
Buying Magazines at the Newsstand

Do you find yourself buying the same magazine at the newsstand or supermarket checkout line every month? Go ahead and subscribe to it. Most subscriptions save you at least 50% off the cover price. On the other hand, don't renew magazine subscriptions that you rarely find time to read.


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By Cheryl from Missouri (Guest Post)
December 30, 20050 found this helpful

Save even more money by checking out your favorite magazines from the public library. Absolutely FREE!!

By Carol Tewksbury (Guest Post)
January 1, 20060 found this helpful

That is a great idea to subscribe Another great way to save is to check them out at the library Different libraries carry different magazines and its free.

By Cadensnana in Delaware (Guest Post)
January 22, 20060 found this helpful

I found a great site for cheap magazines at Some are only $4.69 for a year's subscription and some are more, but all are discounted. It's definitely worth checking out before subscribing through the magazine. You can also renew a subscription at these prices.

June 23, 20060 found this helpful

Very few new magazines attract me anymore.They are too polluted with Ads and their material always leaves me wanting more.
I will tell you what I do. I go to a place like FreeCycle .com and ask people if they want to get rid of their old mags. I also attend auctions where many times Magazines decades old come up for a couple dollars bid. Good timeless magazines like National Wildlife, Audubon. Childrens Highlights , History magazines. I have quite a collection. OH the craft mags always a bunch of them around though you may pay a little extra at the auction for them. They are worth it.


Yes I use to subscribe to Time -Hot Rod and a few others but like many people the fact that they came every month took some of tthe necessity out of reading them. Now when I get a bunch of Mags from Freecycle or and Auction it is like opening a treasure chest. A bonus!It wasn't me he just chopped down another tree.
Now I think since this post got me in the mood . I will open up my May 1951 Popular Science Mag It cost $.25 in those days
Some of the articles are How To Paper A Room and How Good Are Little Cars. Pictured on the cover are 3 little cars one I know is a Henry J another looks like a Nash.The other I cannot identify Well I will soon find out when I take the protected comic book cover off of it and spend several hours reading about yesterday.
I very much doubt even todays Popular Science is so detailed. I would bet there are many more ads in them. That is if there is even a Popular Science Magazine today.

I guess I live in the past folks But I Love It.
Oh here is another thought. How about friends sharing their Magazines with their other friends, Much like trading Paperback books. Maybe you could even do it at your workplace. Then when you are done and their are not other takers. put them on Freecycle or on the Auction block .



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