A quick and easy craft, great for school stalls:
You will need:
- eucalyptus leaves
- 'fridge magnets (many businesses give them away, but you can, if really stumped, actually buy them)
- tiny, sparkly craft pom-poms
- top quality contact adhesive
- craft eyes
- Glue a strip of magnet on to the leaf first. Let it dry.
- On the other side, glue a crooked, but touching, line of alternating colour pompoms (you can see why they have to be little!).
- On the end one, place two of the wiggly eyes.
- If you are really clever, you may work out a way to get an indentation mark on the leaf, as though your new caterpillar has been eating!
By Leonie from Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia
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November 4, 20050 found this helpful
try using a holepunch ;o)
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