
Mom's Best Housekeeping Tip

The best thing I have ever done is move back in with my mother. For six months, while my family was between houses, we moved back in with my parents. During this time, I observed how my mother, a wonderful housekeeper, kept her house so spotless.


She only works at 20 minutes intervals. For example, after supper, she would put the dishes in the sink and clean off the stove. Then she would take a break. Later, she would go back and rinse the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. Then, she would take another break. Later, she would go put some laundry in.

I have taken my mother's unspoken advice and have found household chores not to be so daunting now.

By BarwickJ from Ottumwa, IA

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By (Guest Post)
March 18, 20060 found this helpful

I suffer from depression and this is the only way I get my housework done sometimes. I promise myself I only have to do it for 15 min. at a time.

By Sharee (Guest Post)
April 23, 20070 found this helpful

I've been looking for tips and this sounds like it will work. I get overwhelmed easily so 20 min. isn't that long... Thank you!!! I'll try this!!!

November 26, 20180 found this helpful

My daughter makes a list of 10 things to do. Not clean the kitchen! But each step that has to be done. Rinse dishes. Put dishes in dishwasher.


And so on. If she gets those 10 things done, she makes a list of 5 more. Whatever doesnt get done, goes on tomorrows list.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
April 23, 20070 found this helpful

Thank You for sharing your housekeeping tip... Any other tips out there? Anything to help in this daunting, daily task!

Has anyone out there ever read or heard of this book? "The New Messies Manual: The Procrastinator's Guide to Good Housekeeping" It has saved & changed my life! I just can't say enough about it! What a GREAT HELP!

---> I am a "Messie"... that is, for one reason or another... Us messies, are sometimes unorganized & tend to not have a spotless house. There is a WONDERFUL organization out there to REALLY HELP messies like me get going & find fast, easy ways to organize our housekeeping into compact, daily, weekly or seasonally ideas that make a difference


... You can read the book by Sandra Feldon called "The new Messies Manual" for GREAT tips in getting organized in your housekeeping. (Affiliate Link)

OR---> You can join a support group online, or in-person in your area:

Getting started: some easy tips:

* One of the easiest is this: Get dressed as soon as you wake up (or as soon as you have your coffee!)... don't stay in your robe or jammies... Some of us may think we can do just as much in our bathrobe, but... No! Not true! Because just "being dressed" changes our mindset & helps us to get going!

* Sandra Felton talks about the different types of "Messies"... I am a "Project Messie"... that is, I have projects laying all around my house.... Sewing, Painting, Crochet, Metalwork, Woodwork... (just to state a few...) She helps people like us get organized. (I think I need to read the book AGAIN! *grin*)


* There are also people who want to do such a good job, they get side tracked & don't finish the job... for example: You may be one of those who start cleaning the kitchen, but spend 3 hours cleaning just the top of the stove... (or whatever)...
* There are many types of "Messies" and many reasons for being a "Messie"... She addresses most of these & gives really easy, helpful funny solutions with a sense of humor. And are there any of us out there who don't need a bit more organization in their lives? I think not!

May 26, 20070 found this helpful

My mother taught us girls to do our whole house in intervals all week . That's gives you tons of free time and you won't suffer from house cleaning burn out.

March 9, 20080 found this helpful

Sounds like the perfect life.... give me the address, I won't take up too much space and I'll share on the food bills.

January 5, 20100 found this helpful

My mother of 5 kids would do housework only in the morning and took the afternoon off, at least until the first child arrived home from school about 4. She'd read, snooze, watch tv, etc. basically resting and enjoying her time to herself. Once all the kids were home she'd prepare supper and do the cleanup, help kids with homework, etc.


Her afternoon off allowed her to be fresh when we got home. She loved to sew and often did this in the evenings as well. She was a smart lady.

March 6, 20120 found this helpful

Another book that you might like is called "Is There Life After Housework?" by Don Aslett.

August 22, 20140 found this helpful

Thank you for your advice and also the book recommendation. I have had a small cleaning business (for over 30 years) and for the last several years, I've had a hard time getting motivated to clean my own!


Hope this helps me!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 174 Feedbacks
August 22, 20140 found this helpful

I have news for everyone - when you get to a "certain age" - like in your 80's - this method becomes compulsory because you have to ration out your energy to get through the day! I applaud all you younger people who are already doing this. Wish I had thought of it years ago! Joan from Chesterfield, MI


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