Building our cabin on some land in the country took several years to complete. Once we had a roof and some walls, we would visit and spend nights. We found ways to cope. Here are some tips:
We ran an electric drop cord from the power pole to inside for lights or plugging in appliances and electric blankets in the colder months.
We took three cheap poly perk coffee pots, filled with water, perked just the water for an instant water heater with enough hot water for a basin bath and rinse.
In the summer time, we lined up six or seven clean milk jugs with water on the sunny side of the porch, again instant warm water for a bath.
We filled a fifty gallon clean plastic black trash can with water, when we returned the next week, we had fifty gallons of nice warm water waiting.
We lined the unfinished kitchen with huge boxes, threw a sheet over them and had instant counter tops. We had a coffee pot, electric fry pan, and toaster and were able to cook pretty much anything.