dance is not an uncommon occurrence.

Friendly teen couple pose casually for picture at a school dance

February 15, 2014

This is a page about asking a boy to homecoming. You may want to figure a clever way to invite a favorite person to an important formal school dance.

Couple Going to Homecoming

November 23, 2013

This page is about asking a guy to a prom. When asking someone to go on a special date, you need to feel confident and ready for any answer.

A girl with her prom date.

February 14, 2013

This is a page about asking someone to Sadie Hawkins. Planning how to ask a boy to a Sadie Hawkins dance can be a lot of fun.

a girl in a formal dress

February 1, 2013

This is a page about asking a guy to Winter Formal. Winter Formal is coming up and you are struggling to come up with a clever way to ask a guy to go.

Girl waiting for her date to a dance.


ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

October 27, 2010

What are some cute ways to ask a guy to a dance?


August 27, 2010

Can someone give me some ideas on how to ask a guy to a dance?


January 8, 2010

Here are some great ideas from previous years on how to ask a guy to a dance.


October 18, 2009

Here are some great ideas from previous years on how to ask a guy to a dance. Each school has it's own name: Sadies, Tolo, Sweethearts, Morp, etc. but usually the girl is supposed to ask and pay for everything. Over the years, the ways to ask have gotten more and more elaborate. Post your own ideas below but be sure that they are not too expensive, complicated, messy or dangerous.


February 22, 2008
Click to read more ideas from older posts on ThriftyFun.

September 22, 2007
Click to read more ideas from older posts on ThriftyFun.
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