
Inexpensive Gardening Supplies?

I just moved into a house at the beginning of March. I am excited to finally have a yard, but have found that supplies to beautify the yard are very expensive. I would appreciate any suggestions. Namely, any ideas about where to get free plants?


Hardiness Zone: 5a

By Tamara Jestice from Loveland, OH

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June 3, 20090 found this helpful

You can buy seeds very cheaply. Dollar Tree often sells them for 10 cents a package. Start them in the house and then put them outside. If you want to spend a bit more you can buy coleus seeds. Keep the plants in pots and bring them inside when the summer is over. They will continue to grow and you can root more plants from cuttings.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
June 3, 20090 found this helpful

The best way to make a garden is to build a raised bed,this picture may help you,do not have to remove grass,just put down several layers of news papers or plastic,put cement blocks around it,on top of the paper or plastic to hold it down & to keep the grass & weeds from growing, then fill it with composted manure from Lowe's,get a bag of 10-10-10- fertilizer from the same place. After you have it filled sprinkle a light layer of the fertilizer on top then rack it in with a yard rack, you are ready to plant.


I have done this for many years it works, You do not have to rebuild a garden any more, just add more manure as needed in about a year. I do all this with a wheel bar, hoe, yard rack & a bucket, about a 3 gallon or 5 gall will help you. If you plant tomatoes you will need to stake them if they get tall enough to fall over,you can also locate any info online, search for "how to grow" tomatoes & etc. Good luck.

June 3, 20090 found this helpful

Ask, ask, ask! Most of us with established gardens would happily share cuttings and divisions of plants. The same with tools and some other materials. I bet there are lot of us who have an extra trellis, or planter in the garage that would love to share! Garage sales are a great place to find shovels, etc. Watch the clearance areas in the garden centers or garden parts of stores. Often plants that are past their bloom time will be on clearance.


But don't be hesistant to ask people! Put a note up at church, make a few calls, check craiglist! Good luck!

June 3, 20090 found this helpful

You guys are wonderful! This is one of my favorite sites! Thank you so much for all of the wonderful suggestions!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
June 3, 20090 found this helpful

I moved into my home 4 years ago & also didn't own any gardening supplies. I found some of my larger tools at garage sales, some of the smaller ones I bought at the dollar store (buy 2 because they break easily) & some of the best deals I got at liquidation stores like Big Lost. Big Lots sells quality garden hoses & tools for half the price of Home Depot.


Top get my plants I propagated my own English Laurel hedges (nearly free). All it took was 2 bags of playground sand in a flat box that I lined with a garbage bag. You'll have to buy rooting soil & just Google "Propagating" or the words "rooting plants". Some root better than others.

And don't forget about Farmers Markets for less expensive plants. I bet you could also work for some of these people in exchange for plants! There are also seed exchange clubs on the web.

June 4, 20090 found this helpful

Check out the website I don't know if you are wanting to plant flowers or veggies, but this site is good for flowers. Please know that if you sign up for you will get posts that will let you know everything that is being posted, but everything on this site has to be be patient. (you might find other things you are looking for for free ie gardening supplies) Every so often there is a post stating 'free xx flower come get and you can have'.


As for veggies....farmer's market. I live in central IL so I thought that the idea of a farmer's market would not be near me. I found out differently. They are great! Enjoy your gardening!

June 12, 20090 found this helpful

Get to know your neighbors! The first week we were here(april) we met our across the street neighbor. She asked if I wanted some plants and of course I said yes. I helped her dig up the bulbs and got to know her while digging. About 75% of my yard came from her yard first. I plan on giving plants to new neighbors from mine in the future. It is a great way to find a good friend. My neighbors are fantastic!

March 16, 20110 found this helpful

Hi, I don't know if you have ever heard of Freecycle but, they have been a huge help for our family and friends. we were able to receive and donate tons of usable items all for free and they are based all over the USA. Their website is Basically, how it works is you have to sign up which is free.And before you can ask for an item, they like to see you offer something (I think 2 items) for free 1st. Just to make sure you are not a spammer or troublemaker.


You would go to the site and I'll give you a couple of examples. If you were giving away something. You could type"Offer, (your town) little girls size 6 sweatsuit, good condition. Then in the paragraph, you can elaborate and say when you would like the item picked up etc. The best way to learn is by reading other peoples postings. Then, when it's your turn to post, it could be something like "Wanted, any perennial plants, or gardening items, close vicinity to (your town) if important. Or you could put within 10 miles, etc.

I'll tell you, I have given away so much stuff to people who really appreciated it and my daughter got 2 highchairs, a jogging stroller, assorted baby clothes and toys,etc. I've received sewing machines that I cleaned up and donated,got tons of fabrics, craft stuff, yarns, etc. Just beware. LOL. You may accumulate more things than you need! Take Care, Elaine on Long Island


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