Give your furry friends a Christmas present by sewing these cute animals. The patterns are very simple and inexpensive to make. This is also a great way to use up those scraps! The kitty holds a catnip mouse that you just slip under his paws. I found catnip in the pet section at Dollar Tree. The dog carries a felt tote that holds a bone. Make this one using durable material and your pet will be entertained with a new toy also.
Approximate Time: 1-2 hrs.
- scraps of material
- felt
- catnip
- stuffing
- ribbon and yarn
- infant sock
- photo of pet, optional
I made the tail for my cat by braiding yarn and used a few extra pieces for the hair tuft at top.

- Cut out the two body pieces and arms using the pattern.
- Sew on all facial features to one body piece.
- Sew arms together, leaving ends open. Stuff lightly.
- Sew body pieces together, inserting top hair and arms as you go.
- Make a long tail by braiding yarn or string together and insert into body at one of the bottom side seams.
- Tie a ribbon around the neck. Bring arms together to the front and tack paws together with a few stitches.
The mouse only requires about a teaspoon of catnip so one package will make many. You can also add some to the cat, if desired.
- Cut across sock about an inch above the heel. Stuff the toe area firmly. Put a teaspoon of catnip in the sock and continue stuffing until full.
- Make a running stitch around opening. Insert long tail and pull opening closed. Stitch closed.
- Sew beads or felt circles on for eyes pulling to slightly indent them.
- Use thread and knot for whiskers.
- Place mouse in arms of cat.
I made my dog from a heavy placemat purchased at a dollar store. You can get two dogs from one placemat.

- Cut out all pattern pieces. Sew body together, leaving a small opening for stuffing. Stuff firmly and sew opening closed.
- Sew facial features on one face piece.
- Sew ears together. Pin ears to head and sew head parts together, leaving a small opening at neck. Ears are not stuffed.
- Stuff head lightly and sew opening closed. Place head on body and stitch in back of head to secure to body.
- Sew paws, leaving end open. Stuff lightly and turn raw edge in.
- Sew to body. Do the same for tail.
- Sew on felt heart to tummy, if desired.
- Cut two- 2 1/4" squares from felt. Cut one frame from felt slightly smaller. Cut out center of this square for opening in frame.
- Print photo of pet to fit this opening. Glue to frame, then attach by sewing frame to one square.
- Sew squares together, leaving top open.
- Cut small strip from felt for handle. Sew ends to each side of tote.
- Place bone in tote and hang from dog's arm.
By Mary from Palm Coast, FL